How often do you say "no" to him?

bmore, astroglide is susposed to be one of those really good ones too, not sure if it causes vajayjay problems but its very uhhh *lubricating*
camellia said:
There's something about the bolded that really bothers me.:look: I think saying yes every single time just to make my husband happy is a bad idea.

I think dropping everything to please him is a bad idea too.

Sometimes I just don't feel like it. Why should his wants trump mine every time? I really don't understand that kind of thinking. I don't know about everyone else's man, but mine is ready to "go" constantly.:look: Sometimes I just want to take my bath and read a book in peace. Just because he walks into the bathroom and starts trying to seduce me doesn't mean I'm going to invite him into the tub or hurry out to meet him in the bedroom.

I'm hardly shutting him down constantly, but I won't go along with it when I don't want to , and I sure won't fake it just to get it over with and make him happy. If he's in such "need" he does have alternatives. ;)
I like to enjoy sex, I don't want it to become a chore.

Okay, down off of my soapbox now. Just something to think about.:)

I TOTALLY understand what you mean Camellia :yep:

This has been my stance but sometimes I feel like I am being such a hardas$ and is it really worth it in the long run.

It isn't a huge sacrifice and he does so much to make me happy so it's not like he is asking me to climb Mt. Everest.

I am stubborn and way too independent for my own good. I think I have been more of a taker out of this marraige so far and this is probably a way that I can give more that he will really appreciate;)

It isn't going to be an overnight thing and I doubt I will ever get to the point where I will be boon-kin ova every time he asks:lol: , but I can get better and that is what I am going to try to do
bmoreflyygirl said:
Oooh thanks! I'll have to check that out. Does anybody else have problems with soreness after the fact if you use lube? I never feel it until later on. Is there anything I can do about that?

Dang I have this problem too :ohwell:
Mmmm..... the olive oil sounds interesting. I do remember an older female fa,ily member mentioning this years ago. I just never tried it.
nikki1971 said:
Dang I have this problem too :ohwell:

Hmm the lube should not replace foreplay:look: I think it just *aides* things along....if we grab the lube too soon and i"m not 'ready' then yeah I will feel sore
WARNING: Olive Oil is natural but it will erode a condom. All you single ladies, this is probably NOT A GOOD IDEA for condoms!!!!


Not trying to be raunchy by having your mate satisfy you orally can help with moisture in that area without putting the condom at risk :)

Carry on...
trimbride said:
WARNING: Olive Oil is natural but it will erode a condom. All you single ladies, this is probably NOT A GOOD IDEA for condoms!!!!


Not trying to be raunchy by having your mate satisfy you orally can help with moisture in that area without putting the condom at risk :)

Carry on...

I was gonna mentioned that was best way but didn't want to join a bann.;)

Didn't know that about olive oil.
trimbride said:
WARNING: Olive Oil is natural but it will erode a condom. All you single ladies, this is probably NOT A GOOD IDEA for condoms!!!!


Not trying to be raunchy by having your mate satisfy you orally can help with moisture in that area without putting the condom at risk :)

Carry on...
This is very true. I may try to find a natural or organic lubricant online that safe for condoms. For now I just don't use any type of lubricant.
MissScarlett said:
Hmm the lube should not replace foreplay:look: I think it just *aides* things along....if we grab the lube too soon and i"m not 'ready' then yeah I will feel sore

Yeah thats my problem, I just try to hurry up and get it over with :(
I am not trying to get things locked down either, this is useful & important information. It has to do with women's health :yep:
trimbride said:
I am not trying to get things locked down either, this is useful & important information. It has to do with women's health :yep:

Ok, that's a good way to look at it.:)
Maybe we're like the Borg and have some type of mental connection, because he hasn't asked me for sex if I wasn't in the mood. So I don't have any reason to turn him down, unless it's a certain time. *shrug*
preciousjewel76 said:
Looking at dlewis' siggy has me wondering about incorporating edible items into the act of love. Hmmmmm, homemade jam......:lachen:

Sounds good but eemmm, you don't want to eat them off certain areas. Have fun.:lol:
camellia said:
There's something about the bolded that really bothers me.:look: I think saying yes every single time just to make my husband happy is a bad idea.

I think dropping everything to please him is a bad idea too.

Sometimes I just don't feel like it. Why should his wants trump mine every time? I really don't understand that kind of thinking. I don't know about everyone else's man, but mine is ready to "go" constantly.:look: Sometimes I just want to take my bath and read a book in peace. Just because he walks into the bathroom and starts trying to seduce me doesn't mean I'm going to invite him into the tub or hurry out to meet him in the bedroom.

I'm hardly shutting him down constantly, but I won't go along with it when I don't want to , and I sure won't fake it just to get it over with and make him happy. If he's in such "need" he does have alternatives. ;)
I like to enjoy sex, I don't want it to become a chore.

Okay, down off of my soapbox now. Just something to think about.:)

Once again, you are in my head!:lol:
nikki1971 said:
I can't use any of the K Y products they cause major vajayjay issues for me :nono: I wonder are there natural/organic lubricants that would not cause me problems down there :look:

This isn't natural or organic but have you tried astroglide. Now that's the bomb! I don' tlike KY. I used to say "no" several times but now I never say "no". I just put myself in his shoes and thought about how much I'd hate to be turned away.
Ladies there's an all natural lubricant that feels like silk and is safe for condoms and the name of it is

I have never, ever turned my SO down even when I had just been discharged from the ER,vomitting with the stomach flu, even when I'm tired, even when he's woke me up at 1,2,3 or even 4 in the morning and I had to be up at 5:30, even when I'm getting dressed for work. I'm always willing, ready and waiting and all my girlfriends want to know why I get a proposal from the man I'm dating within the first 3 months of our relationship. My SO said he's had a lot of women but he has never had a woman who is always ready and never says no and because he is so masculine it makes him feel like "the man". He says I'm the first woman other than his ex-wife that he's been faithful to and he said he was only faithful to her because of the vows but with me it's because he gets everything he needs from me and doesn't have to look anywhere else for satisfaction and he's never met a woman like that. I've always been a pleaser. I just love going out of my way to please my man. He says I have him so spoiled that he just has to marry me. Also, he's never said no to me either and it's never a quickie with us its always 1-3 hours at any given time but I do remember him telling me when we first met that he didn't have a high sex drive and wasn't going to be lasting no 3 hours and doing it everyday and he was also taking enhancers but since he's been with me its been 3 hours 90% of the time and when we're home all day together its 3-4 times that day and its everyday with no enhancers!
Ayeshia said:
Okay Imma keep it clean...but I was wondering how often do you turn down your Dh's/SO's advances for sex?

When you do turn him down what do you say? do you give him an excuse as to why you dont want to do it at that particular time or do you just say "no" and keep it moving? (well obviously besides the period days for those who dont like to get down like that) How does he usually react?

Has he ever turned you down? :look: :lol:
I brush him off and keep movin', lol!!
I don't need to give him excuses. He never turns me down, because if I am randy enough to have to wake his *** up, he KNOWS it's gonna be pornographic and he is always down for that!!!:lol:
I'm going to be real with y'all. I say no to my man to make him want it more. He knows when he does get it, it will be off the hook. I can't give it to him on the regular basis because he will get use to it. I know that sex and food is the way to my man heart. I know when it's time to make love. I know when it's time for a quickie ( right now) and i know when it's time to get freaky. :cool:
lauren450 said:
When I really don't want to, I don't. I don't really have to say no; he usually gets the picture. When this happens, I know he's disappointed, but he told me a long time ago that he doesn't ever want me to make love to him if I'm not feeling it because that's no fun for either of us. I like that because I never feel obligated.

He never turns me down.

I concur.

I've never really had to say "no," because when I am too tired or just not in the mood, he can tell. He may try to initiate something............... and if im not responding to his advances he doesnt press it.
LaRobinWolfe76 said:
Ladies there's an all natural lubricant that feels like silk and is safe for condoms and the name of it is

I have never, ever turned my SO down even when I had just been discharged from the ER,vomitting with the stomach flu, even when I'm tired, even when he's woke me up at 1,2,3 or even 4 in the morning and I had to be up at 5:30, even when I'm getting dressed for work. I'm always willing, ready and waiting and all my girlfriends want to know why I get a proposal from the man I'm dating within the first 3 months of our relationship. My SO said he's had a lot of women but he has never had a woman who is always ready and never says no and because he is so masculine it makes him feel like "the man". He says I'm the first woman other than his ex-wife that he's been faithful to and he said he was only faithful to her because of the vows but with me it's because he gets everything he needs from me and doesn't have to look anywhere else for satisfaction and he's never met a woman like that. I've always been a pleaser. I just love going out of my way to please my man. He says I have him so spoiled that he just has to marry me. Also, he's never said no to me either and it's never a quickie with us its always 1-3 hours at any given time but I do remember him telling me when we first met that he didn't have a high sex drive and wasn't going to be lasting no 3 hours and doing it everyday and he was also taking enhancers but since he's been with me its been 3 hours 90% of the time and when we're home all day together its 3-4 times that day and its everyday with no enhancers!

Wow! That's dedication! But, didn't he see that you were sick? I'd be kind of upset if I were that ill and my husband was still looking for some. Can't compare what it's like before marriage to after, but I do know that with pregnancy, sometimes, I just don't feel like it and he's always considerate enough to see that and grateful for the times that I'm ready to jump him. Before pregnancy, I'd only give him a raincheck due to sheer exhaustion or time of the month- he's never asked when i've been sick and I don't ask when he's sick/exhausted either. Like some of the other posters said, I really like to enjoy it and sometimes just can't if I'm feeling crummy and know that it would be much better later.
i have never said no when my man wanted to have sex. i think the only time i can see myself saying no is if i'm stitched up down there or somthing :lol: :lol:
LaRobinWolfe76 said:
Ladies there's an all natural lubricant that feels like silk and is safe for condoms and the name of it is

I have never, ever turned my SO down even when I had just been discharged from the ER,vomitting with the stomach flu, even when I'm tired, even when he's woke me up at 1,2,3 or even 4 in the morning and I had to be up at 5:30, even when I'm getting dressed for work. I'm always willing, ready and waiting and all my girlfriends want to know why I get a proposal from the man I'm dating within the first 3 months of our relationship. My SO said he's had a lot of women but he has never had a woman who is always ready and never says no and because he is so masculine it makes him feel like "the man". He says I'm the first woman other than his ex-wife that he's been faithful to and he said he was only faithful to her because of the vows but with me it's because he gets everything he needs from me and doesn't have to look anywhere else for satisfaction and he's never met a woman like that. I've always been a pleaser. I just love going out of my way to please my man. He says I have him so spoiled that he just has to marry me. Also, he's never said no to me either and it's never a quickie with us its always 1-3 hours at any given time but I do remember him telling me when we first met that he didn't have a high sex drive and wasn't going to be lasting no 3 hours and doing it everyday and he was also taking enhancers but since he's been with me its been 3 hours 90% of the time and when we're home all day together its 3-4 times that day and its everyday with no enhancers!

As for this. . . uh never mind! I just hope there is more to his devotion to you then you giving it up all the tie within the first three months of the relationship.
PME_LADY said:
As for this. . . uh never mind! I just hope there is more to his devotion to you then you giving it up all the tie within the first three months of the relationship.
yeah ummm her post kinda put me off....:ohwell:
Glamourous said:
This has to be the first I've heard of someone getting a proposal becase they keep giving it up.

right? going by this a few of us should have been married a lonnnnnnnngg time ago :lol:
trimbride said:
WARNING: Olive Oil is natural but it will erode a condom. All you single ladies, this is probably NOT A GOOD IDEA for condoms!!!!


Not trying to be raunchy by having your mate satisfy you orally can help with moisture in that area without putting the condom at risk :)

Carry on...

Thanks for that bit of info before I went off and got adventurous. :look:
He says I'm the first woman other than his ex-wife that he's been faithful to and he said he was only faithful to her because of the vows but with me it's because he gets everything he needs from me and doesn't have to look anywhere else for satisfaction and he's never met a woman like that.[/QUOTE]

Umm, not a good sign. If he's tellin you that you're the only one he's been faithful to, that means he's been unfaithful to a lot of other women.