Anyone else dating an Pakistani/Indian???

Yeah Queens and those Indians are usually from Trinadad and Tobago. I saw a lot of that when I visited T and T but not so much here I have a friend who is a Dogla Black/Indian mix from T and T

No...but I would like to. They look :lick: I might make my way over to Queens :lachen:
No, its a big city. Even now, I'm visiting his family in Houston Texas and thats where the stares are really coming lol( not necessarily from his fam).

I live in Houston and you probably get stares because the black and indian population here is large but yet you don't see many black/indian couples. I've only seen 1 pairing like that and I admit I stared just because I'd never seen it! They were a cute couple though and I wish I saw it more.
I don't think one can convert to Hinduism. One has to be born into it and whichever class they belong to, that's eternally passed onto their children.
As far as dating an East Indian, I considered it. When I was in India I had a few guys approoach me, but oddly some thought I was indian. The men there, even the modern ones are still conservative about women's rights. Some still believe a woman's place is in the kitchen.Even my Indian friend, and his mother is an activist for women's rights there!
I do not find those men attractive nor do I agree with their culture. I can't get with it.

From my experiences trying to do the "foreigner" thing, I realize that I prefer someone that shares my WESTERN values. Either american or western european will do. Nothing else.
Hmm.. I'm been thinking about the possibilities of dating a indian man..
I'm a devout hindu and alot of people think that my ethnicity is indian, ethopian, or somalian (however, i'm just african american).
I would rather be with someone that sharess the same religious views as me..but I don't know how much of a possibility that is reading this thread..
I do not find those men attractive nor do I agree with their culture. I can't get with it.

From my experiences trying to do the "foreigner" thing, I realize that I prefer someone that shares my WESTERN values. Either american or western european will do. Nothing else.

What about eastern European?
Man, my Indian friend called me last night talking about how they went to see Why Did I Get Married just to see Janet Jackson. lmao. He said he felt bad because there wasn't too many men accompanying the women there.
I watched the story of Sparkle from NBC online. This was a sad story. Here is the Dateline story just in case someone wants to watch it.

I just read this whole transcript via the link you provided and it was such a sad, sad story. I will never understand senseless
killings. :nono: It's so unfortunate that her life had to end that way.

For the record and the purpose of this thread, I've never been attracted to Indian it's highly unlikely that I will ever date one.
What about eastern European?

Nope. Either American or WESTERN europe or from a country that shares the same WESTERN culture and values.

Eastern europeans have always been more primitive than their western counterparts. Nothing's changed in thousands of years. I don't care how gorgeous or educated the men are. They will whup your arse with a quickness and think nothing of it.

I tend to have a big mouth, so I can't deal with an alpha, ALPHA male at this time. LOL
I just read this whole transcript via the link you provided and it was such a sad, sad story. I will never understand senseless
killings. :nono: It's so unfortunate that her life had to end that way.

For the record and the purpose of this thread, I've never been attracted to Indian it's highly unlikely that I will ever date one.

They're always flirting with me, but I know they're not about *ish and it won't go any further.

Just last this week, this very handsome older Indian (or Pakistani, I seriously can't tell the difference) was trying to talk to me and I kindly turned up my ipod louder and ignored his arse. In my mind I was like "WTF are you talking to me for? I don't like you or your culture. Leave me alone."

I can't get with a culture that treats women like trash and dislikes my people. Sorry.
Nope. Either American or WESTERN europe or from a country that shares the same WESTERN culture and values.

Eastern europeans have always been more primitive than their western counterparts. Nothing's changed in thousands of years. I don't care how gorgeous or educated the men are. They will whup your arse with a quickness and think nothing of it.

I tend to have a big mouth, so I can't deal with an alpha, ALPHA male at this time. LOL

Wow! I didn't know that. I was recently doing a search on people from a particular eastern European country and came across a message board where the men were complaining that in the U.S. a woman can hit a man, but he is not expected to hit her back. It makes sense now. :nono:

Do you know any of these people?
I see attractive pakistani/indian men but I wouldn't date any.. The ones I see are with their own and some I see with clear women...
My boyfriend of 3.5 years is half Indian, but I have dated a few full desi men before.

My current SO's family is very supportive of our relationship but then again, he is half... they know what it's like to deal with interracial bull ****. His Indian grandparents are asking us when we are going to get married... pestering me about it actually. My family has a bigger problem with it than his.

I think they aren't so protective/exclusionary because his father already messed it up by marrying out. Plus the Grandpa lived a while in Africa-but I would think that would make him more race-conscious than anything else.

The family is Brahman, which I think plays a role in their acceptance. For some reason, I notice that lower caste people are even more self-conscious about race/ caste issues. They are already in a vulnerable social position so they try everything they can not to mess that up.

Maybe it's because I am lighter-skinned than they are?
I wouldn't date any of them. I don't find them attractive either and they have a problem with building muscle mass. Indian men store a lot of fat on their bodies just like middle eastern men. My friend told me about a Indian man that keeps hitting on her and the dude wears a turban. I told my friend to not mess with him and they don't like black women (generally speaking). Those people have no sex appeal what-so-ever and they are shape funny.
I wouldn't date any of them. I don't find them attractive either and they have a problem with building muscle mass. Indian men store a lot of fat on their bodies just like middle eastern men. My friend told me about a Indian man that keeps hitting on her and the dude wears a turban. I told my friend to not mess with him and they don't like black women (generally speaking). Those people have no sex appeal what-so-ever and they are shape funny.

Wow...that's a gross, over generalization! You can have your preference but there's no need to slam an entire ethnicity.
I wouldn't date any of them. I don't find them attractive either and they have a problem with building muscle mass. Indian men store a lot of fat on their bodies just like middle eastern men. My friend told me about a Indian man that keeps hitting on her and the dude wears a turban. I told my friend to not mess with him and they don't like black women (generally speaking). Those people have no sex appeal what-so-ever and they are shape funny.

This is a nasty and wrong generalization. If you don't like them fine but to put people down because of ethnicity is downright wrong. Get over yourself.
Wow...that's a gross, over generalization! You can have your preference but there's no need to slam an entire ethnicity.

Actually it's not. Speaking about generalization then you need to speak to your Indian friends since they have a bad habit of generalizing black people especially black women.
I wouldn't date any of them. I don't find them attractive either and they have a problem with building muscle mass. Indian men store a lot of fat on their bodies just like middle eastern men. My friend told me about a Indian man that keeps hitting on her and the dude wears a turban. I told my friend to not mess with him and they don't like black women (generally speaking). Those people have no sex appeal what-so-ever and they are shape funny.

:weird: :lachen:For shame!!!:rofl: :giggle:
Actually it's not. Speaking about generalization then you need to speak to your Indian friends since they have a bad habit of generalizing black people especially black women.

Actually, I have A LOT of Indian friends and my SO is Indian. None of them have ever spoken about black people the way you have spoken about them.