How Comfortable Are You With Your Spouse/SO?

I try not to do stuff around him, but he will bust in the bathroom in the middle of me taking a dump and start brusinh his teeth . I'm like eereeekkkk privacy please!!!!! We have 3 freaking bathrooms why do you have to be in here with me!!!

I just saw this on facebook. Anyone interested? :lol:
Yes! I cannot wait until we have multiple bathrooms.

Even more than that, I can't wait until we build our forever home. I already told him that I want my own dressing room/live-in closet with an en suite bathroom and he's NOT allowed in there. Yaaasss :grin: :lol:

I told SO the exact same thing.
out of consideration i use Poopouri and turn the water on when i poo in the master bathroom. if i'm gassy i will leave the room. i figured out that dh uses the guest bathroom on the 1st floor for poop.
Comfortable but not enough to #2 in the same room. I'm not trying to smell him and he's not trying to smell me. I get super annoyed when he letting out farts Willy nilly. Some things should just be .private
What is the mystery?

We have done it all in front of one another. We both prefer privacy when we poop but don't mind company when necessary.

Just the other night we were about to get it in and I'm all worried cuz I have gas. We let it out with no worries normally but intimacy is not a time I wanna let some loose especially if he's face painting. Fortunately he stops and says, "baby I got gas" lol I give a huge sigh and say me too! After we had warned one another we proceeded comfortably.

I wanna be my whole human self in front of him. Together 9 years, married 7.