"I think my boyfriend is gay."

Y'all mean to tell me all of y'all in here have never been in a relationship where you have been disillusioned by the person because you loved them and wanted to believe the best possible scenario? Come on now, lets not act new, like everyone goes Angela Bassett when they first find out some news. It took time to get in a relationship and start falling in love, so why should it not take time to get out.

That doesn't mean to STAY in the disillusion!!!! :nono: And no one is acting new. There are some strong women out here in this world who choose not to let their feelings for some guy take over their life.

It IS possible to just move on without entertaining the deception of some guy. Why give him the power? What is there to hold on to? Do you want this girl to hope this guy really isn't gay and really isn't interested in gay porn and that he'll become less interested in anal sex? I know every situation is different, but come on! This situation is waving all types of red flags. She has all her answers. After listening to your intuition, you gotta use your common sense.
she does not need to stay, but I need folk to be real. How many of yall have been in 4 year relationships where you just up and left without as much as a text message?

ME!!! ...And I'm not a Ms. Perfect!!!

And nothing was really going wrong per se at the time I broke up with him. I just fell completely out of love with him. Plus, he was a habitual liar about things he didn't even have to lie about, and he had nothing going for himself. I just thought one day, "could I see this guy as my husband one day?" and I said, "no". So I called him and broke up with him over the phone. This happened 5 years ago.
That doesn't mean to STAY in the disillusion!!!! :nono: And no one is acting new. There are some strong women out here in this world who choose not to let their feelings for some guy take over their life.

It IS possible to just move on without entertaining the deception of some guy. Why give him the power? What is there to hold on to? Do you want this girl to hope this guy really isn't gay and really isn't interested in gay porn and that he'll become less interested in anal sex? I know every situation is different, but come on! This situation is waving all types of red flags. She has all her answers. After listening to your intuition, you gotta use your common sense.

Please quote the post where I said stay with him? I don't think you are properly comprehending my sentiment. I did not say she should stay she needs to leave, BUT I am saying that I understand that she might not in such a rush to leave her relationships and move on. I understand the mind frame of wanting to think that you might be wrong about this situation and that you will be able to go back into his arms and have everything be ok. Its hard to one day be in the mind frame of you walking down the aisle to pledge your life to him, and to just up and leave the next day.

I'm just saying....I understand on a personal level.
Y'all mean to tell me all of y'all in here have never been in a relationship where you have been disillusioned by the person because you loved them and wanted to believe the best possible scenario? Come on now, lets not act new, like everyone goes Angela Bassett when they first find out some news. It took time to get in a relationship and start falling in love, so why should it not take time to get out.
All disillusions are not created equal. Me being frustrated with my man's lack of ambition but believing his word when he says he's working on it is one thing. Me finding evidence of his attraction to the opposite sex is a completely different scenario and should be treated as such...
Why are folks carrying on like anyone is saying she should stay with this dude? Nobody is saying that, damn!
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Why are folks carrying on like anyone is saying she should stay with this dude? Nobody is saying that, damn!

Yeah, nobody said that, but giving him a chance to explain could lead to her getting talked into staying.

@ the porn thing....watching gay or bi porn does not make you gay. But storing only gay porn in a file on your computer is extremely suspect. A lot of people watch porn online, but to store it on your computer....hmmm....

I have a feeling OP's friend is going to stay. She is probably in disbelief.
All disillusions are not created equal. Me being frustrated with my man's lack of ambition but believing his word when he says he's working on it is one thing. Me finding evidence of his attraction to the opposite sex is a completely different scenario and should be treated as such...

Yeah, nobody said that, but giving him a chance to explain could lead to her getting talked into staying.

@ the porn thing....watching gay or bi porn does not make you gay. But storing only gay porn in a file on your computer is extremely suspect. A lot of people watch porn online, but to store it on your computer....hmmm....

I have a feeling OP's friend is going to stay. She is probably in disbelief.

Exactly @ both posts!!! :up: :up:
^^^Exactly...No one is saying stay. Technically, she has already 'physically and mentally' checked out of the relationship. Keep in mind she MOVED and she is LIVING with the guy so its not like she can just up and get a new place. She may very well have no family to stay with on the local area in the interim. Even if she gotta sleep on the couch for a little while, I doubt she's dumb enough to continue to sleep with him. Girl gotta get her ducks in a row...new place, maybe new job, maybe move back to home state. Needless to say, the relationship is already over.

Second, it is VERY easy to be judgmental when its not YOU. Please dont act like YOU would not want to know something. Please dont act you would not be embarrassed that you got hooked up with a gay man. Please dont act like you would not question your judgment because you somehow managed to overlook the signs for 4 years. Sometimes its not so easy to let the world know you failed at yet another relationship. Its pride, its embarrassment, its fear, its rejection, its emotions..that everyone feels and emotions are very powerful to fight.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't act like you've never been so hurt and disillusion that you didn't call up a friend to see if maybe you were tripping. Of course you know its not and this point all you can do is cry and start with plan B.

Oh wait you never had a plan B...plan A was in effect just a few days ago...her plan was marriage...now its figuring out quietly what to do until you can get away from this man. In the meantime, dammit, you want answers. You wanna know "What's the point of being with me when you clearly desire something else?" Sometimes you just want to yell and fight and get angry and 'go bad' because you can and you deserve the right to fight. Nothing will suffice but he!! you wanna know anyone.

We say...why do women stay with abusers, cheaters, etc...we dont get, right? Yet, women do it EVERYDAY. Letting go is hard to do, fear of being alone, fear of failing, and believing the best when there's nothing left to believe.

No one is upset because the obvious decision to make in this situation is stated. Its disheartening when we bring our issues to this board and we get laughed at. No matter how obvious the solution may appear, we all need positive reinforcement and encouragement in the right direction in our time of need.
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So what are you saying? The alternative is far better? Her staying with a down-low man who fantasizes about inserting his appendage into another man's anus is a much easier decision?

Leaving is not easy, but considering the consequences, it will not be that hard to move on!


I am not saying anything of the sort. Clearly you need to re-read. Of course the alternative isn't better. I would never suggest that she stays with a man like that. But I also live in reality, and know that because I handle the situation in a particular manner (I.e leave immediately) does not mean someone else will. So in my mind, something might be the obvious choice, the easy choice, the most 'right' choice....doesn't mean someone else will make THAT choice. I was just pointing that simple fact out.

You can calm down now.
I'm going to have to agree with NaturalDetroit on this one. I can't imagine what other evidence your friend needs. I'm really trying to be sympathetic because I once had to bounce from a 6 year relationship. I think your friend already knows that her man is gay. What she is wants is to be convinced that it's all a misunderstanding. If she wanted to leave she would have left already. I wish I would find gay porn on DH's PC and have to question myself whether is gay or not :nono: Your friend is in denial and won't leave until she accepts that her man is gay :yep:
she does not need to stay, but I need folk to be real. How many of yall have been in 4 year relationships where you just up and left without as much as a text message? The chick was thinking about wedding dresses last Tuesday and now she is faced with this. She does not need to stay, but she should get her ducks in a row before leaving and get some sense of closure.

I am very happy that we do have a lot of Ms. Perfects here who don't have issues like leaving a relationship. I know I'm not one of them, sometimes I hung on unnecessarily. Eventually I learned.

I"m not sure I am understanding your post, nor do I understand the notion of Ms. Perfect. Interesting choice of words.

No one says that it is easy to get over my relationship. No one said I didn't lose a lot. I lost A LOT, but it was not the end of the world. As much as it hurt, it could have hurt more if I wasted more time in a fruitless relationship. That's exactly what I said it was not that bad. It was not. So no, I'm not perfect. Never said I was, and i don't recall anyone here claiming perfection, but it is important for every young woman to know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, after a bad relationship.

Beautifully said!!!!If you could thank you more than once i would.
^^^Exactly...No one is saying stay. Technically, she has already 'physically and mentally' checked out of the relationship. Keep in mind she MOVED and she is LIVING with the guy so its not like she can just up and get a new place. She may very well have no family to stay with on the local area in the interim. Even if she gotta sleep on the couch for a little while, I doubt she's dumb enough to continue to sleep with him. Girl gotta get her ducks in a row...new place, maybe new job, maybe move back to home state. Needless to say, the relationship is already over.

Second, it is VERY easy to be judgmental when its not YOU. Please dont act like YOU would not want to know something. Please dont act you would not be embarrassed that you got hooked up with a gay man. Please dont act like you would not question your judgment because you somehow managed to overlook the signs for 4 years. Sometimes its not so easy to let the world know you failed at yet another relationship. Its pride, its embarrassment, its fear, its rejection, its emotions..that everyone feels and emotions are very powerful to fight.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't act like you've never been so hurt and disillusion that you didn't call up a friend to see if maybe you were tripping. Of course you know its not and this point all you can do is cry and start with plan B.

Oh wait you never had a plan B...plan A was in effect just a few days ago...her plan was marriage...now its figuring out quietly what to do until you can get away from this man. In the meantime, dammit, you want answers. You wanna know "What's the point of being with me when you clearly desire something else?" Sometimes you just want to yell and fight and get angry and 'go bad' because you can and you deserve the right to fight. Nothing will suffice but he!! you wanna know anyone.

We say...why do women stay with abusers, cheaters, etc...we dont get, right? Yet, women do it EVERYDAY. Letting go is hard to do, fear of being alone, fear of failing, and believing the best when there's nothing left to believe.

No one is upset because the obvious decision to make in this situation is stated. Its disheartening when we bring our issues to this board and we get laughed at. No matter how obvious the solution may appear, we all need positive reinforcement and encouragement in the right direction in our time of need.
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I am not saying anything of the sort. Clearly you need to re-read. Of course the alternative isn't better. I would never suggest that she stays with a man like that. But I also live in reality, and know that because I handle the situation in a particular manner (I.e leave immediately) does not mean someone else will. So in my mind, something might be the obvious choice, the easy choice, the most 'right' choice....doesn't mean someone else will make THAT choice. I was just pointing that simple fact out.

You can calm down now.

You know, it's not what you say, but how you say it. So in your best interest, use a little more tact if you are pointing out a"simple fact", and you won't get the response that you received. No need to tell me to calm down - not appreciated.
No one is upset because the obvious decision to make in this situation is stated. Its disheartening when we bring our issues to this board and we get laughed at. No matter how obvious the solution may appear, we all need positive reinforcement and encouragement in the right direction in our time of need.

Your post was spot on. One thing I notice is how insensitive some posters can be. Its not what you say its how you say it (as cliche as this saying is). Its all about delivery.
Your post was spot on. One thing I notice is how insensitive some posters can be. Its not what you say its how you say it (as cliche as this saying is). Its all about delivery.

People seem to thrive on being callous and harsh. There is a way of stating your opinion without all the extra stuff, homophobic jabs, etc. Meet people where they are at - OP's first post was dripping with pain - she is hurting for her friend. How does coming in here and making a joke out of a serious situation help? Is this how you deal with people in real life? Of course OP's friend should leave I don't think anyone is disputing that. Again I say the point of confronting him is closure - I really doubt there's anything he can say that will convince her to stay (I hope).
Yeah, nobody said that, but giving him a chance to explain could lead to her getting talked into staying.

I agree, so why even give him the chance to even try? There's absolutely no reason why a straight man has A BUNCH OF gay porn on his computer. This is the nail in the coffin of the relationship IMO. How can you explain that? You can explain the clothing and going out with the guy and not wanting her to come along. She needs to just tear herself away from him like you would a bandaid- QUICK! Yeah, it'll hurt for a few, but you're better off afterward and can begin to heal and get over that foolishness.
ME!!! ...And I'm not a Ms. Perfect!!!

And nothing was really going wrong per se at the time I broke up with him. I just fell completely out of love with him. Plus, he was a habitual liar about things he didn't even have to lie about, and he had nothing going for himself. I just thought one day, "could I see this guy as my husband one day?" and I said, "no". So I called him and broke up with him over the phone. This happened 5 years ago.

I did the same exact thing last night. It can happen.

OP I hope your friend leaves this situation ASAP. 4 years or 4 decades I couldnt stay with someone I thought was gay especially with that kind of evidence in front of me. Better to break free now then later.
^^^Exactly...No one is saying stay. Technically, she has already 'physically and mentally' checked out of the relationship. Keep in mind she MOVED and she is LIVING with the guy so its not like she can just up and get a new place. She may very well have no family to stay with on the local area in the interim. Even if she gotta sleep on the couch for a little while, I doubt she's dumb enough to continue to sleep with him. Girl gotta get her ducks in a row...new place, maybe new job, maybe move back to home state. Needless to say, the relationship is already over.

Second, it is VERY easy to be judgmental when its not YOU. Please dont act like YOU would not want to know something. Please dont act you would not be embarrassed that you got hooked up with a gay man. Please dont act like you would not question your judgment because you somehow managed to overlook the signs for 4 years. Sometimes its not so easy to let the world know you failed at yet another relationship. Its pride, its embarrassment, its fear, its rejection, its emotions..that everyone feels and emotions are very powerful to fight.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't act like you've never been so hurt and disillusion that you didn't call up a friend to see if maybe you were tripping. Of course you know its not and this point all you can do is cry and start with plan B.

Oh wait you never had a plan B...plan A was in effect just a few days ago...her plan was marriage...now its figuring out quietly what to do until you can get away from this man. In the meantime, dammit, you want answers. You wanna know "What's the point of being with me when you clearly desire something else?" Sometimes you just want to yell and fight and get angry and 'go bad' because you can and you deserve the right to fight. Nothing will suffice but he!! you wanna know anyone.

We say...why do women stay with abusers, cheaters, etc...we dont get, right? Yet, women do it EVERYDAY. Letting go is hard to do, fear of being alone, fear of failing, and believing the best when there's nothing left to believe.

No one is upset because the obvious decision to make in this situation is stated. Its disheartening when we bring our issues to this board and we get laughed at. No matter how obvious the solution may appear, we all need positive reinforcement and encouragement in the right direction in our time of need.

Just like people aren't saying for her to stay.... WHO is being judgmental of this girl? WHO is acting like they never wanted to know something, never been embarrassed, or never questioned their judgement when it comes to a relationship??? I'm sure many woman have experienced this!!!! No one here is acting. Just because everyone isn't saying "move on, forget about him" doesn't mean they are acting like they never been hurt or rejected.

But you know what? There may be some women who have not wanted to know anymore than what they already know. There may be women who have never been embarrassed or questioned their judgement. They may have very well seen it as purely the guy's problem and not their problem.

And WHO says we don't get why women stay with abusers and cheaters??? 9 times out of 10, the reason is hope for a change in that abuser or cheater, or fear of being alone or not strong enough to let go.
Y'all mean to tell me all of y'all in here have never been in a relationship where you have been disillusioned by the person because you loved them and wanted to believe the best possible scenario? Come on now, lets not act new, like everyone goes Angela Bassett when they first find out some news. It took time to get in a relationship and start falling in love, so why should it not take time to get out.

she does not need to stay, but I need folk to be real. How many of yall have been in 4 year relationships where you just up and left without as much as a text message? The chick was thinking about wedding dresses last Tuesday and now she is faced with this. She does not need to stay, but she should get her ducks in a row before leaving and get some sense of closure.

I am very happy that we do have a lot of Ms. Perfects here who don't have issues like leaving a relationship. I know I'm not one of them, sometimes I hung on unnecessarily. Eventually I learned.

THANK YOU!!! This was what I was trying to say. Folks in here acting like she just needs to pack up her stuff and bounce on some dude she's been planning a life with. :perplexed I guess I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of folks on here who have never been in a serious relationship of this magnitude. :nono: So crazy!

I was really thinking I was going crazy!!! :lachen: Walk away from a four year relationship with ease, huh?... I'm not saying she needs to stay. Ultimately the decision is up to her. But come on. "Girl just pack your stuff and leave!" or "Don't even ask him anything about it, just bounce!" is ridiculous advice for a woman who has been with a man for 4 years.
At the end of the day, his lifestyle will killl her. How many black women are not dying from their men's lifestyle. Black women have the highest proportion of AIDS, HIV. I'm not saying that in life that we do not have challenges, but why is black women's life is full of drama and this drama will lead to her death. She needs to love herself more, worship God more instead of worshiping this man and God will give her the strength, we can make all the excuses in the world, this man is a walking death and if she continues with him, she will die, she cannot change him, she needs to change herself, love God, herself more and leave him and heal herself and believe that there are better men out there. There is too much talk there is not enough, there is better than that and she needs to learn she deserves better and he is not better, it doesn't matter, how kind he was or is, he is death and she will die if she stays with him.

She needs to ask herself, how much money will she have to spend on her AIDs medication and what happens when her health insurance runs out. It is the 20% 80% again. 20% of your life is worth more than 80%

"I invested four years of my life", she should be thanking Jesus, that she found out before she is married. No man is worth that! and get herself tested. This man is trying to kill her

:rofl: WOW! This is why gay people don't like to come out. Everyone already thinking this man may have AIDS. can count on 2 hands how many people are saying this woman should get tested. Straight people get AIDS too people!
THANK YOU!!! This was what I was trying to say. Folks in here acting like she just needs to pack up her stuff and bounce on some dude she's been planning a life with. :perplexed I guess I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of folks on here who have never been in a serious relationship of this magnitude. :nono: So crazy!

I was really thinking I was going crazy!!! :lachen: Walk away from a four year relationship with ease, huh?... I'm not saying she needs to stay. Ultimately the decision is up to her. But come on. "Girl just pack your stuff and leave!" or "Don't even ask him anything about it, just bounce!" is ridiculous advice for a woman who has been with a man for 4 years.
And who's being judgmental now? How do you know if women here have been in a serious relationship on the verge of marriage or not? Just because it's easier for some women to leave than others doesn't mean their relationship wasn't that serious than the ones who find it harder to leave a man. It was serious enough for the women to leave for their own good rather than hanging on to something that's unhealthy!

And you're saying it's bad advice to tell her to just bounce? Whatever! It's bad advice to tell her to be with this guy for a little while until you are strong enough to pack up and leave. It's bad advice to tell her to ask him all these questions that she know the answers to. It's bad advice to tell her to go follow her boyfriend and his male friend one night to see if they are going to gay bars. It's bad advice to tell her to let him keep asking her to hit it in the butt-hole a few more times until her mind tells her he's gay for sure. Why torture yourself EVEN MORE with the nonsense!? Life is too short. It's not worth it!

Now if she has no problem being married to a bisexual man, that's on her to decide whether to be with him or not. But it's clear that she definitely has a problem with it!!!
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:rofl: WOW! This is why gay people don't like to come out. Everyone already thinking this man may have AIDS. can count on 2 hands how many people are saying this woman should get tested. Straight people get AIDS too people!

You're right about straight people can get AIDS too. However, she still should get tested regardless of who this man could have been cheating with.
At the end of the day, his lifestyle will killl her. How many black women are not dying from their men's lifestyle. Black women have the highest proportion of AIDS, HIV. I'm not saying that in life that we do not have challenges, but why is black women's life is full of drama and this drama will lead to her death. She needs to love herself more, worship God more instead of worshiping this man and God will give her the strength, we can make all the excuses in the world, this man is a walking death and if she continues with him, she will die, she cannot change him, she needs to change herself, love God, herself more and leave him and heal herself and believe that there are better men out there. There is too much talk there is not enough, there is better than that and she needs to learn she deserves better and he is not better, it doesn't matter, how kind he was or is, he is death and she will die if she stays with him.

She needs to ask herself, how much money will she have to spend on her AIDs medication and what happens when her health insurance runs out. It is the 20% 80% again. 20% of your life is worth more than 80%

"I invested four years of my life", she should be thanking Jesus, that she found out before she is married. No man is worth that! and get herself tested. This man is trying to kill her.

You're right about straight people can get AIDS too. However, she still should get tested regardless of who this man could have been cheating with.

No doubt about that, but I would love to see the same advice being given to the straight people who post their stories. Alot more straight people have it then we think. But to say the man is walking death, and other things is mean IMO.
Im feeling heat coming through my computer screen reading Poohbear's comments.
Let me drink some water.
I think she should leave but atleast explain why. Call some family or friends and ask to stay until she can get things straight.
Im feeling heat coming through my computer screen reading Poohbear's comments.
Let me drink some water.
I think she should leave but atleast explain why. Call some family or friends and ask to stay until she can get things straight.
:mob: Embrace the heat! :burning:


But anyway, I see nothing wrong with her explaining why she's leaving to the gay guy, but I just feel like in this case, it seems like any type of question or comment will send him into a stream of denial statements and trying to convince her to stay which will play on her mind given that she's been with this guy for 4 years.
And who's being judgmental now? How do you know if women here have been in a serious relationship on the verge of marriage or not? Just because it's easier for some women to leave than others doesn't mean their relationship wasn't that serious than the ones who find it harder to leave a man. It was serious enough for the women to leave for their own good rather than hanging on to something that's unhealthy!

And you're saying it's bad advice to tell her to just bounce? Whatever! It's bad advice to tell her to be with this guy for a little while until you are strong enough to pack up and leave. It's bad advice to tell her to ask him all these questions that she know the answers to. It's bad advice to tell her to go follow her boyfriend and his male friend one night to see if they are going to gay bars. It's bad advice to tell her to let him keep asking her to hit it in the butt-hole a few more times until her mind tells her he's gay for sure. Why torture yourself EVEN MORE with the nonsense!? Life is too short. It's not worth it!

Now if she has no problem being married to a bisexual man, that's on her to decide whether to be with him or not. But it's clear that she definitely has a problem with it!!!

^^^Exactly...No one is saying stay. Technically, she has already 'physically and mentally' checked out of the relationship. Keep in mind she MOVED and she is LIVING with the guy so its not like she can just up and get a new place. She may very well have no family to stay with on the local area in the interim. Even if she gotta sleep on the couch for a little while, I doubt she's dumb enough to continue to sleep with him. Girl gotta get her ducks in a row...new place, maybe new job, maybe move back to home state. Needless to say, the relationship is already over.

Second, it is VERY easy to be judgmental when its not YOU. Please dont act like YOU would not want to know something. Please dont act you would not be embarrassed that you got hooked up with a gay man. Please dont act like you would not question your judgment because you somehow managed to overlook the signs for 4 years. Sometimes its not so easy to let the world know you failed at yet another relationship. Its pride, its embarrassment, its fear, its rejection, its emotions..that everyone feels and emotions are very powerful to fight.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't act like you've never been so hurt and disillusion that you didn't call up a friend to see if maybe you were tripping. Of course you know its not and this point all you can do is cry and start with plan B.

Oh wait you never had a plan B...plan A was in effect just a few days ago...her plan was marriage...now its figuring out quietly what to do until you can get away from this man. In the meantime, dammit, you want answers. You wanna know "What's the point of being with me when you clearly desire something else?" Sometimes you just want to yell and fight and get angry and 'go bad' because you can and you deserve the right to fight. Nothing will suffice but he!! you wanna know anyone.

We say...why do women stay with abusers, cheaters, etc...we dont get, right? Yet, women do it EVERYDAY. Letting go is hard to do, fear of being alone, fear of failing, and believing the best when there's nothing left to believe.

No one is upset because the obvious decision to make in this situation is stated. Its disheartening when we bring our issues to this board and we get laughed at. No matter how obvious the solution may appear, we all need positive reinforcement and encouragement in the right direction in our time of need.

That right there is the problem. You should ALWAYS have a plan B. People die, or just bounce with no reason, or fall in love with someone else... there are a zillion other reasons why a ltr could eventually unravel. It's up to the woman to prepare herself for any potential upheaval, especially when we're talking marriage and potential children.

Stuff like this is why I argue for a more pragmatic approach to love in general and courtship in particular. Keep your wits about you. Learn how to turn off that little voice that says, '...but I looooovedededed him,' and channel ThatJerseyGirl instead. OP's friend shouldn't have called her asking for advice. She shoulda called like, Giiiiirl, listen to what this gay m-f'er did! (no disrespect to gay people, but he's cheating on her so the m-f'er is appropriate) You, OP, should have been called on to help put her feelings together after a horrible, terrible break-up, not holding her hand through the decision-making process.
wayminit yall...hhhhhhhooooooooold up...pump ya breaks n lean back

*pulls da newports out da bra....hits da bottom of da pack...pulls one out
lights da newport one hunnit n pours me a tall dayum glass of Ciroc

i didn't even read da responses, cuz i'm just outdone by da post bcuz a lot of this don't make sense to me.

lemme git dis hea straight. she relocated to be wif him, right? OK. they're suppose to be gettin engaged, not married this year, as per da post, right? just engaged yall.

*puffs, plucks ash n takes a swig of Ciroc*

one day she decides to go thru his c'puta to look at some pics of them t'getha that he had stored on his c'puta, right? uh huh...sho u right. but instead came across a folda wif some gay male porn. boatloads of the stuff right?

dat right der don't make sense. why u goin thru his c'puta to look for pichas of yall? ne'mind....

but here is what got me lost n turned out in dis joint...

he gets dressed in his sunday best, walkin out da house lookin casket sharp, and don't get back in da house til 4 and she thought they was out doin guy stuff. chile puleez.... she knew tawkin bout some he seemed different. gtfohwdatbs

*puffs n plucks*

and then she's afraid that he'll be mad at her for snoopin thru his c'puter so das why she hasn't said anything yet cuz of that, yet she always thought he was ...different.

dayum alluvadat. i wouldn't give a dayum bout him bein mad at me cuz i went thru his c'puter. she left her home, family and friends to be with this man and he betrayed her. plain and simple. what is it that she wants? to see them in the actual act? what? bottom line - he's gay and THEY are living a lie.

i've said this before in several threads to the sistas on this board. yall meet these men, and then all of a sudden, up jump da boogie n move thousands of miles away to be with these men where they have the opportunity to treat yall like garbage. i know it doesn't work like dat for everyone, but right here...case AND point.

*puffs n plucks*

she needs to pack it up, da shows ova n take her hinepots home. go see a dr. get checked out and hope n pray everything turns out for da better.

but i gotta feelin she aint goin no where.
This is not funny but your post kills me:lol:
wayminit yall...hhhhhhhooooooooold up...pump ya breaks n lean back

*pulls da newports out da bra....hits da bottom of da pack...pulls one out
lights da newport one hunnit n pours me a tall dayum glass of Ciroc

i didn't even read da responses, cuz i'm just outdone by da post bcuz a lot of this don't make sense to me.

lemme git dis hea straight. she relocated to be wif him, right? OK. they're suppose to be gettin engaged, not married this year, as per da post, right? just engaged yall.

*puffs, plucks ash n takes a swig of Ciroc*

one day she decides to go thru his c'puta to look at some pics of them t'getha that he had stored on his c'puta, right? uh huh...sho u right. but instead came across a folda wif some gay male porn. boatloads of the stuff right?

dat right der don't make sense. why u goin thru his c'puta to look for pichas of yall? ne'mind....

but here is what got me lost n turned out in dis joint...

he gets dressed in his sunday best, walkin out da house lookin casket sharp, and don't get back in da house til 4 and she thought they was out doin guy stuff. chile puleez.... she knew tawkin bout some he seemed different. gtfohwdatbs

*puffs n plucks*

and then she's afraid that he'll be mad at her for snoopin thru his c'puter so das why she hasn't said anything yet cuz of that, yet she always thought he was ...different.

dayum alluvadat. i wouldn't give a dayum bout him bein mad at me cuz i went thru his c'puter. she left her home, family and friends to be with this man and he betrayed her. plain and simple. what is it that she wants? to see them in the actual act? what? bottom line - he's gay and THEY are living a lie.

i've said this before in several threads to the sistas on this board. yall meet these men, and then all of a sudden, up jump da boogie n move thousands of miles away to be with these men where they have the opportunity to treat yall like garbage. i know it doesn't work like dat for everyone, but right here...case AND point.

*puffs n plucks*

she needs to pack it up, da shows ova n take her hinepots home. go see a dr. get checked out and hope n pray everything turns out for da better.

but i gotta feelin she aint goin no where.