Your parents' hair types

Wow Flowerhair, good question
here goes, my dad keeps his hair short but it's very thick and wavy I think 3c/4a but the women on his side all have super-duper thick type 3-4 hair mid-back to hiplength natural hair. Mom has type 2-3 hair sometimes it looks/acts like 2 sometimes(esp in front) and 3 in back but she has small ringlet babycurls about the diameter of a pencil-thin marker. The women on her side all have midback to butt/classic length hair natural waves or curls, some of them have gotten relaxers and slacked off on their haircare, so their hair's much, much shorter now.
I got my mom's babycurls but my hair's 2x as thick as hers literally I'm not even exagerating I guess the thickness is from my dad's side, and I guess I may have a pretty long terminal length.
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My mom is a 3 something. My dad is a 4 something. My sister and I are 4a/4b.

My hair is thick and my mom calls it "spongy"
My sisters hair is uber-thick and has a lot of elasticity.
My mother has the nappiest hair I've ever laid eyes on. 4b is not an accurate description. It would more along the 5's. My Dad on the other hand is barely a 3. I have 4a/b hair, my sister has 3v hair and my brother's hair is to short to have a definite curl pattern although I think he falls aroun dthe 4b range.
Mom is probably a 3b/c...Dad is a 4b... I got all the nappy goodness. 4a/b. The 4a and 4b hairs are distinctly different when I wet set my hair into a ponytail :eek: :lol:
StrawberryQueen said:
My mother has the nappiest hair I've ever laid eyes on. 4b is not an accurate description. It would more along the 5's. My Dad on the other hand is barely a 3. I have 4a/b hair, my sister has 3v hair and my brother's hair is to short to have a definite curl pattern although I think he falls aroun dthe 4b range.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm laughing because I just remembered my moms dad also had the nappiest hair I had ever seen (and a very dark complexion) and his 3 brothers and sisters likewise...meanwhile when I went to Jamaica and met his parents they were both white complexion with 1 or 2 something hair....I'm like this is not possible....(is it:eek: :eek: )NOOOO WAAAAY :lol: :lol: :lol:
boy was I confused at the age of 9:perplexed :perplexed
My father's 3a and my mother, I don't know her hair is soft and very straight.

my natural hair is:


is guess 3b
My mom is a 3c, my dad is 4a, I'm 4a/b. I'm not sure where most of my features come from...but I had a blood test...I know the fool is my daddy.
Mom's hair is very thick 3c and dad's hair is fine silky 2b/3a. Mom's basically got thick corkscrew soft curls and had has silky shiny find strands. Not sure where mine came from. lol
My mother had the most beautiful hair I have ever seen. When I was a child she wore it long, almost to her waist. After mid thirties she cut it short and it was soooo curly. I would guess her to have had 3b hair. My dad had the coarsest hair I have ever seen outside of Africa so I don't think I can chart his hair type:lol: . I am a mix of 3c/4a and my hair is very soft and fly away.
My mom is a 3B. My dad is a 3C. I am a 3C. We all have super super thick hair. My mom curls are just looser on her natural hair. far as my child. Again, I am 3C. Hubby is 4B. Son is 4B.
My mother's hair is 1A bone straight and very fine, she wears it in a pony tail as she can't hold a curl in her hair. My father's hair is 4A and my hair is 3C and very fine/thin.
dad: wavy in the back, tighter curls up top - very thick jet black color
-his family has a straighter type of hair mostly 3's, 2 of his brothers are 3a
(i used to comb & play in my dad's fro when i was little:p)
mom: 4a fine, frizzy, off black color

me: 3c/4a frizzy(some parts don't even curl), very thick
brother: 4a fine, frizzy

my hair is more like my dad's; while my brother has hair more like my mom
I susally don't hair type, but this is interesting, so:

My dad is a 1 or 2 something (slight large wave, no curl at all)

my mom is a 4 a/b I think

I am 4a mainly with 3c in the back and top.
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ThursdayGirl said:
Mom is probably a 3b/c...Dad is a 4b... I got all the nappy goodness. 4a/b. The 4a and 4b hairs are distinctly different when I wet set my hair into a ponytail :eek: :lol:

I did too! LOL! and my bro
My sis has the type 3ish spiral curls
Hmmm....interesting. My mom is a fluffy 3a/b, my dad is a super-coarse 4b. My hair is nearly identical to my dad's. My sister has hair like my mom's.
This is my mother's natural hair texture:

It's so pretty, it makes me sick. My father is a 3C/4A, I think. I'm also a 3C/4A with a thicker texture than my dad has. His hair is fine, mine is a bit thicker but still not thick. I think children can get any of the hair genes available in the pool.
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Mom: i'd guess 4A, pretty thick and dense
unsure though, she wore a super-picked out BAA back in the day, since then she's always been relaxed

Dad: 3B/C fine texture,
as it gets whiter its getting finer and looser, its moving towards type 2 the older he gets though he swears he could still rock a fro if he wanted to
Very interesting...

My hair is 4a but most people (before I hennaed) assumed that my hair was of a looser texture.
But to me I am a proud 4a!

My mother has several different textures. Mostly 3a and some 2a in the back.
Her dad all 2a- (half Choctaw), Her mom a soft fine 3b/c.

My dad about 4a but seems to have some hairs that are slightly looser.
His dad (not to sure he always kept it crop to the scalp, but it was VEEERYYY soft and was probably a 3), His mom a soft fine cottony 3ish and her mother was sittin' on her hair.

It seems most of my relatives have fine hairs (thin strands) but I inherited a medium-fine.