Im not living

Tracking my cycles seems like a good idea. Hopefully it doesn't take long for my cycle to regulate after I don't get my injection next month. I'm also hoping my body doesn't react too bad for too long. (acne) I just got my face acting normal again! Any one have ance after getting off birth control?
I learned this in class a few days ago and have seen it with my cousin...she was taken off of the depo shot and put on a BC pill that contained estrogen to get her period to come back and regulate. Apparently Depo is purely progesterone and as a result it causes you not to build up your uterine lining that normally sheds during your period and you wont have a monthly cycle. After her period started to become regular she was taken competlely off of BC.
ITA this is what we do, really he is good at it :lachen:.. Depo MADE ME CRAZY!!!! I was arguing with complete strangers, any little thing sent me off to the moon and I was taking whoever the offender was with me!!! Man I was seriously protected at that time. because someone could have hurt me. I had to get off it, and it took years for me to come back to normal. I MEAN YEARS.

PLEASE get off that Depo with the quickness!!!

YIKES !!!.. That's a long time !!!!! ... Idk how I feel about birth control again. For now, I will stick to tracking my cycle and using condoms and withdrawal method.. Withdrawal method on the safer days, and condoms on the not so safe days.

Tracking my cycles seems like a good idea. Hopefully it doesn't take long for my cycle to regulate after I don't get my injection next month. I'm also hoping my body doesn't react too bad for too long. (acne) I just got my face acting normal again! Any one have ance after getting off birth control?

I had acne while on birth control and I did not realize it was the birth control until I decided to come off of it. No one could figure out why my face was breaking out when I never have breakouts. From all of what I've read and understand about the female cycle, there is only a small window of time that you can get pregnant monthly, and if your cycles are normal, after a bit you should be able to somewhat gauge when your 'safe' days are.
Tracking my cycles seems like a good idea. Hopefully it doesn't take long for my cycle to regulate after I don't get my injection next month. I'm also hoping my body doesn't react too bad for too long. (acne) I just got my face acting normal again! Any one have ance after getting off birth control?
You did say that pregnancy was not an option, right? Be careful with this. One mistake, and who knows what could happen.
I was on all types of the pill as BC to manage my painful cramps. It messed me up so bad. Low sex drive and emotional madness, but I had clear skin and no cramps:ohwell:. I finally got off because of the emotional roller coaster and weight gain were driving me crazy. I use the "pull out" method now and I'm ok with that, I guess.

It's amazing to me how "they" can come up with a blue pill to help a 70 y/o man get it up but can't figure out decent BC for us women. :nono: Sickening.
For ladies who have problems remembering to take BC pills - I used to set my cell phone alarm to go off every evening at the same time to remind me to take my pill. This worked great for me.
I posted this in another thread, but my sex drive was HORRIBLE (after my DD and w/ my IUD). (and lasted a few years--tried all kinds of things to get it right)

And honestly, since i've been taking 3000 mg of MACA (been about 4 weeks now) it has been a crazy turn around. I tried lower amounts--but this amount really gave me results.
My DH def. notices a difference.

I actually WANT it, and my body reacts to him and sex like it should/used to

ETA: corrected amount of maca i take from 1500 to 3000--mistyped
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Girl, pleasssseeee get off that mess. 8 years?!?!? Eight years?!?! Yeah, it's killing your sex drive - and if you are lucky, it'll come back to normal once you are off of it. Once my BC started chomping into my libido, it's never come fully back to where it was before - and it was around year 7/8 of me being on the Pill.

Also, since then I've never been able to take anything that screws with my hormones - it makes me TheCrazy.

Condoms? Diaphrams? Cervical Cap? NuvaRing? IUD? Low-hormone BCP's?

See, this is why I stick to my condoms. I've never taken birth control; and don't plan to. I don't trust those pills at all!! Now that I know it messes with your libido, I darn sure won't even think about possibly using them.

I think condoms are the best. I don't have to worry about anything too invasive.
the last day to get my injection is on the 20th of August, so i have a while until I can look foward to better days.. *off to check out Maca Root*
I had that same problem with Loestrin but since switching to Yaz, I don't have that issue. Once we marry, I'm hoping to look at other/natural options.
yaz huh? well idk... that may be a better option in the future, for now though im going to buy some Maca root and see how that works for the next 2 weeks. Im still not getting my next injection though... when/if i go back to bc it'll have to be something low/no hormones... thanks a million ladies!
OP,I just re-read your first post---you said you've been on this stuff for EIGHT YEARS...and only been experiencing this "issue" for 3? Is it possible that it's not the BC? I mean, yes, of course it could be, but could it also be that sex is just not as "fun" anymore because you're older?--By fun I mean, 8 years ago you were a teenager and so sex was probably adventurous/dangerous/done in cars LOL, 3 years ago (21) you became a legit adult complete with legit adult concerns like laundry and bills--and now you're probably a stable working woman who doesn't want kids because you actually understand how much they cost--not because you don't want your mama to know.

just my 2 cents.
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OP,I just re-read your first post---you said you've been on this stuff for EIGHT YEARS...and only been experiencing this "issue" for 3? Is it possible that it's not the BC? I mean, yes, of course it could be, but could it also be that sex is just not as "fun" anymore because your older?--By fun I mean, 8 years ago you were a teenager and so sex was probably adventurous/dangerous/done in cars LOL, 3 years ago (21) you became a legit adult complete with legit adult concerns like laundry and bills--and now you're probably a stable working woman who doesn't want kids because you actually understand how much they cost--not because you don't want your mama to know.

just my 2 cents.

It does take a while for the effects to show up - I was on it for almost *thinks* 7 years before it started screwing with my libido - and at first, I thought it was just me 'growing up', ya know? It wasn't til it started screwing with my sanity did it actually 'click' for me. :perplexed
I used the OrthoEvra patch for six years. Now that I'm off of it, it's like I've done a complete 180! :lachen: My sex drive was at zero and now it's at a solid 8 or 9. I think maca also helped. :giggle: I'm never going back to BC. I'm just going to stick to condoms and FAM. Needless to say, FH is very happy. :yep:
Just an update I started Alesse 3 weeks ago and things are looking good. My face is clear... My sex-drive is back, and I Havent gained any weight! I hope this continues! Thanks for all of your concerns!
For ladies who have problems remembering to take BC pills - I used to set my cell phone alarm to go off every evening at the same time to remind me to take my pill. This worked great for me.
:yep: Yep, I did the same thing for 3 years. Worked like a charm. My ex would even hear the alarm and tell me it's that time :lachen:
Just an update I started Alesse 3 weeks ago and things are looking good. My face is clear... My sex-drive is back, and I Havent gained any weight! I hope this continues! Thanks for all of your concerns!

Good to hear!

Your thread title... "I'm not living" really made me feel sad for you. :nono:
Just an update I started Alesse 3 weeks ago and things are looking good. My face is clear... My sex-drive is back, and I Havent gained any weight! I hope this continues! Thanks for all of your concerns!

Good for you. Imma keep that name on a list somewhere just in case. I used BC only once in my life and 2 days after I started I went completely berserk at a big meeting for no reason at all. I felt a sudden hot flush on my face, stood up, said something stupid very loudly, picked up my laptop and walked out of a room full of senior executives. I still cringe when I remember that :nono: although it's kinda funny now. Anyway great you found something that works for you.