I Met with a Matchmaker Today


Well-Known Member
.... it was interesting! :) I don't think I'll be set up with any dates though since I have reservations about wanting to have children and it seems like her clients for the most part want children.

I think I'd make a great second wife. ;)

Has anyone else ever met with a matchmaker?
.... it was interesting! :) I don't think I'll be set up with any dates though since I have reservations about wanting to have children and it seems like her clients for the most part want children.

I think I'd make a great second wife. ;)

Has anyone else ever met with a matchmaker?

Sounds interesting. I had thought of that. But I didn't think it would work where I am.

I also had the issue of not wanting children. But stay optimistic, perhaps that match exists.

I also thought about the 2nd wife thing too :look:

Keep us posted. It sounds fascinating.
I think @luckiestdestiny is either a matchmaker or has worked in the industry. She often has helpful things to say.
Hi :grin: saw my mention. I'm not a matchmaker but I worked along side a hugely prominent one in the industry as her assistant. I thought of it as a "side job" to support my career as an artist but worked it full time and learned a TON there. So much so that you have to sign a non compete clause (for distance and a certain time where you can't open a competing business), etc because frankly I could start my own business with what I know, but it's just not for me (the field). I love the arts and that'swhere my heart lies. However I use it for the "good" of friends :) when they want advice.

As mentioned, I worked along side a very prominent matchmaker (there are two that have been featured heavily on tv...let's just say I worked with one of them. Both have had shows, one of which is still on the air). I won't say which because of the confidentiality agreement I signed but I'll just say that much. LEt me go and read the rest of the thread and I'll be back to comment if necessary or just follow the thread as it continues.
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.... it was interesting! :) I don't think I'll be set up with any dates though since I have reservations about wanting to have children and it seems like her clients for the most part want children.

I think I'd make a great second wife. ;)

Has anyone else ever met with a matchmaker?
Yes. Make sure they (matchmaker) have results of course but let's just say there are people out there who you will match with just fine.

One thing that women have to be "okay" with if you are searching for a match who isn't wanting to have kids, is guys who are a little older but that depends on various factors. If you don't want to have children and you're say 28-35, you want to look for a guy in his fourties (minimum) but who still is youthful so that he, if you are not one to go for older guys, doesn't give off the older guy vibe. In other words, you want to feel like he will be able to keep up with your level of energy. Can you find a match in your age group? Sure. Is it unlikely....um...yeah. And if a matchmaker hears that you insist they must be in your age group, they already know you're an impossible match (or rather unlikely) esp when you attach "no kids" to that group.

One thing I found a lot while working there is that people were just unreasonable. They wanted a guy their age, with no kids, who didn't want kids,and they got even more specific that he has to look like xyz with xyz job. Don't get me wrong I worked for an upscale matchmaker so the clients were always well off or rich and very busy which is why they came to her because they weren't the type to go to clubs, and they wanted to meet the love of their lives. So that's a given, but when you're so specific, then know that you're looking for a small % of avail men and as a matchmaker....they're going to roll their eyes at your application and kim. That doesn't mean to accept guys with kids either but have a reasonable list of what you want and don't want...it shouldn't be a mile long.

Should you have standards? sure. Just be reasonable and assess the situation. For instance: Most guys in their 30's are going to want to have children. (NOTE I SAID most). Most guys in their 40's and on will be divided into the "have children", "Want to have children but were to busy building their empire", "are cray cray in their expectations of women which is why they've never married (for the ones who never married and not all never marrieds fall into this group but by this age there is some cases where natural selection comes into play lol: some are pigs, ridiculous in their expectations, or so picky that they deserve to be laughed out of the office)" and finally the "don't want to have children" group.

If they waited this long, they could likely want to just have a wife and travel, or want little ones, or already have them. Then if they "have them" is there joint custody, is ex wife across country and he gets them on Holidays? Are you okay with that? Would you prefer someone with older kids (well then you're looking at a guy in his mid fourties to late in a major city at the minimum)...and you'll find the kids in the 16-18 age group ready to go off to (or already in college). Or did he wait to have kids all together and doesn't want them? And btw your matchmaker should be detailed in their questions or else you don't have a good one.

If you're the "second wife" you will still have to deal with possible little ones who visit (and if you're not okay with that, you're going to want to make that specific but open up your "age" group to older men so that you are still in the running with finding lots of matches), and if so (that you're open to little ones visiting, you need to make sure ex wife isn't bat s&^t cray cray, or the guy you're dealing with (because let's face it, sometimes it's the guys fault they're divorced too). In divorces you want amicable situations, or people who just grew out of love ideally especially when kids are involved and NO animosity on either parts. How do you start to find out? See how he refers to his ex (is it through gritted teeth, does he say horrid things about her, etc ?) Later of course when things are serious you'll want to meet the ex especially if there is talk of marriage.
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if my current prospect doesnt work out, I will try a matchmaker... why not. U wonder if there are any in dc
I corrected my prev post as I meant divorced not currently married ideally no one wants to date a married man so I wanted to clarify.
Thanks of the advice, luckiestdestiny. I am not sure if I want to go through with becoming part of the database. I think that having kids is a huge deal and not something to be taken lightly. I don't really care if the guy might have significant means. It's a life changer! I like my life kid free and old man free. Lol.

I have so many friends who are anti kids. Many of them in relationships with guys who are also anti kids. I'm hoping that my surroundings bring me closer to what I want: a committed loving relationship that will be fulfilled without needing to have children. I just think its unnatural to have this expectation to have a family after marriage and if you think anything but that, you're a freak. Like.... Why can't you just enjoy eachother's time and travel and freedom? Alone time with a husband is limited before kids come along. Kids are forever.... And plus, if a man thinks I'm amazing and perfect for him, I should be enough. If kids is such a big deal breaker, he could go knock up any other girl and be a father. Sort of takes the importance of the individuals away....

Anyway! Stopping the rant. :) I have had a friend who met with another matchmaker(But I've never met her... And thank goodness) and the guys she went out with seemed to be rich jerks thinking they could just buy love. Having the conversation about not wanting children made me think of her and that situation she was in and now I'm thinking.... Maybe I'm not the type of girl for this sort of situation... But I would be happy with some sort of hybrid. Online dating sucks and matchmaking seems a little difficult.
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Thanks of the advice, luckiestdestiny. I am not sure if I want to go through with becoming part of the database. I think that having kids is a huge deal and not something to be taken lightly. I don't really care if the guy might have significant means. It's a life changer! I like my life kid free and old man free. Lol.

I have so many friends who are anti kids. Many of them in relationships with guys who are also anti kids. I'm hoping that my surroundings bring me closer to what I want: a committed loving relationship that will be fulfilled without needing to have children. I just think its unnatural to have this expectation to have a family after marriage and if you think anything but that, you're a freak. Like.... Why can't you just enjoy eachother's time and travel and freedom? Alone time with a husband is limited before kids come along. Kids are forever.... And plus, if a man thinks I'm amazing and perfect for him, I should be enough. If kids is such a big deal breaker, he could go knock up any other girl and be a father. Sort of takes the importance of the individuals away....

Anyway! Stopping the rant. :) I have had a friend who met with another matchmaker(But I've never met her... And thank goodness) and the guys she went out with seemed to be rich jerks thinking they could just buy love. Having the conversation about not wanting children made me think of her and that situation she was in and now I'm thinking.... Maybe I'm not the type of girl for this sort of situation... But I would be happy with some sort of hybrid. Online dating sucks and matchmaking seems a little difficult.

Well you seem like you're doing what a matchmaker would suggest anyways...surrounding yourself with the environment you want to be in, and around the people who want what you want. I do not think you're a freak lol. I just think what you want is not standard (and there's nothing wrong with that). Some people want kids and marriage, and some don't. A lot of guys settle down when they are ready to marry and have kids. ...especially when you're in a major city (I mentioned this because of your location). There's almost a "work" and then a "shift" to family in their "thoughts" so to speak. And until that "shift" happens, they don't see the reason to marry. But again I'm thinking of those who are in leadership positions, high powered jobs and salary. And yes some of them are jerks...but I think there are jerks of every kind (and income level). So of course you have to "sift" through to find the perfect fit for you. In your case, you already are in an environment with those who want what you want.

Go out and socialize a lot. But also don't be surprised if some of them "say" one thing and change their minds...especially if they're younger (esp guys). A 26-30 year old guy in NYC is NOT thinking about kids for the most part (for instance) so he'll say that he just wants to have "fun and travel" but in the back of their head they know that when they settle down, they will have children. Going into the thirties, especially mid to late...they will have something else to say. Because there's something about getting older, assessing your life, taking stock...that makes a guy who is in a high powered position think about his legacy, and that's going to include what kind of impact is he making in life? Does he have anything of "value" besides money? What does he really want besides accumulating assets? That's going to lead a lot to think they want to have a family, and a connection with a wonderful lady that they can share their life with. IT's like they were working and working and one day looked up and realized that half their life has probably passed by. So there's a "taking stock" that seems to happen from the ones I met.

Again, taking stock could also mean that they don't "want" a family but they want a life partner and/or wife to share something more meaning ful than clothes or a house can buy.

With that said, just thirty minutes outside of the city, a 28- thirty year old in Connecticut would think of settling down. So again, you have to know your environment.
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.... it was interesting! :) I don't think I'll be set up with any dates though since I have reservations about wanting to have children and it seems like her clients for the most part want children.

I think I'd make a great second wife. ;)

Has anyone else ever met with a matchmaker?

Wow! That sounds interesting. Where did you find this matchmaker?
Its good that you are honest with yourself & know what you want. I honestly believe theres someone for everyone so there are men who dont want children. However... I have not met many. I personally already know of 1 man who doesnt want children. Hes in his late 30s/ early 40s, he says he never wanted children. But hes kind of weird... but theres alot of weird guys in general. lol

I've only known 1 woman who was "anti-kids" up until she wasv32/33 when she met & fell in love & married her current husband then she changed her mind & wanted kids & she ended up having a baby within the first year of marriage.
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Ok so I've had a ton of pms (go figure lol!). Here is a list in no particular order of some that I've heard are good. They have offices in NYC, DC, Los Angeles, Miami...and have files all over if you can get in them. I thought of the "free" ones as well as ones that you have to pay more for so to speak. These are not the only game in town but I thought of the ones with free files that I know have generated some results. I think you have to go to more than one because you have to find the one you "vibe with" and as some of these are free for women because they're more "old fashioned" why not give them a whirl.
With that said:
Suggestions (only) which does not imply anything (I cannot confirm or deny where I've worked lol! But I can confirm that these guys are tops and that there are people who've had success with these places). These are only people I’ve heard about or know that do decent work (from results of friends and acquaintances who have used their services)...and just in the industry (I know who was competitive with who and why...because some are the real deal and some aren't). I’ve included six people here who are decent matchmakers that I’ve heard about that have matched across the country. These are in no particular order. And as most are free I’d say get in their books if you can and see what happens. I think one person may vibe better with one matchmaker over another.

Free ones for the ladies:


2)http://amylaurent.com/services-for-women Some people like her. Some people hate her but she's considered one of the tops. This one has offices in more than just NY (Miami, California, and also she travels all over the U.S)so you can find men in various places:
Here are some others where you have to up your “attraction” factor to be selected. But don’t rule yourself out. Basically if you’re in shape, and well put together you have a chance. These tend to be “old fashioned” in that the men should “pay” for the matchmaking services not you”. For one you have to be very attractive, the other is attractive++ (think bravo’s the Patti's millionaire matchmaker show to know what “attractive” is because in my opinion its just someone who is well put together):
If you can get in these files….might as well see where it goes…if anywhere and they’re free:


4) http://www.modelqualityintroductions.com/dating-testimonials/
(she would be more like Patti’s show online than the other.. But I know people who have found love from this site and it’s free. Don’t be intimidated. If you click the pics of the women it shows some of the women on the site. If you get past the first few pages you’ll see well put together women, not necessarily models, but not average looking) If you think you fit any of these descriptions dive in. Personally I’d go for clubvip before modelquality because with modelquality you know the guys are looking for looks as one of their top picks, but hey! Technically the women are looking for men who have their ish together as providers…so to me it all balances out. However you will have to filter through some jerks. Being on both lists will allow you to have more dates though.

Ones you pay for that the look comment above does not apply (though all will suggest trying to be your healthiest best self and putting your best foot forward.)

5) Janis Spindel
Her group one is enough to get into her files (which means she will set you up on dates if she thinks there is a match), then she has parties that cost money but think of them kinda like the millionaire matchmaker where there are various singles mingling, etc

Highly personalized but you will have to pay an arm and a leg. You will get matches superfast but again costly.
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Oh and I left out MM from bravo tv show for a reason...as a minority you stand a low chance of being included or matched. I am speaking in riddles as I don't want someone going after me for slander lol what w a few internet cases going to court now.
Luckiestdestiny, Thanks for the information! I've been considering going the matchmaker route lately because my way (online dating) just isn't working. I need another set of eyes to find my Mr. Right :yep:
Okay, I'm just gonna say.... Amy Laurent.... No, don't do it. My very good friend has been set up with guys through her and well.... Not too great of character... That's what they have in common. In my eyes. Plus, she looks like an idiot on that show "missmatched". That's my 2 cents.
I'm bumping this old thread.

@luckiestdestiny, my friend is getting ready to hire a match maker. Do you know what questions she should ask before she forks over thousands of dollars? :)

Yes. Make sure they (matchmaker) have results of course but let's just say there are people out there who you will match with just fine.

One thing that women have to be "okay" with if you are searching for a match who isn't wanting to have kids, is guys who are a little older but that depends on various factors. If you don't want to have children and you're say 28-35, you want to look for a guy in his fourties (minimum) but who still is youthful so that he, if you are not one to go for older guys, doesn't give off the older guy vibe. In other words, you want to feel like he will be able to keep up with your level of energy. Can you find a match in your age group? Sure. Is it unlikely....um...yeah. And if a matchmaker hears that you insist they must be in your age group, they already know you're an impossible match (or rather unlikely) esp when you attach "no kids" to that group.

One thing I found a lot while working there is that people were just unreasonable. They wanted a guy their age, with no kids, who didn't want kids,and they got even more specific that he has to look like xyz with xyz job. Don't get me wrong I worked for an upscale matchmaker so the clients were always well off or rich and very busy which is why they came to her because they weren't the type to go to clubs, and they wanted to meet the love of their lives. So that's a given, but when you're so specific, then know that you're looking for a small % of avail men and as a matchmaker....they're going to roll their eyes at your application and kim. That doesn't mean to accept guys with kids either but have a reasonable list of what you want and don't want...it shouldn't be a mile long.

Should you have standards? sure. Just be reasonable and assess the situation. For instance: Most guys in their 30's are going to want to have children. (NOTE I SAID most). Most guys in their 40's and on will be divided into the "have children", "Want to have children but were to busy building their empire", "are cray cray in their expectations of women which is why they've never married (for the ones who never married and not all never marrieds fall into this group but by this age there is some cases where natural selection comes into play lol: some are pigs, ridiculous in their expectations, or so picky that they deserve to be laughed out of the office)" and finally the "don't want to have children" group.

If they waited this long, they could likely want to just have a wife and travel, or want little ones, or already have them. Then if they "have them" is there joint custody, is ex wife across country and he gets them on Holidays? Are you okay with that? Would you prefer someone with older kids (well then you're looking at a guy in his mid fourties to late in a major city at the minimum)...and you'll find the kids in the 16-18 age group ready to go off to (or already in college). Or did he wait to have kids all together and doesn't want them? And btw your matchmaker should be detailed in their questions or else you don't have a good one.

If you're the "second wife" you will still have to deal with possible little ones who visit (and if you're not okay with that, you're going to want to make that specific but open up your "age" group to older men so that you are still in the running with finding lots of matches), and if so (that you're open to little ones visiting, you need to make sure ex wife isn't bat s&^t cray cray, or the guy you're dealing with (because let's face it, sometimes it's the guys fault they're divorced too). In divorces you want amicable situations, or people who just grew out of love ideally especially when kids are involved and NO animosity on either parts. How do you start to find out? See how he refers to his ex (is it through gritted teeth, does he say horrid things about her, etc ?) Later of course when things are serious you'll want to meet the ex especially if there is talk of marriage.
I'm bumping this old thread.

@luckiestdestiny, my friend is getting ready to hire a match maker. Do you know what questions she should ask before she forks over thousands of dollars? :)
I would say to do the research before getting there. Especially if she's prominent so you don't insult them. It's not going to get off on a good footing. What I mean is, would you go to the CEO of Microsoft and say, "tell me about yourself?" Or would you just look up the info to see if the company is right for you before going to the interview? In reference to top matchmakers some of them have decades of experience, a long client list, and a success rating. If your friend is going to one of them then their results speak for themselves. With a little research she can find all the info she needs to feel confident. That doesn't mean to be skittish or worried about offending them, no be yourself of course but use common sense on what to ask (and how not to insult the person whom you want to help you find ideally the love of your life). With that said have her do research and ask others about their experience with her. If she doesn't have as big a profile your friend can ask her if she can email any of her (lady) clients to see what they think about the service.

She can also ask about her success rate in (marriages or just relationships depending on what she's looking for) love. Find out if there is a limit to the amount of dates, or on average how many guys can they introduce her to so to speak until she meets "the one" or her? How often will she be set up on dates (on average). Find out if there are any guarantees (money back, etc) which are unlikely but possible in the event of specific cases. For these I would not ask right away but wait and see if the matchmaker checks them off the "list" first and only bring them up at the end if they weren't answered (questions). Also how diverse is her pool and from where? Can you meet men only locally or also elsewhere (and she needs to decide if she's okay with dating a guy from a distance too)? By the way I mentioned guy but I know there are same sex match makers too so forgive if it's not a guy. The same questions apply.
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Oh and @LovelyLouboutin
Please make sure she vibes well with the matchmaker. It doesn't matter how amazing the matchmaker is (and her record) if she doesn't "get" her so to speak. YOu want to have a good dynamic with your matchmaker