I always wondered......


Well-Known Member
I always wondered that when men stare at you are they seeing if you will acknowledge them and smile to be approachable. I just always wondered what the reason is behind it or why they stare.

And how do you respond to it?

Not to sound like I'm all that but I was just in the airport to catch a flight and noticed that I had a couple of men that would look over my way and i just wondering what they were thinking when they are staring at a woman?
I'd be quite afraid to find out what they're thinking about! I probably wouldn't be able to handle it, lol.
I just smile back and KIM. If they want to step to me then they will, if not I just see it as a friendly glance and not worry.

Some folks are just the smiling type. I don't automatically think someone is up to something just cause they are smiling or staring at me. They might not even be looking directly at me, I might just be in their path of vision. No need to be paranoid.
Maybe you were the prettiest thing they had seen that day.

Maybe you looked like someone they know.

Maybe you had a garment malfunction and didn't realize it.

You just never know.

I usually just smile and see if that breaks the stare.
I think it's all of the above plus more.

They stare to see if you'll glance back.

They just think you're attractive.

Some of them are probably imagining what it would be like to be with you. My ex told me he always imagined what different women's breasts looked like outside of her shirt :ohwell:

If you wear shirts/pants with writing on them that's a reason for them to stare.

If I notice them staring more at certain body parts I always check and a lot of times it's because a button is loose on a blouse or a zipper came loose. They'll never tell you though, they'll just stare and give themselves away LOL.

And I hate that creepy stare. That's never a good thing. Especially when they stare like crazy and don't speak.
I'm a big smiler (is that a word?:lol:) so I am always smiling. I don't know what men are thinking but the ones that smile I smile back. Sometimes they are probably just acknowledging that you seem to be attractive or friendly or they are just admiring you. Most of the time, it's harmless.
I smile then say hello. I hate when strangers (male or female) examine you.

Once I politely say hello and start some small talk they usually will tell you why they were looking.
I always wondered that when men stare at you are they seeing if you will acknowledge them and smile to be approachable. I just always wondered what the reason is behind it or why they stare.

And how do you respond to it?

Not to sound like I'm all that but I was just in the airport to catch a flight and noticed that I had a couple of men that would look over my way and i just wondering what they were thinking when they are staring at a woman?

Rarely do guys have the courage to come up to a woman and introduce themselves properly, even when you acknowledge them, just as long they are not on some scary stalker s*it, I will always smile may even talk to them. But I also get the attached guys who are staring trying to figure out if they're going to be good today or not, in this case it's a

I think most just stare cause they like what they see or think they know you. I had a guy in walmart almost die... I mean I know for a fact I'm NOT all that (just being real)... this boy was tall and my guy and I were looking at food labels, this dude was at the beginning of the isle and my back is to him... He stands there a while and I ya know feeling like someone is watching me turn around and then I glide on the other side of SO to move out the guys way cause I didn't notice him I had just felt him there. Dude follows me... Dude starts coughing a little. So SO starts walking toward the beginning where the guy just followed me from and I start following SO dude coughing gets louder and kinda turns to choking. I started to say "you okay up there shaq?" or pat him on the back but it seemed like he was just trying to get attention and the whole time I didn't even make eye contact but I couldn't help notice his height. Stuff like that makes me wonder what you were wondering "what was he thinking" I got in the car and looked all over to make sure I didn't have a wardrobe malfunction or something, the tullip may never know and you may never know either lol. I hang with a bunch of guys but they usually just approach the girl or they'll follow her with their eyes and then tell me how sexy they think she is.
He could be looking in your direction and thinking about the tasty meal he's gonna have later that day. It could be ANYTHING.