How do you feel about your man's eyes?


New Member
How do you feel about wandering eyes ladies?

Say you and your man are out and he noticeably looks at more attractive chics longer (up and down) vs. those who are not so cute?

grant it I am pregg and some would say its my hormones acting up, BUT I got sooooo pissed! Others would say as long as he is with you and he is not stepping out then dont worry about it...a man is going to look...But what about feeling disrespected or do you not cause he is with u?! ugh!

On top of this, we are eating breakfast and some chic that was waiting our table knows him and then had some other waitress come over and ask for his number. Then the skank saw me and tried to act like she was just playing. We exchanged words and she was swearing on her kids she was joking! yea ok...but I notice he stares at more attractive females and he claims he just looks at people and cant change that...its human nature to him. He also said that maybe if he was not with me he would have eyeballed her to her seat but that does not mean anything. I beg to differ!!

He says as long as he is not approaching people then whats the problem! I find a problem being if you looking like that with OR without me!! Heck what if she see you looking and she approaches you- then what?! U R looking right?! He claims it aint like that he has a woman. So my point is then why you following eyeballing chics like you dont!?!

Does anyone get what I am saying?!

I dont want him to stare out the window or be uncomfortable with me and look all around but my point is dont be disrespectful with or without me! I told him if he feels the need to eyeball attractive women to their seat he needs to be a single dang man!

Girl for real...You need to let this "man" go! We are talking about a man that does not care about your safety, is EXTREMELY immature, and is now disrespecting you by flirting and eying down other women IN YOUR FACE!

How much more are you going to take from him before you realize that all this mess that he does will not change and will eventually lead to straight, old-fashioned cheating?

I'm all for giving advice to people in need, but there comes a point that you as the person in the relationship have to learn to have some dignity and just walk away. He is treating you this way because you are letting him, and it's sad.

Stop hanging out with him. Allow him to be there ONLY for his child. Stop accepting bulisht because believe it or not...there are plenty more fish in the sea, and NO, It is not normal for a man to eye attractive women down while he's in a relationship.
I'm sorry you're going through this.:sad: He is VERY disrespectful and from what you've said about his response, he's not going to change. He doesn't see a problem with it and will continue making excuses. You have every right to be pissed and I believe you deserve someone much better.

How would he feel if the roles were reversed? Does he not mind if you stare fine men down in his presence?
^ he said that he has seen me looking at guys before and did not say anything. he says that its natural for people to notice people and that it does not bother him and that if I were staring and staring then he would be bothered by it.

He looked the chic up and down and I caught him. That is what happened and me saying something and his responses is what blew it up. I find it hard to just ignore when I man looks a chic from head to toe and its obvious.
If you find it disrespectful, then it's disrespectful. Period. When you brought it to his attention, he should have apologized, corrected it, and not let it happen again.
You should ask him how he would feel (aside from his " I DOESNT BOTHER ME bull ish act bcz it does) if a handsome man walked by and you eyeballed him. If he is too consumed within his selfish ways to at least consider how you feel...then know for every second he ignores you in that degree, there is always a man out there who is dying to adore you. :bighug:
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I can understand a glance. Our eyes DO note attractive people, male and female.

But straight UP AND DOWN? IN YOUR PRESENCE? KNOWING YOU SAW? And then have the gall to say "Oh well, I'm going to look, what's the problem?"

Couldn't be me. :/