Am I only jumpoff material?

It has taken me years to realize, but most of the time there are signs (not all the time, but most of the time). I ask lots of questions, check for consistency in answers, talk about how I kill MFers who are trying to holla at me when they have wives/girlfriends, ask about past relationships, how/why they ended, etc. This is not something I do until I think there may be a potential for a long time relationship.

How do you find out later that they have girlfriends?

:lachen: :lol: at the bolded
^^ :lachen: I used to talk about buiding small fires in their front yard if I found out!!! :look:

I told em "hey, I won't burn your house down but I might built a small fire in your front yard"

...just kidding of course! :yawn: :lachen:
This is why I love LHCF so much, I was about to go into a major set back with my self-esteem and yall have really lifted me!! :love3:
It's definitely not you.

I think it's just that if you make guys "wait" and don't show your feelings easily, then you're probably considered (in their minds) a "CHALLENGE"...and oh boy do men LOOOVE a challenge! :eyebrows2

It's so trifiling that they have gf's already but still want a "sidepiece" :nono:

It's not your fault as long as you leave them immediately after learning their TRUE availability status.

I agree w/others though... Don't close off your heart. I've done so before in the past (still working on it too) and it's not fun. :ohwell: It sounds like you just haven't found a true "match" yet. :yep:

I always ask myself too...why are the good-looking guys always the "bad boys"? :confused: I think it's because they're good-looking, and so women tend to fall all over themselves for them. Pretty much because....they CAN. :ohwell:

The "nice guys" tend to be overlooked a lot of the time since they usually (not always) are not on the "bad boy" list and so they've learned how to treat women in order to keep them. The "HOT" guys never have to really try too hard w/some women sometimes. *shrugs* Just saying....that's my theory.... :look: