Is It Wrong Not to Go Outta Your Way to See Someone?

let this go........

don't put so much time , thought, and effort into a man into a man who obvisoluy doesn't want or deserve you. the simple fact that your are debating and second guessing yourself proves that you do want him to want you. youre worth more than this. youre a very beautiful girl, put more effort into loving you. never put yourself in a position where you are so eager to have a man that lower your self-worth and standards.

good luck w/ furture realtionships!!!
SK, we don't want to see you hurt.

You know in your heart the right thing to do. Be proactive and do it.

All of us have been suckers. Hell, I'm being one right now. But I will cut it off before I get deeply hurt.
I didn't go. (Duh. lol) But I think I need to tell the guy why I didn't come and how I don't appreciate how he treats me at times. I just keep avoiding it and makign excuses such as , "I might come later." instead of tellin him, you can go suck my big toe, if you want to see me that bad, come to me. I'm just waiting on him to call me, then I'll tell him.
Speaking of the durn devil...this boy just called me.... :rolleyes:

Update: :hardslap: DANGIT DANGIT! I had my poker face and everything, ready to tell this boy that I don't like this and that yada yada. And here he comes. He asked me why I haven't I haven't been calling him. He said he called 4 times last night and I didn't answer. (so.) Then he said I don't ever come to see him. (so.) He said he thinks there is another man in my life now. (If so, what?) Then he told me to come pick him up, because I never did come get him for his birthday. (no.) Then he said, I'm playing, but I really do miss you, can I pick you up after I get off work? (I don't do short notice dates. I HAVE PLANS.) All of a sudden my ma asks we wha I'm doing tonight, sleeping? He hears this ish. Says that he will be picking me up @ 7:30 since I will be in the house.

My whole spill about how I don't appreciate him treating me the way he does yada yada he be on the shullbit yada yada yada, and I think that we need more distance, he needs to stop thinking I'm his side piece....the whole plan foiled. AND he broke up with ole girl :rolleyes: So i'm STILL the side piece and have allowed myself to be it. UGH! :bricks:
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When he gets to the house, tell him how you don't appreciate him treating you like he does etc. Look serious and mean business. And when you are finished, I'd be like, "And I'm sorry, but I'm going out later and I need to get ready." Let him know you have a life (even if you are only going to be in the house) and he isn't the center of your life.
Uh, I think you know the answer.

He can drive 8 hours roundtrip to see someone else but can't drive 30 minutes to see you.

Answer your own question.

EXACTLY! I dealt with a guy like this were I was always the one going to see him bc of this or that...Mmph he found somebody he wanted to be with and moved to an entire different city for this chick.

"Never settle for less because as soon as you settle, you get less than what you settled for."
If he wants to see you, then he needs to travel to where you are....POINT BLANK, END OF DISCUSSION...:look:

Also, he is not your friend.....I see no potential in this friendship/relationship :nono::nono:

You seem to be a very sweet person, I would hate for you to get hurt by this guy...
If you insist of anything happening between you both, YOU need to take back control because as of are his fallback girl and at his beck and call. If he still had the girlfriend do you think he would have come to scoop you up?

To me, he is one of those.."I don't want to be with you but I will waste your time (string you along) so that you don't get involved with anyone else" dudes
Don't go anywhere. He drove 4 hours to see the other chick but won't make an effort to see you. I think you know the answer to your question. ;)