I Know I Am Not Tripping.


Well-Known Member
So I get a text from my guy friend who is like a brother. His dad and mine grew up together and are best friends. So we are like family you can say. He knows my hubby and has been over to my parents home for gatherings. The text goes on about his suppressed feelings for me and such. I'm taken aback because our relationship has never been romantic at all. I never got that vibe nor ever given it. So when I ask him about the text, he had no clue what I was talking about. I was kind of put off, because he has been in the company of my husband and I too many times.

He kept saying he had no idea what I was talking about. So I show him the message that I received. I also showed him the message details. It came in as soon as I turned my phone on. He in turn showed me his text messages and there was no outgoing message to me. So now, I'm feeling kinda of crazy for questioning his real motive for our friendship and his own relationship He has a live in girlfriend that I have met a few times. I am not going crazy...He said I offended him greatly and made him feel uncomfortable. I haven't heard from him since this happened.
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Awkward for sure!! What was the last outgoing text he had to you?

So I’ve sent messages that weren’t received but in my phone it appears it was delivered but in the recepients phone nothing!

I’ve never had the situation you’re referencing.

I suspect that he texted you after getting liquid courage; saw what he texted once sober then deleted all records from his phone.
Wow! I’m surprised you confronted him about it — and in person, too! How did you think that conversation would go? (No shade) Did you tell your hubby about it?

I would have pretended I never saw it.

It could have been a drunk text or a trick by a jealous gf who had his phone... either way, I would have assumed it was an error and ignored it. Anything else would be too awkward. Well, we know that now, of course.

I hope you can get the friendship back on track.
Awkward for sure!! What was the last outgoing text he had to you?

So I’ve sent messages that weren’t received but in my phone it appears it was delivered but in the recepients phone nothing!

I’ve never had the situation you’re referencing.

I suspect that he texted you after getting liquid courage; saw what he texted once sober then deleted all records from his phone.

Thank you...I am not crazy. He had called me the day before, regarding his parent's house warming. When I got up the next morning it came through. I was like, "WTF!" :lachen::lachen:There was nothing in that 1o minute conversation the night before that was romantic at all. I felt it odd because the man rarely text, and surely not early morning. I text him earlier that day to remind him to vote. He called back later on to invite us to the house warming. I don't know when it was sent, it just shows when I received it which was 8ish in the morning. Which I told him it was inappropriate to do so. The man was looking at me like I had lost my mind. I'm like, "Dude, I just talked to you the night before... Is this not YOUR number!":lachen::lachen::lachen:He still denies having those type of feelings or texting me. Awkward...as hell!!!
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t could have been a drunk text or a trick by a jealous gf who had his phone... either way, I would have assumed it was an error and ignored it. Anything else would be too awkward. Well, we know that now, of course.

I didn't think of the gf and she doesn't seem warming to me. Whenever we are in each other company, her words are so few. His parents LOVE me to death. His dad told my dad he thought I would be his daughter n law. Even though all we did was play as children and live across the alley from each other. Oh...hubby was there when it came through in the morning. So his inquiring mind wanted to know who was texting. Now...the content, I did not share.:lachen:

I only said something because my hubby thinks he's cool. They have played ball together a few times. I didn't want him smiling up in his face on some fake stuff.
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My mind went stright to the girlfriend .......maybe its just me but why would you even believe he would seriously send you a text like that ......i would have thought it a prank or a joke from the get go.......unless there is somethingel else going on in your head

The thing is I kept going over it in my head, thinking where did it come from. It really was out of character and he doesn't joke like that. I had never got a text ever from him at that time. Still...I couldn't explain it away because it came from his phone.
It's like they can send a text or make calls and make it look like it came form someone else's number. which might be the case if he didn't have a trace of it on his phone.

I don't know much more about how it works other than what I saw on svu so , you know, ymmv

Wow.... I never heard of such a thing. So it would show on my end and not be in his text? So the spoofed would have to know his number and mine. That is scary if someone takes time to do all that. Well... I guess I did look crazy with him looking at an empty sent message from his phone. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
It's like they can send a text or make calls and make it look like it came form someone else's number. which might be the case if he didn't have a trace of it on his phone.

I don't know much more about how it works other than what I saw on svu so , you know, ymmv

The girlfriend just ereased it after she sent it
...dont over think it she wanted to see het response.....
OP since you've known this dude your whole life and he's a terrible lair and doesnt text etc... It sounds like someone else sent it from his number or spoofed his number. I'd reach out to him and tell him that you believe that he didnt send it... but warn him that someone is trying to cause problems in your marriage using him and he should be on the look out.
Is it an iPhone/imessage? Girlfriend could have done it from the laptop and deleted it after you didn't reply back
Chiiiile... I believe without a doubt it was ‘ole girlfriend. Feeling all insecure about your relationship with him. Don’t let her win. Sincerely apologize to him and do whatever it takes to mend your relationship. Don’t mention to him, that you suspect her. Watch your back and your husband, with her. What did he say after he SAW the text you received? It didn’t just appear out of thin air. o_O
OP, I think he sent the text. Why would his girlfriend send that text? It makes no sense to me because, if there were some underlying feelings between you two, that text surely would have brought them to the surface. That's not a jealous woman's ammo. They look for evidence - they don't plant evidence.
Someone has tried that exact same thing with me before with a friend of mine. She tried it multiple times, thinking she would catch us in something that wasn't even happening.
Chiiiile... I believe without a doubt it was ‘ole girlfriend. Feeling all insecure about your relationship with him. Don’t let her win. Sincerely apologize to him and do whatever it takes to mend your relationship. Don’t mention to him, that you suspect her. Watch your back and your husband, with her. What did he say after he SAW the text you received? It didn’t just appear out of thin air. o_O

Apologize for what? Receiving a text from his phone? OP did nothing wrong and she did what most people should do when faced with craziness from someone close to them, address the situation. He needs to apologize for either sending a drunken text or having a psycho girlfriend.
Apologize for what? Receiving a text from his phone? OP did nothing wrong and she did what most people should do when faced with craziness from someone close to them, address the situation. He needs to apologize for either sending a drunken text or having a psycho girlfriend.

I am convinced it was the girlfriend. If she tried to meddle in their relationship I would do whatever it took to ensure that she didn’t succeed. Kill it with kindness. The girlfriend probably wanted to see his or Op’s reaction. If Op responded in kind, that she had feelings as well, Dude would have either denied her or pursued her. If I was in a relationship with someone who had strong feelings for someone else, I’d want to know, so I could bounce.
I believe the girlfriend sent the text, when he was confronted, OP and her friend looked weird about it (because it’s creepy) and I think he got upset and I’m not exactly believing he’s offended. I think he knows his gf may have done it. You can’t make that up and it came from somewhere.
Is it an iPhone/imessage? Girlfriend could have done it from the laptop and deleted it after you didn't reply back

It was a regular text to my galaxy. It just showed received which was when I turned the phone on. When I get up in the morning, I will turn my cell on because my gf texts me inspirational daily quotes to start my day.I would forward them to my family members as well. So his message was the first that came in that morning.
Sadly, I knew a woman that tried this approach.
An insecure (and/or crazy) woman will send a text from her guy's phone thinking the recipient will respond with "I have been in love with you too" or "I was just with you last night.."
Basically expecting an incriminating response. It's sad but it happens. We could be wrong but based on what OP has shared so far, it seems possible someone else may have sent the text.
That's not a jealous woman's ammo. They look for evidence - they don't plant evidence.

I guess you could be right. It's just a funny vibe when I see her. I try to hold conversations and get very little. One family gathering, the mom practically grabbed me in the door to drag me to see her new purchase. She left hubby, her and my friend in the living room. We both like collecting unique things. She is like a second mom to me, and my mom and her are always on the phone. He's been with her a little over a year.
Sadly, I knew a woman that tried this approach.
An insecure (and/or crazy) woman will send a text from her guy's phone thinking the recipient will respond with "I have been in love with you too" or "I was just with you last night.."
Basically expecting an incriminating response. It's sad but it happens. We could be wrong but based on what OP has shared so far, it seems possible someone else may have sent the text.

Well...I surely did not respond. So if she was waiting on one that night, jokes on her...my cell phone gets turned off a night. :lachen: