I just don't fancy anyone.......


Well-Known Member
No no no - i'm not a lesbian!

Increasingly i'm realising that i just don't find alot of guys attractive. I don't know why.

I'm single not because noone approaches me - alot of guys do - but because i find most men completely unattractive.

My standards aren't so high that i find tiny faults in every man but i look at a guy and i actually think 'ewww' or 'yuk' or 'don't even talk to me'. It must be written all over my face and quite frankly i don't care!!! In fact i feel repulsed my the guys that approach me - which is an awful thing to say.

I don't particularly go for pretty boy's but a man i find attractive seems not to be out there for me.

Only 2 men have ever got my heart fluttering - my ex-fiance and my son's father. Thats it.
I didn't even really fancy the guy i was with for 8 years and that was so unfair for both of us as i wasted alot of years being with a guy who treated me like a princess cus he loved me sooo much yet i only had affection for him.

Anyone else out there understand where i'm coming from or am i just weird?
You're not weird.

I went through this period for a long time. I wouldn't say I'm picky, but there are a lot of things that are turn offs to me and the end result is a very shallow pool to fish from.

The guy I'm really feeling right now is married. Go figure. :rolleyes:
Actually, I'm going through this phase right now.. It takes a lot for me to feel that "spark" when it comes to a man I'm attracted to.

I say it's a good thing for me because I'm really focusing on my plans to relocate and I don't want nothing getting in my way.
Sometimes we just not looking. I dont think its weird at all. People always make women feel if we dont have a man around us all the time somethings wrong with us. And there's nothing wrong with being particular and keeping your standards high.
Lately I've also found that a lot of men look "ewww" to me too...:look: But I'm weird because sometimes I'll like a guy based on his personality and his charisma more than being VERRRY atrracted to his looks... :yep: This makes dating online difficult for me because I don't give the "so-so" looking guys a chance, but in reality, if I did, I might actually end up finding myself attracted to him just based on his vibe... :spinning:
I'm feeling the same way.

Normally when I get around a bunch of men I'm feeling a bunch of them. But now I'll only be into one every once in a while. My idea of attraction is changing or something

But this could be a good thing. Perhaps you're zero-ing in on The One.
I really like guys but I also really enjoy "me" time. I'm starting to think I'm antisocial, lol. Prince Charming is going to have to knock on my door because I don't even feel like being bothered to go out looking for him.
I TOTALLY feel you on this one. I'm kinda like, where are all the attractive men? And it's not just looks, cause sometimes you can just feel a person's great spirit, and I haven't had that happen in a really really really long time.
I know what you mean!!!! Funny thing is I am really picky. But not that he has to look a certain way but he just has to have the spark. Like Bam! Normally I like the guys most girls are like hes just ok. The quiet geek like! lol