How to say no to a trick question

Wow you had a rough night. :huggle: And no "oops", I am proud of you for saying outright that you didn't want to sit with them, you had to do what you had to do. Your friend's bf is selfish and your friend either doesn't have the courage to stand up to him or she actually enjoys having all of that attention at once. Either way, all you can do is acknowledge your own feelings and try your best to avoid situations that make you feel bad. You have go to get to the root of why it's so hard for you to respect your own feelings, then you've got to pull that root up and get it out of your life. Don't fret though, okay? Make up for tonight by having a wonderful Saturday and Sunday :kiss:.

Thanks hopeful - you are so sweet. :kiss:

And you're right - I shouldn't let it it ruin my Saturday and Sunday.

I am definitely going to keep thinking about my need to please.:perplexed