Fiance Still Friends With Former Fling..............

He claims she invited me to. :look: Highly doubt that(at least I didn’t hear that from her) or she invited me after the fact because he mentioned it and she has too.
Are you gonna go? Maybe you'll go and it will put you at ease. Have you met her before?
The older I get the more I realize that you don't have to explain to people how they should treat you. When there are differences in a relationship and you have to say more than "I feel uncomfortable with this" and constantly explain your position or try to get them to see where you're coming from then that person is willfully ignoring your feelings and overstepping your boundaries. It's an important thing to pay attention to and something that you don't want to catch too late. I don't understand why he is giving so many excuses and reasons about why and how this could be ok. The bottom line would be "my future wife is uncomfortable with this" The End. Especially since it's all hypothetical anyway right? If this is a battle he is willing to risk upsetting you to win then maybe take a closer look at this. He knows damn well if the tables were turned he wouldn't go for it. And if he would then that's also something to look at.
I've been on this board a long time and through the years, I've been in some messed up relationships. At the beginning, I didn't share details because I didn't want to be judged for my naivete. When other posters became more transparent, it gave me the courage to do the same. It also allowed me to see lies, manipulation, and blind spots for what they really were.

Take a step back and be honest with yourself. A man who loves a woman will move heaven and earth to be with her. You don't have to question, control, or wonder. His actions will say everything.

You've gotten some really good advice. I wish you the best.
I’ll bite. Sometime ago I was in a relationship where my guy had a few female friends I thought were too close for comfort. At first I fussed and pushed back but that seemed to have the opposite effect. So I just took my stance on it and stood firm. I stopped protesting or making noise about it. Interesting enough what happened was that he saw their motives for what they were, disrespectful, and he ended the friendship in one case and in another case where it was an old family friend he put some serious boundaries up regarding me.

I’m not saying leave him or stay. Just trust you gut, pick a lane and stand quietly firm in that. Don’t give an inch if it makes you feel any kind of way.

The 80/20 rule applies to almost all things in life and I remember that guy was just stubborn and had a strong independent streak. In a lot of ways that was attractive, he was very alpha male, but I had to learn I couldn’t fuss or nag with him on anything. It had almost the opposite effect.
@SoforReal I wish you the very best. I wanted to leave you with a few final thoughts. And if they don’t apply or are not helpful, perhaps they will help another young lady in a similar situation.

No matter how sweet, kind, and wonderful a person is, no matter how much you like them, if a dealbreaker is present, you have to throw the rest away. Some things simply cancel out all of the good. As a young woman I used to go to my pro and cons list when I was confused about a situation, but in the end things often came down to one or two cons outweighing dozens of pros. Every woman must have her own set of dealbreakers that no one has to understand or get but herself.

I would also encourage you to listen less to your guys words and focus more on his actions and the energy he puts out. I say that because most men when backed in a corner will agree with you and still do whatever they want and very slowly come back to their original position. Not saying that is the case with your guy, but protect your sweet life.

Lastly, I want to share my opinion with you about boundaries, values, expectations etc. You should not ever have to teach or explain human kindness or decency to another adult. If you continually find yourself explaining or trying to get him to understand how his behavior is offending or hurting you, please take time to pause and think things through. Men are not dumb and innocent and confused about other women. For some reason people like spreading that lie and men love feigning this innocence. He knows his friend is gorgeous. He knows as a taken man he has no business staying overnight at a woman’s home if she is not his sister/mom/aunt, etc. For some men all that matters is doing whatever it is they want to do. And if they really want to do it, they will find a way.

People are very complex. They can be a lot of fun and care a lot about you and say all of the right things and still have the capacity to lie and break your heart. I think of it as people being shades of gray. Everyone is.

So I will just go back to my first post. Trust yourself. Pay attention to all three brains: the one in your head, your heart, and your gut. Through the years pay attention less to him and more to you. Keep asking yourself from time to time, Do I feel safe with this person?

All of that said, I hope all works out for you, that you have a beautiful wedding, and have a happy marriage.
I haven't finished reading the responses but my answer is HELL NO!

It would be one thing if she were JUST a female friend and he was asking to remain friends. But they slept with each other and that is a deal-breaker. And the fact that he never told you this before is a huge red flag. And if my husband was unwilling to un-friend a woman who is not his BFF and he SLEPT with her...we would not get married.
I hate to rain on your parade but after being with my DH for 14 years I have learned so much. I also now understand a lot of things people tried to tell me before we got married but I shrugged them off. They come from a place of wisdom and love.

I am not a big believer in LDRs. Yes, we all know people who have successfully married due to one. Shoot, I know a friend who married a man she met overseas two weeks after she met him. More than 20 years later they are still happily married with kids.

My concern with LDRs as @hopeful mentioned, is no matter how much you talk everyday, they allow either one if not both of you to decide what package of yourself you want to present. How much you want to present and when you want to present. If you are in an LDR and you are having a crappy day or you're in a mood or you're out having fun and couldn't be bothered you can just choose not to answer the phone. And then you can claim you were busy, or you missed the calls or whatever. You can blame time difference.

You can muster the "happy you" to present when you talk. And every time you meet in person is like a vacation. After all these years, whenever DH and I are away from home we have the time of our lives. We are super happy, we talk about anything and everything and even the sex is 5000 times better. Because we are able to turn off our every day lives. We are able to live in the moment and have a light, casual, happy relationship. That is why they say married couples should continue to date after marriage.

I have seen my coworker do this. And her boo is only 1.5 hours away from us. She will not answer his calls if they are in a fight or she knows he had a bad day. He will cancel trips to see her for a myriad of reasons. And when they are together it is fun, fun, fun!

DH and I dated in college. It was great because we lived on campus so we really couldn't avoid each other. If we had lived in the same city (instead of campus) if he refused to answer my calls I could show up at his door anytime (another thing I warn women in relationships, my friend is engaged and she can never go to her man's house without calling him first to ask for "permission." Like ever. Never ever.) I respect people's privacy but when were dating I knew for example if I got a call that my mom died I could run to his place, without calling, knock and just go in. Even if I called it would be to see if he was home, not to ask for "permission."

Once you get married you will be together all the time. One of the wisest things I ever had Bey say is marriage forces you to confront your ish/or not hide from your ish or something like that.

I could go on and on. You picked up on this red flag with his friend. How he will ultimately handle this is telling. Watch carefully. And I agree that some things are such huge red flags that you should throw the whole relationship away. DH always says if he had a dollar for every time a woman said, "He is such a great guy except for ________" and then go on to list some really head-scratching major red flag we'd be millionaires.

And I know you won't be as dumb as another co-worker who married a guy in an LDR and they got divorced very fast because they had never decided where they would live after marriage. Neither one of them would budge. (I know, I have a lot of work stories but I have over 1000 co-workers in just my office, let alone our national and international offices).
The older I get the more I realize that you don't have to explain to people how they should treat you. When there are differences in a relationship and you have to say more than "I feel uncomfortable with this" and constantly explain your position or try to get them to see where you're coming from then that person is willfully ignoring your feelings and overstepping your boundaries. It's an important thing to pay attention to and something that you don't want to catch too late. I don't understand why he is giving so many excuses and reasons about why and how this could be ok. The bottom line would be "my future wife is uncomfortable with this" The End. Especially since it's all hypothetical anyway right? If this is a battle he is willing to risk upsetting you to win then maybe take a closer look at this. He knows damn well if the tables were turned he wouldn't go for it. And if he would then that's also something to look at.

Thank you! Completely agree. After we talked he understood the big picture and respected my wishes. I am big on communication but rarely have to explain my position. He almost always listens and respects my wishes without hesitation. This is something we never had an issue with in the past but needed to go thru. Now if he went without me feeling ok with it it would be deuces for me. Thankfully he has never disrespected me.
I hate to rain on your parade but after being with my DH for 14 years I have learned so much. I also now understand a lot of things people tried to tell me before we got married but I shrugged them off. They come from a place of wisdom and love.

I am not a big believer in LDRs. Yes, we all know people who have successfully married due to one. Shoot, I know a friend who married a man she met overseas two weeks after she met him. More than 20 years later they are still happily married with kids.

My concern with LDRs as @hopeful mentioned, is no matter how much you talk everyday, they allow either one if not both of you to decide what package of yourself you want to present. How much you want to present and when you want to present. If you are in an LDR and you are having a crappy day or you're in a mood or you're out having fun and couldn't be bothered you can just choose not to answer the phone. And then you can claim you were busy, or you missed the calls or whatever. You can blame time difference.

You can muster the "happy you" to present when you talk. And every time you meet in person is like a vacation. After all these years, whenever DH and I are away from home we have the time of our lives. We are super happy, we talk about anything and everything and even the sex is 5000 times better. Because we are able to turn off our every day lives. We are able to live in the moment and have a light, casual, happy relationship. That is why they say married couples should continue to date after marriage.

I have seen my coworker do this. And her boo is only 1.5 hours away from us. She will not answer his calls if they are in a fight or she knows he had a bad day. He will cancel trips to see her for a myriad of reasons. And when they are together it is fun, fun, fun!

DH and I dated in college. It was great because we lived on campus so we really couldn't avoid each other. If we had lived in the same city (instead of campus) if he refused to answer my calls I could show up at his door anytime (another thing I warn women in relationships, my friend is engaged and she can never go to her man's house without calling him first to ask for "permission." Like ever. Never ever.) I respect people's privacy but when were dating I knew for example if I got a call that my mom died I could run to his place, without calling, knock and just go in. Even if I called it would be to see if he was home, not to ask for "permission."

Once you get married you will be together all the time. One of the wisest things I ever had Bey say is marriage forces you to confront your ish/or not hide from your ish or something like that.

I could go on and on. You picked up on this red flag with his friend. How he will ultimately handle this is telling. Watch carefully. And I agree that some things are such huge red flags that you should throw the whole relationship away. DH always says if he had a dollar for every time a woman said, "He is such a great guy except for ________" and then go on to list some really head-scratching major red flag we'd be millionaires.

And I know you won't be as dumb as another co-worker who married a guy in an LDR and they got divorced very fast because they had never decided where they would live after marriage. Neither one of them would budge. (I know, I have a lot of work stories but I have over 1000 co-workers in just my office, let alone our national and international offices).

Thank you!
Amen to all of THIS!!!

The older I get the more I realize that you don't have to explain to people how they should treat you. When there are differences in a relationship and you have to say more than "I feel uncomfortable with this" and constantly explain your position or try to get them to see where you're coming from then that person is willfully ignoring your feelings and overstepping your boundaries. It's an important thing to pay attention to and something that you don't want to catch too late. I don't understand why he is giving so many excuses and reasons about why and how this could be ok. The bottom line would be "my future wife is uncomfortable with this" The End. Especially since it's all hypothetical anyway right? If this is a battle he is willing to risk upsetting you to win then maybe take a closer look at this. He knows damn well if the tables were turned he wouldn't go for it. And if he would then that's also something to look at.
I agree except I don’t want her to think that there is anything she can do to get him to have better boundaries.

OP from what you have written here your antenna is going off, your spidey senses are tingling, your gut, your feminine intuition is shouting to you. Trust yourself.

I personally think that all women should consider living in the same city as the man they love before agreeing to marry them. Not necessarily living together either. But actually date like normal people and get to know each other better before binding your lives together legally. JMHO. I know there are those who will disagree and things worked out for them. But generally long distance dating creates a false sense of heightened chemistry because you don’t get the chance to bore of each other and live normally. If I were you I would tread lightly. Be careful hon. If he’s acting like this now before you marry idk I would be worried too if I were you.

You deserve to feel safe and honored within your romantic relationship. It is his job to honor and respect you as his future wife. Honestly from what you’ve written here he sounds like a thrill seeker.

I agree with all of this.