Elasta QP Feels Like Silk - Review


New Member
Okay, so i finally used my sample that i've had for approximately 7 months :D for the first time this morning. All i have to say is WOW! I LOVE THIS STUFF! It's called feels like silk and that is EXACTLY how it leaves your hair... like silk!

It's very thin in consistency and it's a blueish/green color. Even on ur hands it feels like you used a moisturizing lotion (but it's very slippery). I applied about a 50cent piece in the palm of my hand and rubbed it on my hair. i then fine combed the top layer and put my hair in a ponytail. I put my scarf on and went about my morning. Even tho it's only 10am, my hair FEELS LIKE SILK! and what's good about this prod is that it doesn't leave that 'gel' feeling in your hair. My hair just feels softer than usual.

This product gets 10 stars out of 10 and 3 snaps in "Z" formation :rofl:
it's a gel. my hair was completely dry. and i just touched it for like the millioneth time :rofl: and it still 'feels like silk'. :)
CaramelHonee said:
it's a gel. my hair was completely dry. and i just touched it for like the millioneth time :rofl: and it still 'feels like silk'. :)

Is it better than Lacio Lacio?!
seriously tho, i can't really compare them b/c they r two difference types of prodcuts. The most i can say is they both leave ur hair very soft and shiny. I am definately shelling out the cash for the regular size bottle. :)
Thanks for the review!! I actually bought this same product a while ago when I was natural. It didn't work very well on my thick hair but maybe I'll give it a try.

Also, if I can step off topic briefly and ask: Did you end up using the Phytorelaxer for your touchup?

I am new to posting and this is my first message.

No, no phyto for me. I used the usual suspect, affirm sensitive no-lye. The lady that was supposed to relax me with the phyto rescheduled a month later... i already waited a month to see her. See what happens when it's supposed 2 b free. :D :D :D