I met the PERFECT guy! But...

I'm confused by the though process of some here. Why is it all about what the man has to have? What are you as a woman bringing to the table? There are an abundance of single women not mention black women running around confused as to why they are not being found by that right man. At some point you have wonder and do the self reflection and discern as to whether you are differentiating yourself from the pack in terms of being different in thought process and mentality. It's women normally complaining about being single as opposed to men.
I'm confused by the though process of some here. Why is it all about what the man has to have? What are you as a woman bringing to the table? There are an abundance of single women not mention black women running around confused as to why they are not being found by that right man. At some point you have wonder and do the self reflection and discern as to whether you are differentiating yourself from the pack in terms of being different in thought process and mentality. It's women normally complaining about being single as opposed to men.

its ok if that works for you, but why does anyone else need to feel the same way? :perplexed
VelvetRain said:
I'm confused by the though process of some here. Why is it all about what the man has to have? What are you as a woman bringing to the table? There are an abundance of single women not mention black women running around confused as to why they are not being found by that right man. At some point you have wonder and do the self reflection and discern as to whether you are differentiating yourself from the pack in terms of being different in thought process and mentality. It's women normally complaining about being single as opposed to men.

The OP already said she's in grad school, meaning she is working on at least her 2nd degree. Why should she not look to marry a man who has at least 1?

Just because there are a lot of single women does not mean that if you are single you should marry anybody who comes along. Better to be single than married and miserable.

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, then maybe you are ok with a man who is doing the same. Maybe the two of you can build something together. If you have a successful career, or plan to have one when you finish school, why would you want to saddle yourself to someone who will only deplete your resources?

Your financial situation should get better after marriage, not worse. Unless you just don't care about money at all and don't mind having less, or don't mind being the breadwinner. In that case, go for it. Everyone has different priorities.
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And black women wonder why black men don't strive for excellence. Why? They can have their cake and eat it all at once. Until we stop tolerating grown arse men (yeah 29 is grown) who are still living at home with mama, and still talking about going to school versus acting on it, black men will continue to be underacheivers. As black women we excuse underacheiving men while quality women of other races don't give underacheiving men the time and day. These men of other races know that in order to step up or be with quality women in their race they are gonna have to have ALL their ish together beforehand.

Sista I know it's hard to find a decent black man who is college educated and doesn't have children but take it from me, you do not want to waste your time on a man who at 29 is still trying to get it together. If black women can get it together by 24 or 25 then why can't black men???
As I re-read your post OP, the old song "Can I get a __" came to mind. While I am definitely an education snob, my professor once said "We can't all go to college/grad school. We need mechanics, janitors, and fast food workers. If we all get an education, the cost of basic services would increase!"

Now, I don't necessarily see any real deal breakers per say. You didn't mention an unhealthy affinity for children, an addition to a chemical substance, sticky fingers, poor hygiene, or unforgivable physical attributes. At the same time, if you are wondering, I would suggest proceeding with your eyes wide open.

I lived in DC for a couple of years and LOVED it. It was a haven for driven, educated black men. Many of whom were going places in life. DC is too much of a hub to just get by. Contrary to popular belief, Bartenders can make more than most. Depending on the venue and some other factors, they can consistently bring in more than some blue collar steady jobs. It is often hard to have 'cash-in-hand' and do what needs to be done with it. Additionally, there is no real understanding as to why he lives with his mom. For instance, my boss is exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's so if one of his children moved home, I would not think poorly of the child (although they would keep the ailment a secret and all the outside world would see is a child living at home again).

It's easy on the outside looking in, to say "take to the hills" but I would say follow your heart but take your head with you.

I will leave you with this thought. If you are having a problem with this now, you won't likely feel better later on down the road, especially if he continues to "take his time". Another thing to watch out for is the fact that he seems very indecisive. This is a sure sign of immaturity. I hate to see sistas waste their time on underacheiving men. Time flies and before you know it you could be in your 30's looking back saying "why did I do such a thing". Don't allow your time to be wasted. The decision is yours but use some serious critical thinking!
If I were you I would put my tennis shoes on and run. I was you and all my friends and family encouraged me to stay because I would never find another man who would treat me as good and my standards were too high, I’ll end up alone and yada yada yada. Now I am married, alone and miserable. Don't take just take what you can get, get what you want.
If you want a fixer upper go buy a house. At least you can get free money from the government to fix that up. LOL You get nothing but frustration dealing with a fixer upper man.

All of us have areas we can improve upon but come on he has quite a few minus from the giddy up. He could be a good friend just not your man at this stage in your life. Real men know they have to come correct.............
firecracker said:
If you want a fixer upper go buy a house. At least you can get free money from the government to fix that up. LOL You get nothing but frustration dealing with a fixer upper man.

All of us have areas we can improve upon but come on he has quite a few minus from the giddy up. He could be a good friend just not your man at this stage in your life. Real men know they have to come correct.............

Wait...watch and then determine what you want to do. He may be a diamond in the rough and only need some encouragement. Or he could be a straight loser in disguise telling you what he thinks you want to hear but with no real direction or drive.

But imo only time will tell. Just don't invest too much time...
You need to ask more questions. A bartender can make good money. However there may be some other things that go along with that. Ask him what his long term goals are. Does he have money saved for the place he is moving into. He could be getting his stuff together to buy a home. I don't necessarily see anything wrong with staying with a parent especially in an area where home prices were off the chain. He could be helping her out. What's the situation with that?

Dating is dating. If he treats you well, you have fun together, and he can hold a good conversation - I vote for date him. And ask a lot of questions to see what is really going on. He sounds like he would make a good friend so if you don't want to just date him - push him into the platonic friends only zone while you get to know him.

Take it slow and find out more information. Ask questions - you won't know unless you ask. Be polite, but ask. What do you plan on doing with your life? Do you want to get married one day? Do you want to have kids? Do you want to live in this area? What type of life do you want for yourself? Do you want to travel? Let him know who you are and what you want your life to be like.
I wouldn't date him if I knew I wanted a college-educated guy. Wanting a college-educated man is not being picky, it's a non-superficial thing that is important to you. If he was uneducated but appearing to be ambitious it would be easier to overlook his lack of education, but bartender, living with mom, thinking about going to school at 29 is not very impressive. You need to decide if this is a dealbreaker for you or not. He sounds like a nice guy but like that just isn't enough for you.

By you comparing this guy to your ex proves, you are not really interested.

WHO CARES...if he has "potential"....who cares he has a "plan"....we all do. But potential and plans are/is null and void if you don't do anything with it.

I say date him but date other guys that's more your speed. Just don't fall for this guy.
He sounds like he's good enough for right now, but not to settle down with. Enjoy his company while you look for something better.
LaBelleLL said:
I think you should just keep it moving. Anything you're doing with this guy is a waste of time IMO

Normally I would agree but she could still date him and others. Key word: date, if anything just for practice.