How he feels about my hair ...

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No one is walking around in public with their hair exactly the way it grows out of their head. My wash n go is a style, so is my twist out, Dominican blow out, braid and curl, etc. And those are the only way people besides y'all see my hair. I'm not walking around with naked hair it looks a mess like most folks.

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Oh I do, and so do many ladies here :look:
No one is walking around in public with their hair exactly the way it grows out of their head. My wash n go is a style, so is my twist out, Dominican blow out, braid and curl, etc. And those are the only way people besides y'all see my hair. I'm not walking around with naked hair it looks a mess like most folks.

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EXACTLY! I've tried saying this in a few other threads on LHCF, and no one understood what I was saying.

There was this natural girl that was speaking strongly against heat straightening, but she had her hair in afro puffs. Then I mentioned how those afro puffs aren't how your hair grows out of your head either.
I actually did do this. I understand that for some people it's just hair and being natural is a style choice. I get that. But for me it isn't, and I'm not gonna pretend that it's not that deep. I can deal with you not liking my outfit, or my nail polish or something, but when you have a problem with the way my hair naturally comes out of my scalp then that's an issue. I don't need anybody to "stick by me" despite my nappy hair. To me: "Imma stick by you even though you got nappy hair" is an insult.

So let me get this straight. You were relaxed and dated a guy for years who loved you and treated you well but kicked old boy to the curb because you went natural and he still had a preference for straight hair? That was the only reason? :rolleyes: Ummmmmm ok.

Well there a plenty of women who want a good man who would love and treat them right and could give a flying fig about him not liking the way they wear their hair. Too bad you didn't have my number when you decided to do this. You could have passed him on over my way and I would have hooked a brother up!
I just read the response of OP's boyfriend. Love it! I am sure that quieted the mouths of those who assumed he was ignorant and judged all kind of other stuff about him because of your initial interview.

I wouldn't sweat any of this. Opinions are like ___holes, everyone has one. You have a good looking articulate and funny brother who obviously loves and supports you. I am willing to bet some of these I hate a brother who doesn't love my hair types are sitting at their computers with water in their eyes wishing they had the same. Keep doing you.

I assumed he was ignorant with the initial interview, and he confirmed it with part 2. :lol:
@reeko43 I see you're in Maryland. If you want him you can have his @ss. Guess what? he's still single :lol:
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Child breathe!!!:spinning:

We all have our war stories. We have all been victims of someone's self hatred. That being said, just because some of you decide to grow a fro yesterday doesn't make you the judge and jury over someone else's preferences, self hatred or whatever. And if some of you soul fros are so against race hatred, stop hating on fellow Blacks who don't happen to think like you do. And believe it or not, just because we are Black doesn't mean we can't possibly have a healthy preference for straight hair. Nothing personal shortdub78.

And by the way, those who were beaten and killed for all of our civil rights had straight hair, natural hair, preferences for one or the other type of hair and different shades of skin but had enough love for the Black race to put themselves in harms way for us. You don't want to be judged by your hair, don't judge someone else's book when you have only peeped the first page.

Excellent post and :giggle:, :lachen:, and :dead: at "soul fros"
I applaud YOU and your bf for being sharing, and I think an honest point of view was both helpful and hilarious. You guys are quite the pair. :)

Only you two know what's going on in your relationship, and I think it shows a great amount of maturity and SECURITY in yourself to bring us the story. As a natural woman, I see why people would be upset, I mean we all want to be appreciate for what God made us. As a woman with a height requirement, I can see where your bf comes from as well! The love of my life might turn out to be 5ft 2in, won't stop me preferring a tall dude till I find him :perplexed

Keep up the good work, and:

I have learned nothing special from this thread which is a shame since I have spent (wasted) so much time reading it. Oh actually I did realize one thing: I'm so glad I live in Europe and that's my preference. Like everyone is entitled to their own. :nono:
Ladies, it doesn't have to be either or. It's possible to find an man that loves you, treat you well, is supportive and accepts you as you were made :yep: I guess I'm lucky cause DH would not have had a chance to become DH if he spewed some ignorant mess like that. I wish a negro would tell me to go relax my hair :rolleyes:
I applaud YOU and your bf for being sharing, and I think an honest point of view was both helpful and hilarious. You guys are quite the pair. :)

Only you two know what's going on in your relationship, and I think it shows a great amount of maturity and SECURITY in yourself to bring us the story. As a natural woman, I see why people would be upset, I mean we all want to be appreciate for what God made us. As a woman with a height requirement, I can see where your bf comes from as well! The love of my life might turn out to be 5ft 2in, won't stop me preferring a tall dude till I find him :perplexed

Keep up the good work, and:

JussaLady Thanks a bunch!
I find it a huge turn off for a man not to accept my hair the way God created it...why should i be with such an individual when I can find a free minded, independent thinker who accepts my hair the way it grows out of my scalp?

If a man wants a woman with silky strands growing out of their scalp then he certainly should have her, i just know i'm not her though:lol:.

No thank you:look:


I guess I'll act brand new because he could not be my man. Yes, a man would get kicked to the curb nor not liking something that naturally comes out of my head :nono: I cringe everytime I hear a black person say to another to go perm that shyte :nono: Skin bleacking isn't permanent either (under normal circumstances) yet we would be up in arms in her bf told her to bleach that shyt :yep:

Exactement Luna! I wish I would tell a man I did not like how God made him and hope he finds support from a message board telling him, there's no problem with my statement.

"I really don't like your hair texture. I wish it looked like an Asian womans. I love Asian hair; I think it's gorgeous! You would look so much better if your hair looked like Asian womens hair. But this **** yall black women got on yalls head? :lol: Nah son. Negatory! ...But I still me some you though! *repulsed/forced smile whilst stroking the naps and looking at Asian hair pics simultaneously*"

Your response: " :lachen:You so crazy boy! That's why I love you! *skims Asian hair pics with him and thinks to self 'yup, that's what my baby likes :yep:'*

"I really don't like your skin color. I wish it looked like a white womans. I love light skin; I think it's gorgeous! You would look so much better if your skin was light like a white persons skin. But this dark **** that yall black women got goin on? :lol: Nah son. Dislike! ....But you still my favorite girl! *downloads tons of pics of the lightskindedeeedddedd-ness to his computer*

Your response: ":wallbash::cry2::barf::whyme:...I hate you!"

*Does not comprehend* :ohwell:

I do not comprehend either. This thread reminds of the Golden Girls. So many slick comments would come out of Dorothy's mouth and Rose was always like :lachen::look: :blush:.

Of course nobody is perfect, but if you need 'tolerance' for something that I have no control over (my hair texture, skin tone, height etc) then I'm sorry that's some bs.

"Tolerance" is for stuff like leaving the cap off the toothpaste, or using the last of the toilet paper and not putting out a new roll. That's completely different from somebody tolerating a hair texture but yeah like you each her own.

THANKS! I have been natural for over a year and I am not a militant natural. There was a woman last week at Target with the most beautiful relaxed hair, I wanted to touch it. Of course I did NOT but still loved every strand of it! :grin: I don't understand why so many think people with similar opinions as mine are acting brand new. At least no one mentioned they paid their $6.50 to say what they feel yet. :rolleyes:
ummmm i walk around with naked wash and go hair all the time. is that a style? nooooo thats the way my hair grows outta my head.
ummmm i walk around with naked wash and go hair all the time. is that a style? nooooo thats the way my hair grows outta my head.

child my naked wash and goes are the best. I don't do them often now because my hair tends to swallow my head. All you see is hair and a face peeking through :lachen:
@reeko 43 I see you're in Maryland. If you want him you can have his @ss. Guess what? he's still single :lol:

I'z married now! And happily at that. I was talking about hooking up others. But me thinks you are watering down the story to make your point. You seem a little too snippy for your break up to have been all about hair. But hey, I wish you well and hope if you haven't found the man that is truly for you that you find him soon so that he can take some of the edge off and turn your frown upside down if you know what I mean ;)
I'z married now! And happily at that. I was talking about hooking up others. But me thinks you are watering down the story to make your point. You seem a little too snippy for your break up to have been all about hair. But hey, I wish you well and hope if you haven't found the man that is truly for you that you find him soon so that he can take some of the edge off and turn your frown upside down if you know what I mean ;)

Where are you getting this from? Who says I'm frowning? :lol:

I'm not watering down anything. I said a page or two ago that for ME it was an issue. To ME, somebody feeling like they need to "tolerate" a part of me is a problem. Why is that so hard to believe?
Why do men sound like such jerks sometimes? Seriously the way he deliverEd both messages lacked tact. But I have a serious question OP, why didn't you Ask his opinion two years ago before you went natural? Seems kinda late to be learning this.
Why do men sound like such jerks sometimes? Seriously the way he deliverEd both messages lacked tact. But I have a serious question OP, why didn't you Ask his opinion two years ago before you went natural? Seems kinda late to be learning this.

frida1980 i did..n im not late learning it, im late sharing it
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