How he feels about my hair ...

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anti-babymama eh to each his own.. but i am more than sure their will be something that you tolerate from the new man. Whether it be hair, a job, or a habit he has.. nobody is perfect
^^I was gonna post the same thing. We all 'tolerate' something. Maybe "tolerate" isn't the best word, but it is what it is. You aren't going to loooove every thiiiiing about yo boooooo. Nah son, it don't work like that. If your hair is high up on your list of things that your SO should accept/love, then cool. But's personally I'm more worried that he accepts/loves other things than my hair. But again, dats jus me. :)
Of course nobody is perfect, but if you need 'tolerance' for something that I have no control over (my hair texture, skin tone, height etc) then I'm sorry that's some bs.

"Tolerance" is for stuff like leaving the cap off the toothpaste, or using the last of the toilet paper and not putting out a new roll. That's completely different from somebody tolerating a hair texture but yeah like you each her own.
anti-babymama i think the most misleading word in this entire conversation is the word "natural". When we say it, we are picturing textured hairstyles and what comes out of our head with 0 manipulation.

He doesn't prefer textured styles but straight ones because i have worn my hair straight. As a matter of fact, he even says in pt.2 and i quote

"Lastly, I don’t know how it became a topic of race. I’ve seen women of every race whose hair I wasn’t fond of at some point; “Asian” hair is just my way of saying straight and silky. This is all too possible with natural hair. I’ve seen it with my own eyes! [Gabby cue the link]"

So i COULD wear my hair straight if i wanted to, chemical free, but i PREFER not to because i am scared of heat damage. He's really just sayin he prefers the straight look whether achieve with or without the use of chemicals
We are all allowed to have preferences (I whole heartedly believe that).....but we should be repectful.

The OP says that she likes men who are more muscular, her boyfriend is not that. Let's examine two senerios.

Senerio 1:

Man: "Baby how do you like my natural chest?"
Woman: "It's alright but you know I liked it better when you had more muscles"
Man: "Really but, but what about my natural chest"
Woman: "Look honey, I love you, I've been with you for 5 years. I'm not going anywhere but I, preference is a more muscular chest. If you want to keep your natural chest I'm fine with it." *smiles* :grin:

Senerio 2:

Man: "Baby how do you like my natural chest?"
Woman: "Well, really you need to get in the gym and sculpt that skinny *blank, blank*"
Man: "Really but, but what about my natural chest"
Woman: "Look honey, I love you, I've been with you for 5 years. I'm not going anywhere but this is what I like" :cowgirl: *quickly looks up pics as a example, comes back smiling and showing what she found* :pics:



Does scenerio 2, sound good when presented to strangers who are trying to embrace their natural chest? One has to know that all they are going to get is a bunch of :blah:

OP, I respect your man's preferences. I guess for me the comment I mentioned in my previous post was the thing that was offensive. Tis' all. :violin: :deadhorse: :giveup:

NicWhite POINT WELL TAKEN! :grin:
Totally off topic but that's so funny because back home nobody is circumcised, DH is not, and in fact I've never seen a circumcised one:lachen: . So to me,it's the other way around. And I live in Canada now and I won't be doing that to my boy.(oh and Dh's you-know-what is very clean lol).

I've never been with a cut one. I've seen a some (on TV :sekret:) I think they look bald and funny looking :lol:
@anti-babymama i think the most misleading word in this entire conversation is the word "natural". When we say it, we are picturing textured hairstyles and what comes out of our head with 0 manipulation.

He doesn't prefer textured styles but straight ones because i have worn my hair straight. As a matter of fact, he even says in pt.2 and i quote

"Lastly, I don’t know how it became a topic of race. I’ve seen women of every race whose hair I wasn’t fond of at some point; “Asian” hair is just my way of saying straight and silky. This is all too possible with natural hair. I’ve seen it with my own eyes! [Gabby cue the link]"

So i COULD wear my hair straight if i wanted to, chemical free, but i PREFER not to because i am scared of heat damage. He's really just sayin he prefers the straight look whether achieve with or without the use of chemicals

MsLizziA None of this changes anything :lol:
jennboo Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but prior to me, all he dated was light skinned chicks cuz that was his preference.

Nah yall can take that in run with it if yall want but the fact of the matter is he is still with me n he is still mine. Obviously he is able to see past preference and see something much deeper than just skin color and hair type.

I mean its no different than my preference being the football built typa man. He was skinny when we 1st started dating but that didn't stop me. He has gained weight since then but he's still not big. It was just my preference, it wasn't written in gold but I have been with him so long that i look past all that. Hell i don't even notice it anymore TO have to look past it

Hmmm...:look: Umm....:ohwell:
^^To me, that IS the general consensus. Most natchals think straight hair (be it relaxed or flat ironed/heat trained/whateva) is the debil. It's like all or nothing.

Not true.

I'm pretty firm about my belief that a head of natural hair trumps all. With that said, the 'natural' can be black people's natural hair, white people's natural hair, indian peoples' natural hair, chinese people's natural hair...and we all know many people from these groups have 'straighter' hair... naturally.

So, yea, i can appreciate a healthy head of straight hair when it grows out of ones head like that. When highly textured hair is processed to look straight, it usually just looks blah (thin, dead, greasy, picked out, etc) and not as good as the natch. KT is a good example of a natural whose hair looks WAY BETTER in it's natural state than it does straightened.

I can't stand processed hair though, it never looks as good as the hair type that the processed one is trying to emulate lol.

A friend of mine just cut off her relaxed hair and took off her helmet (weave w/bangs) and she, seriously, looks 100% prettier, cuter, etc.
OP, although the way your boyfriend conveyed his message came off as ignorant, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt....

HOWEVER....I don't know. The way you're explaining it. He only dates fair, straight/long haired women before you...but he met you, and from your pictures you look dark/brown complexioned and your natural hair isn't all that long yet. So if the prior description is his preference....hmmm...I really don't know. Starting to get a lil sketchy.
OP, although the way your boyfriend conveyed his message came off as ignorant, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt....

HOWEVER....I don't know. The way you're explaining it. He only dates fair, straight/long haired women before you...but he met you, and from your pictures you look dark/brown complexioned and your natural hair isn't all that long yet. So if the prior description is his preference....hmmm...I really don't know. Starting to get a lil sketchy.

Poranges I think your making into something its not.... all im saying is that he had a preference AND SO DID I! We weren't what each other preferred physically but a person's entire view can change once you get to know somebody. Yes i am brown skinned... and im still not understanding the confusion.....

When he sees me, he doesnt SEE a brown skinned chick with natural hair, he sees Gabby , his gf.. not "my gf that doesn't have light skin and asian silky hair"
I think the takeaway from this thread is that we all know people that say things that can be considered "off," but we're fine with what they are saying because we KNOW them and have an idea of the kind of person they are. However, when you relay these thoughts to strangers that do not know that person, it can go awry because others don't have any kind of perception of the person to begin with.
Poranges I think your making into something its not.... all im saying is that he had a preference AND SO DID I! We weren't what each other preferred physically but a person's entire view can change once you get to know somebody. Yes i am brown skinned... and im still not understanding the confusion.....

When he sees me, he doesnt SEE a brown skinned chick with natural hair, he sees Gabby , his gf.. not "my gf that doesn't have light skin and asian silky hair"

As long as you all are good in your relationship, do you girl. :yep:
lolpart 2.

This actually makes me think about many other relationship/beauty issues and my own level of acceptance/tolerance/vanity/security.

I guess I have to be with a man who knows how to blow enough smoke up my a$$ that I believe I'm the pinnacle of what he is attracted toLOL. I do not think I would be comfortable with a person that prefers the physical opposite of what I am.

I would want him to be more like : I love your hair, your toenails, your complexion, your own personal style. "Tolerance" of what I look like??...idk about that one....
*tick* *tick* Uh! *tick* I like a long-haired, thick redbone. Open up her legs and filet mignon that p****

:look: :lol:

Ok yall, maybe we should stop raggin on him. We don't want him to be one of those "I don't date BW because they was mean to me when I was broke" type negros if he ever gets famous one day :lachen: Although that line of thinking does crack me up everytime :lol:
OMG! I can't wait to hear his response!!! :lol: Off to view video!!

ETA: Ohhh it's a bloggy thingy. to read then.

ETA2: Okay, I read it. Tell him thank you for taking the time out to write such a well-written response (I thought it was well written :yep:)! It was a very nice read. And while I disagree with him on most of the points he made, I can still appreciate good writing style.

I do, however, have some questions

I really want to get the joke :lol: Can someone please explain it to me! The man in your relationship Meaning the woman? Because of what now? I know it's a joke, and I just want to understand it...even if I don't find it funny once I learn what the joke is :lol:

Someone said this? I must have missed that...
don't agree with a word he said, but he is a fantastic writer (style)! :yep:
*tick* *tick* Uh! *tick* I like a long-haired, thick redbone. Open up her legs and filet mignon that p****

:look: :lol:

Ok yall, maybe we should stop raggin on him. We don't want him to be one of those "I don't date BW because they was mean to me when I was broke" type negros if he ever gets famous one day :lachen: Although that line of thinking does crack me up everytime :lol:

When I look at his picture (observe his features and hair type), his response is even more funny (in a sad type of way). A dark skinned black man with 4b type hair who prefers lightskin women with Asian hair :lol:

I hate it when people confuse hair type with hairstyle. The way your hair grows out of your head is not a style :nono:

No one is walking around in public with their hair exactly the way it grows out of their head. My wash n go is a style, so is my twist out, Dominican blow out, braid and curl, etc. And those are the only way people besides y'all see my hair. I'm not walking around with naked hair it looks a mess like most folks.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

He didn't say much in the text messages back and forth, but I actually thought what he said in Part 2 of your blog was fine and nothing to get upset about.... and I have natural hair myself, however, my boyfriend likes my hair.

...but on a more positive note from the rest of the thread... you two look great as a couple in that picture on your blog, and I like your natural hair too!
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I just read the response of OP's boyfriend. Love it! I am sure that quieted the mouths of those who assumed he was ignorant and judged all kind of other stuff about him because of your initial interview.

I wouldn't sweat any of this. Opinions are like ___holes, everyone has one. You have a good looking articulate and funny brother who obviously loves and supports you. I am willing to bet some of these I hate a brother who doesn't love my hair types are sitting at their computers with water in their eyes wishing they had the same. Keep doing you.
who said anything about kicking anyone to the curb? who said anything about not having patience? and how did you get hypocrisy from my post? i know you are not trying to call me a hypocrite!
but lets call a spade a spade. it's not a preference, it is something Black folks have been forced and conditioned to accept Eurocentric standards of beauty for years. it's one thing to say you don't like something, it's another when you compare someone that looks nothing like them or compare them to something they will never be able to achieve. i find it crazy that he tried to find Asian hair pics instead of AA hair pics with straight hair. please let's be real about this. this is about self-hatred and race, not about preferences. please stop sugar-coating it. once we can be honest with ourselves, then we can help the masses.

Child breathe!!!:spinning:

We all have our war stories. We have all been victims of someone's self hatred. That being said, just because some of you decide to grow a fro yesterday doesn't make you the judge and jury over someone else's preferences, self hatred or whatever. And if some of you soul fros are so against race hatred, stop hating on fellow Blacks who don't happen to think like you do. And believe it or not, just because we are Black doesn't mean we can't possibly have a healthy preference for straight hair. Nothing personal shortdub78.

And by the way, those who were beaten and killed for all of our civil rights had straight hair, natural hair, preferences for one or the other type of hair and different shades of skin but had enough love for the Black race to put themselves in harms way for us. You don't want to be judged by your hair, don't judge someone else's book when you have only peeped the first page.
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He didn't say much in the text messages back and forth, but I actually thought what he said in Part 2 of your blog was fine and nothing to get upset about.... and I have natural hair myself, however, my boyfriend likes my hair.

...but on a more positive note from the rest of the thread... you two look great as a couple in that picture on your blog, and I like your natural hair too!

Poohbear Thanks! :grouphug:
I just read the response of OP's boyfriend. Love it! I am sure that quieted the mouths of those who assumed he was ignorant and judged all kind of other stuff about him because of your initial interview.

I wouldn't sweat any of this. Opinions are like ___holes, everyone has one. You have a good looking articulate and funny brother who obviously loves and supports you. I am willing to bet some of these I hate a brother who doesn't love my hair types are sitting at their computers with water in their eyes wishing they had the same. Keep doing you.

LMAO!!! :lachen: Thanks and where have you been the whole time i been on LHCF? I like you! reeko43
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