Do I have the right to feel hurt?

What a freak that guy is. And an idiot. OP, you dodged a bullet. You should be glad. He sounds mentally unstable, insecure, and like he's hiding something. Loser.
The other day, we're having a conversation (via text) and he mentions that he saves all his energy for work, partying and sex. I couldn't just ignore the comment. Wondering how he would respond, I asked "Oh. Do you have a very active sex life or something?" He FREAKED out on me, telling him I had no right to ask him a personal question like that (which I agree with - hindsight)... but he also told me "you're not a close friend, I'm not TRYING to get close to you, I'm not TRYING to be in a relationship with you.." and went off some more.

Sounds...someway...special perhaps.
Well, I hope you feel better since asking this question here!!
You deserve better!!! This guy is not the type that deserves a piece of dust from your being let alone a kiss. Who in the hell says I'm saving all my energy for work, sex and partying!!! That right there says
I don't have time to invest in you but let's get it on!! BS. And YES a
women has the right to ask
Sorry... Has the right to ask this question at any point sex is brought into the conversation.... If he has the balls to say he's looking for sex... You must ask!!! WTH!!! It's your body and you need to know where his stink self is poking! He is occupying your time and if he intends to pursue, you have every right to ask. Not to say they will be honest but hell!!! It's on the table... Negro you need to let me know how many pools you are swimming in yuuk!
He deliberately raised the issue of sex to provoke a reaction from you, so that he could tell you that he doesn't plan on getting serious with you. Believe him and move on.

This is all you need to know. Period. :look:

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He is a grade A prick-ly. I would erase him from my radar. He probably thought you would be down for whatever, but I hope his arse is wrong.... U don't seem definite. I would have said, whoa playa, all that breaking confirms that nothing can happen between us, as I only deal with men.