What was your hair type as a child VS. Now?

JustMeSteph said:
Whats crazy is I had very straight hair (2 something)and my mom washed once a year (I know). She combed and brushed it out weekly with mineral oil and a stocking cap over the brush. Now, I have no idea I think it is a 3c with 4a spots but I am texlaxed so who knows.

Sorry OT, but I have read about this technique of cleaning hair before. It sounds interesting! :)
Right now, I'm going through a little something with the crown area, but once that gets better my entire head of hair should be the same as it was when I was a child...all the other areas are.
My mom said my hair looks totally different now than when I was a kid. It's a lot thinner now. I remember it being dry and fluffy. Now it's not. I also have curls now. She was surprised when I showed them to her recently. She was like what did you put in your hair to make it do that? I said nothing. Water and conditioner. I started having alot of problems with my hair around 13 or 14. I'm guessing that's when my texture changed. My cousin said the same thing happened to her. We were both relaxed around 6 or 7 years old with a similar hair type (4a/b maybe?) but she said her hair started to look more like her sisters 3b/3c hair around 13 or 14.
FlowerHair said:
Sorry OT, but I have read about this technique of cleaning hair before. It sounds interesting! :)
it is weird when I think about it but it used to work for us. I know that oiling the scalp is supposedly bad especially with mineral oil but *shrugs*. Where did you read about it?... if you can remember I would love to read up on it.
Mine...well when i was younger it was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy thicker than it is now (im talking brillo pad), now i have coily/kinks in the middle, and straight hair -yet 4a/b in the back - i cant explain it but its pretty straight...and 4b on the sides. However im starting to thick that the reason why my hair was like brillo pad when i was youneger is because it was all about washing once a century and dax/blue magic/soft sheen and pink magic. My hair doesn't like any of those things and when i go back to them my hair goes back to thick brillo pad...rather than just thick
Wow... You ladies have good memories. I rememeber a lot of things from my childhood, but my hair type is definitely not one of those things. Besides I never got to wear my hair "out" that often anyway. My mom combed my hair in the morning and sent me off to school. There was no looking in the mirror and no touching the hair until she was finished Now if you want talk about the braids and twist I had back then we could do that all day.