how soon is too soon... for calling you "baby"

is a less than a week too soon for "baby"

  • yes

    Votes: 47 81.0%
  • no

    Votes: 11 19.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I would advice you to not get caught up in being called terms such as "baby". That doesn't mean you're any more special than the next woman. Most guys call any woman "baby". It doesn't matter if it's their significant other or not. So to answer your question, there isn't a yes or no answer to how soon he is calling you baby. Being called baby doesn't mean anything for real.
I would advice you to not get caught up in being called terms such as "baby". That doesn't mean you're any more special than the next woman. Most guys call any woman "baby". It doesn't matter if it's their significant other or not. So to answer your question, there isn't a yes or no answer to how soon he is calling you baby. Being called baby doesn't mean anything for real.
Yes, that's why it usually annoys me when guys do this, say on the first date, or even when they're trying to get a date. It's like they're not acknowledging me as an individual - I'm just a random female. Sometimes the way it's used can be condescending as well.

I would only be comfortable being called "baby" by a guy I'm in a real respectful relationship with, but I can't even think of any serious SOs who did.
If you are a "Rules Girl", you are seeing him entirely too much.

It wouldn't bother me that he called me baby, I prefer sweetheart though. Neither here nor there, as long as he is calling.
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I'd just come out and ask him his age. I've never been scared to ask that because it's nothing. As far as baby....a week is too soon to me.
I would have to be with him exclusively for a few months (2-3) before the nicknames start. And even then the only names I wouldn't mind would be: baby, honey, sweetie, everything else NO