I tried Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship....

I love this conditioner but my bottle is half gone and I have to take the top off to get the conditioner out because its so thick...:lachen::lachen:Not bad for a cheapie...this stuff has taken me to CoWash heaven!!
Ok I'm going insane trying to find the LTR Leave-in and I cant find it anywhere in my area and I'm upset:wallbash: I have found the poo & con but not the LI. This is a PJ's nightmare, not being able to find something thats getting such rave reveiws :grin:. Now that I think about it I have never seen any leave-ins from the HE line. What am I gonna do :perplexed. I used the poo & con and love it, this is truly unfair :nono:

When I went to Target on Saurday looking for the leave-in, it first appeared that they were all gone but then I spotted 3 bottles strategically placed waaayy at the back amongst another product line and since the bottles are shorter it could be easily missed. I hope someone wasn't coming back for those since I snatched up all 3 bottles for my daughter.
When I went to Target on Saurday looking for the leave-in, it first appeared that they were all gone but then I spotted 3 bottles strategically placed waaayy at the back amongst another product line and since the bottles are shorter it could be easily missed. I hope someone wasn't coming back for those since I snatched up all 3 bottles for my daughter.

Lucky you, my problem is living in Manhattan there isnt a target, or a walmart for miles:wallbash: both stores are in all other borough's except manhattan and I refuse to treck a million miles for some leave-in:nono:, but I really want it, Im gonna keep looking, but like I said I have not seen any HE leave-ins anywhere that sells the poo's & cons.
after using it a few times i have come to a conclusion. this would probably work better for relaxed hair. the leave in isnt working for me and i noticed it did clump w/ my gel but i figured away around it with out having to rewash again but it was too much effort to be doing regularly. and after the gel dried my hair was dryer and crispier than if i just put gel on it straight with no leave in. im seriously thinking about selling the other bottle of leave in i have thats unopened. it comes with a coupon inside buy one get one free. i prefer the hello hydration. the con is too thin for my hair. my tresemme is better for me. so thick its hard to squeeze out he bottle. now thats thick!:drunk:
This stuff is seriously where its at:yep:

Got a girl's hair acting and looking like new money:grin:

Yeah i'm feeling myself right now thanks to this stuff!
I have been mixing it with everything and i love it on its own still.
Just bought the conditioner and leave-in.

Under the dryer with the leave-in right now... I must say I didn't get a lot of slip immediately with the leave-in like I do with my Biolage or NTM.

I rollerset my hair and will update everyone with my results..
Lucky you, my problem is living in Manhattan there isnt a target, or a walmart for miles:wallbash: both stores are in all other borough's except manhattan and I refuse to treck a million miles for some leave-in:nono:, but I really want it, Im gonna keep looking, but like I said I have not seen any HE leave-ins anywhere that sells the poo's & cons.

Foxieroxienyc said on the last page she found it in CVS. I know there's a big one on 5th ave, have you given that one a try? I feel your pain tho, I'm all the way in LI and there's no way I'm trekking to the bus stop in this snow just to get some leave-in. I wanna try it real bad tho :ohwell:. I can't imagine something being better than my beloved Hydra TLC leave-in :nono:.
WOW its def on this page! Sorry Napp:grin:. But mostly my edges and NG were hard as well. My hair was hard too, but not as hard as those areas.

My hair got hard using the leave-in as well. It seemed almost "crunchy".

I thought that I may be using too much so I cut back and it's much better now. Still nowhere near being in the same league as Lacio Lacio but it's really decent for a cheapie.
Just bought the conditioner and leave-in.

Under the dryer with the leave-in right now... I must say I didn't get a lot of slip immediately with the leave-in like I do with my Biolage or NTM.

I rollerset my hair and will update everyone with my results..

Update: I actually like the results.

I applied the leave-in to my hair and then rollerset my hair - spraying each rolled section with water.

My set came out silky, bouncy, and shiny! :surprised:

I didn't think it would work this well cause my hair normally doesn't work well with products other than salon products...

Anyways, I may alternate this weekly with my biolage...
OKAAY ladies I finally tried it and

...i DID NOT have a good relationship experience with this conditioner. I've used it twice since i bought it, and it did nothing to my hair. and I"m 4a/b relaxed. It just sat on top of my hair. It didn't melt away my tangles like Hello Hydration did ...so i think i'm just gonna keep that one instead.

Bummer...i really wanted it to work on my hair.:perplexed
OKAAY ladies I finally tried it and

...i DID NOT have a good relationship experience with this conditioner. I've used it twice since i bought it, and it did nothing to my hair. and I"m 4a/b relaxed. It just sat on top of my hair. It didn't melt away my tangles like Hello Hydration did ...so i think i'm just gonna keep that one instead.

Bummer...i really wanted it to work on my hair.:perplexed

Sorry it didn't work out for you....I tried Hello Hydration yesterday and hated it....Go figure ...what works for some... doesn't work for others:nono:
I went out and bought the con and leave-in. I like it alot:yep:. I'm only bout 1 week post and my hair is really soft after co-washing with it. I've only used it on wet hair so I'll try it on dry next. H E worked well when I had a fresh relaxer but when I tried using it past 12 weeks post, BLAH!!!!!! It did nothing for me. I'll also try LTR after 12 weeks post and see what happens but right now this stuff is really, really nice. My hair smells really fruity and it's soft and wavy:grin:.
Thanks Tiffers!
This is a HIT!.....so far.:look:

So I went to buy the conditioner and leave-in today at Target and LOVED the price..It's so affordable at $2.99.

I washed w/ ORS creamy aloe shampoo and applied LTR condish spiked with my oils and it did feel like my hair was "melting" when i washed it out. VERY similar to ORS replenishing and the smell is nice.

Consistency is nice and creamy and thick. I love that.

I applied the leave-in all over making sure ALL my hair was covered and put some extra on the ends and did a normal rollerset.

Hair came out nice.:yep: More moisturized than normal i noticed and i could still smell the raspberries when taking out the rollers.

I like to rock a curly set for a couple days so i moisturized and sealed each curl w/ some oil and put those rollers BACK in my hair and will see how this set looks in the morning when i comb out the curls.

I also picked up HE Breaks Over Leave-in since it was so inexpensive and it smelled great.
I tried the conditioner got the big size 23.7ounces from walmart for only 5 bucks. I didn't see the leave in there.:ohwell: So far i like the condish made my natural hair soft and manageble.:grin:
I really, really like this stuff. My hair usually has a crunchy feel to it when I airdry but with this stuff it's soooo soft. It's a keeper:yep:
After reading this long thread....:lachen:, I went to Target yesterday afternoon and picked up a conditioner and 2 bottles of leave in.

The smell is wonderful...I really like it.

I used the conditioner this morning for a CW and it really is good. It's a keeper.

I used the leave-in and it made my hair really soft, and its been about 5 hours now since using it, and my hair is still soft.

Both are keepers.

Thanks, Tiffers.....:grin:
I have None of Your Frizziness conditioner and I picked up the LTR leave-in yesterday at Target. (They have a sale, by the way.) I'll try the leave-in this evening and see how it works. I haven't tried the NOYF conditioner yet.
Wow this stuff is really thick, almost like Humectress which is my all time fave and for only three bucks!!! See that's why I want to buy some in bulk because you know that as soon they come out with something good, and people buy it, they start trying to water down the formula!
Has anyone deep conditioned with the conditioner? (with heat or under the dryer?)

Dang, I forgot about this thread! :lol: I'm sooo glad a lot of you are having good results and loving this stuff as much as I do! For those that don't like it..... YOU SUCK!!! :rofl:

Deep conditioning with heat is the only way I use it. I tried it as a co wash too and liked it, but it's MUCH better with heat! :yep:
Wow this stuff is really thick, almost like Humectress which is my all time fave and for only three bucks!!! See that's why I want to buy some in bulk because you know that as soon they come out with something good, and people buy it, they start trying to water down the formula!

Noooo! Don't say that! It won't happen! It CAN'T happen!!! :lala: