I am not even sure what to title this..

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IMO that is just plain old disrespectful. I would have texted him back telling him not to contact me again. It's clear he only has one thing on his mind.
:lachen::lachen: I ain't NEVA seen a pretty penis or heard one described as being pretty...I can tell you def. ain't gotten any in a min., lol lol lol!

You haven't?! I think penises are a magnificent creation...I appreciate both the art and function. :lachen:I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, though.
Wow, some men :perplexed
I wonder why he waited a few days and conversations to let his freak out like that. He should have been up front and not wasted your time.
dummy :nono:
IMO that is just plain old disrespectful. I would have texted him back telling him not to contact me again. It's clear he only has one thing on his mind.

I completely agree with you... I have no intention of talking to him again at all.. Then again. I really do not think he will be contacting me again after my response.. However, stranger things have happened...
I was all like aww pikachu then I saw the erect part:blush:. That's messed up Dunno why they think all women are alike.

I had an ex do that to me sometime ago. I got a text from him and I was like "who is this". And he sent me a "reminder":blush:. I was shocked but I took another peek :look: and deleted it then I cussed him out.
I completely agree with you... I have no intention of talking to him again at all.. Then again. I really do not think he will be contacting me again after my response.. However, stranger things have happened...

Oh sure he will. Give him time.
Girl, my dumb butt was like pikachu? Ain't that a small dog? Then when I read erect, I'm like no he didn't.

I guess he must have had you on his mind and wanted him to be on yours....mind I mean.

So did you call him back....I'm just saying.

:lachen:That's what I thought too until I kept reading!
Guys are idiots I see online and offline. They have a thing for voyerism and every chance they get they want to show "themselves". Funny.
Why do men act like this is an honor....some dude wanted to show me he liked em I guess, so he sent me his pikachu....his diseased lookin pkachu and asked when we were going out on a date. And then said...yeah he dun have no car (he's older than me) but HE'S A GENTLEMAN HE WILL PAY FOR GAS....i think not. If you do not have a car and make 3 times more money than me....u're not for me. ...Then the next week his phone got turned off..... :rolleyes:.....but when it got back turned on he sent me more pics of his chou chou....u know to make sure I got the first one....

I meet this guy about 3 weeks ago.

We met out at the Grocery Store.. Same Aisle, he was looking for something I was in the way... I smiled said excuse me..

He said you have a very pretty smile. I said I know that's what everyone says, you guys need to move on to pick up like 10.. He laughed, I said just kidding.. So we both laughed.. Anyway, he was cute so, I like laughter.. So, I made a joke anyway.. We talked for awhile exchanged numbers.

We have talked maybe 3 or 4 times since then.. Nothing more then 5 or 10 minutes. General pleasantries and we have to make it a point to go out.. With it being the Holiday season, we are both a little busy and he is working a little overtime since they are busy..

So, the last time we talked was approximately 5 days ago or so..

Tonight he text me a picture of his Pikachu, no really a picture of his erect pikachu.. Now what in the hell what have possessed him to send that to me. Maybe it was a mistake or maybe he was hinting.. I am not sure but are conversations have went no where near there ever..

I mean damn, I am already on a sabbatical... So men are the furthest thing from my mind. So, I am not disappointed.. Like dang that is good one who got away.. But I am disappointed in general.. I mean is only about sex.. I think I am growing up in the wrong era.. I mean what happened to courting, etc.. It is just sex sex.. Maybe I need to move to the country... J/k I do not where I need to move but this isn't going to work..

LOL.. Anyway, I found it funny so I thought I would share..
:lachen::lachen: I ain't NEVA seen a pretty penis or heard one described as being pretty...I can tell you def. ain't gotten any in a min., lol lol lol!

I gotta say I've seen one that was pretty back in my hayday. I mean seriously dude whipped it out & I was like :blush: Wow! it's so...pretty. And it was like a work of art. Ok I know that sounds :lachen::lachen: but its true :lachen:.
Why do men act like this is an honor....some dude wanted to show me he liked em I guess, so he sent me his pikachu....his diseased lookin pkachu and asked when we were going out on a date. And then said...yeah he dun have no car (he's older than me) but HE'S A GENTLEMAN HE WILL PAY FOR GAS....i think not. If you do not have a car and make 3 times more money than me....u're not for me. ...Then the next week his phone got turned off..... :rolleyes:.....but when it got back turned on he sent me more pics of his chou chou....u know to make sure I got the first one....

You had me cracking up... I mean is the picture supposed to be a conversation starter.
I really just do not get it.. However, I blame women for this behavior not men.. If no one was accepting this then they wouldn't be doing it. I mean a few would try but the majority of them would realize. Hey, this isn't the way to get a girl... I have to come better than that...

I gotta say I've seen one that was pretty back in my hayday. I mean seriously dude whipped it out & I was like :blush: Wow! it's so...pretty. And it was like a work of art. Ok I know that sounds :lachen::lachen: but its true :lachen:.

Naa... I understand... Most aren't pretty.. They are diseased as krazyandkute pointed out...
I really do not think he will be contacting me again after my response.. However, stranger things have happened...

he's a sicko...it's cyber exposing..kind of like flashing via text
so my guess...any reaction by the woman ..is incidental
it's the sending it out...that's the charge..the guy gets..
& it's kind of typical to engage in in some kind of normalcy ..
and then wham bam

in the future ..accept the offer of a guy's number and
do not give him yours or email....

in the movies..well...that's fiction...
I had a few male friends (real FRIENDS) so I've seen them play this trick before. IT WORKS! Now it may not work for women who they would eventually like to marry, but it is so pathetic to see the response they get when they send thier pikachu's through the airwaves. Don't let it be a nice sized pikachu! Whew the phone never stops ringing. Age, level of education, or race does not matter. I have seen young, old, educated, and retarded fall like dummies for this trick. One time my guy friend was actually trying to STOP a woman from callin him because she just kept calling to try to go out with him. So he figured if he was ignorant, maybe she'd get the point then. That night she kept texting him like "Lets get together and do something" so he sent his pikachu through the airwaves with a sexual content text....She was like "I have to take a bathe first but that's cool"...This chick was 43!!!

So try not to fault him girl. He just didn't respect your gangsta. Now he knows you aren't one of "them".
Girl you have me hollaring out loud right at this point...

....She was like "I have to take a bathe first but that's cool"...This chick was 43!!!

So try not to fault him girl. He just didn't respect your gangsta. Now he knows you aren't one of "them".

Women :nono:
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