Is your hair like your mothers?

Is your hair like your mother or father?

  • Hair like moms

    Votes: 149 32.5%
  • Hair like dads

    Votes: 310 67.5%

  • Total voters
My hair type is more like my father's. The texture is like my mother's.

My father is a 4a/b. He has coarse hair.

My mother is a 3b/c, with fine hair.

I am a 4a with fine hair.
My hair isn’t totally like my mother’s or father’s hair, it's somewhat of a mixture of both.
My mom’s hair is fine 3b, my father’s hair is thick 4a.
My hair is medium thick 3c/4a.
Good question! My fathers hair is 4z:look:, and it grows soooooo slow. My mothers hair is a mix of 3b, 4a/b, and she has WL hair. However, she has had it since the 90s. So, I am not sure how fast it grows. But, I am hoping I didn't bet my growth from my daddy.:nono:
nope. i dont know my type but i do know that my mothers hair is the coarsest hair on the planet and its super thick. my dads hair is super thin and fine AND curly.
my strands are thin and my hair is fine but not as curly as my fathers.
My hair is more like my dad's.
He is a 4a.
My mom...I'm not too sure. Her hair is ridiculously fine but has no real texture to it :ohwell:.
It could be from hot comb hair trauma :rolleyes:
I think my hair is in between. But I would lean more towards my mother.

My father has a much softer texture than my mother. My hair is kinky, but the middle is quite a bit coarser than the rest of my hair.

My daughter has half/half hair too. But it's more like her father's hair; that's where the curly hair come from.
I don't know honestly

I just have to say thank God both sides of my fam have good-hair growing genes.
My mother and father both have thick heads of hair.

My mom....she's a natural 3c (I think) but it's 'wiry' waves. No curls. No corkscrews and no real kink(nap).
My daddy is deceased but I think he had 4a maybe 4b type hair. It wasn't cotton-y.

I'm not sure what sort of hair i have because it's just different at all points of my head. The hairline is somewhat kinky, the top and a portion of the bottom is wavy almost straight, the left side in the middle is somewhat coarse....
I think I'd have to go natural in order to figure out whose hair mine truly resembled.
I have a combination, I guess. I haven't seen my Mom's texture in over 30 years. She wore an afro in the '70s but she's a relaxer queen now. I think she's mostly 4a with 3c. Her texture is changing because of her medication. Her hair was always thick but it's a little thinner and she says her curls are loosening. Her mother has 2c/3a hair. (Black, Creek and Seminole Indian).

Dad's hair is not as thick as hers, but has a soft, cottony,4b. He's 55 but doesn't have a single gray hair. Mom's natural hair color is dark brown with a few auburn streaks. Her hair becomes a "sandy" color in the summer but she has a lot of gray. His mother has thin, 4a hair.

Mine is super-thick, 4a/4b off black that sometimes turns "sandy" in the summer. My oldest daughter has super-thick, 3b/c (from her dad) with a little of my 4a. My youngest has super-thick 4a/b.
Actually my hair is a mixture of both's hair is very fine and wavy and more like a 2c-3a, while dad's a very cottony 4b maybe even a Cnapp instead. Has no curls or waves in his hair at all. So guess that puts me in the middle as mostly 3c with some 4a.
i always thought my texture was from my father, who is half white, since all my life i have never seen my mom without a relaxer until recently (she started transitioning shortly after me, but still gets a blowout every 2 weeks). upon washing her hair the other day, i realized that our textures are very similar. so i can't answer the poll because apparently it looks like BOTH of theirs.

then again i have never seen him with anything but a buzz cut so i'm just ALL confused!
Nope there should have been a neither option- my mum's hair is a cottony soft 4zzz and my dad's 3b/c I'm 4a coily naps - i do wish i had mum's softness though(hairwise :lol:)
Well my Mom is a BC natural. She may have a 1/2in of growth on her head. Her hair is a thick 3b/3c. She literally can just add water to her hair and it remains soft and her curls pop. I love her hair. My youngest daughter has my Moms hair. I got very little of it...
It is said that we inherit our hair type from our mother. This is the most common. For me, NOT! My mother had very thin 3a hair. Her mother had thin 2b hair. My sister has semi thin 3c hair. I have 4a/b hair. I think I inherited my fathers hair. So let's take a poll, I'm bored!

Ooops, forgot to add the poll thingy, can I edit and fix that????

Hair is just like any of our other genes. It's like rolling the dice. It can be inherited (or a mixture) of our parents genes. For example, my little cousin has my grandmother's hair type and neither of her parents have it. It was in my uncle's genes somewhere. Her brother also has the same hair but her two older siblings (same dad different moms) don't have it.

I take my hair after my father's side of the family. They all have soft fine hair. My hair is fine and 4a/3c. My mother has very thick, coarse 4a/4b hair even though most of her family is in the 3's (with very thick hair). She's one of the few people on her side with coarse 4a/4b hair. My brother has her hair.
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Most definitely like my mom's hair. WHen I was home last year, I was going to take a pic of my dad - he said he needed to comb his hair. I looked and it just looked curly to me. I went to touch it and my dad has the softest hair! I turned to my sisters and said, "Feel dad's hair! Who got dad's hair? I didn't get it! Not fair at all!" :lachen: My sister Pam and my brother Jay got my dad's hair. The rest of us got my mom's. Only thing that's different from my mom's hair is that mine is graying earlier. Especially by my right temple. I'm attributing it to stress.