Have You Stayed With A Cheater?

It would make things easier for a woman with a broken heart from infidelity if he was just an all out A-hole but in my situation and from the other situations I've seen, they are considered "good men" in every other area. All family and friends see is how nice he is, how he is a good man, and how "y'all are our example of black love" but they have no clue what's happening behind closed doors.
It's like why does he have to be so sweet yet so rotten? I guess that's the nature of people. Most of us aren't just all good or all bad.
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All the people I know who've divorced (one married 3 times) didn't lose a dime and a couple of those divorces were due to cheating (child out of wedlock too).
Do you mean the cost to file? If someone wants out because of cheating I'm assuming the cost would be worth it. Maybe I'm simplifying because it's not part of my reality....luckily.

@Mai Tai I get that. But still I don't see why a quick and dirty divorce can't free you from someone who broke that commitment IF that's what you chose to do. Why does it have to be more complicated than that? Like I mentioned the people that I know who've divorced made it seem so simple to me.

ETA: Yes I catch it. I say that because I've seen a marriage that was so lax but the same person had a solid non-marriage relationship and is now divorcing. From a legal standpoint people would most likely encourage the marriage but from what I saw, that gf was a better match and the proof is the divorce. The non-marriage relationship lasted much longer too.
So for me, just because someone is married, doesn't mean the relationship deserves to be salvaged. I'm not sure I'm explaining my thought well.

I re-read your response and my focus on the no asset, no kids or pets was not about the legal obligation by no means, that would be silly. I meant that in divorce proceedings, when those things exist, it makes the divorce process longer, more expensive and more painful. That's all I meant by that. So if those things don't exist and I'm cheated on AND I want out... It ain't nothing but gathering my papers and sending it. What am I missing?

Perhaps Barbie is right in saying that most married folks wouldn't leave their cheating spouse but wouldn't admit it. Either way, whatever makes someone happy :)
If somebody wanna leave, they will leave. i wouldn't go back and forth with married folk. It's wasted energy.
I did once years ago because I was very sick and loss a bit of my short term memory as a result. So I forgot that he cheated in the first place and just resumed our relationship once I got better. I would have stayed with him too if my good friend hadn't shown me the receipts.

The next guy who cheated on me, I left in a heartbeat. I would never knowingly stay with a cheater because usually there are other underlying issues that accompany the cheating. A year after ending the relationship, this particular man was arrested for rape, accused of beating his next girlfriend (I ran into them at a Target and she had a bruised eye) AND had a reputation for fist fighting. At the time when he cheated, he did not exhibit all of these bad behaviors so I definitely dodged a bullet there!