How Comfortable Are You With Your Spouse/SO?


Well-Known Member
Like do you guys poop in front of each other? Lol I was watching tv and it made me wonder. I don't think I could be that comfortable...but who knows? I've never lived with a mate.
Pooping in front of each other is gross. I'll pass gas but I say excuse me lol
Known dh 5 yrs married 2 of the 5
I hope to never be that comfortable to see DH or be seen by DH on the toilet. There is nothing sexy about that. I've seen movies and tv shows where couples do that but it could not be me unless one of us was incapacitated and caring for the other.
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We are very comfortable amongst each other. Pooping in the same presence is of no bother to us. If poop is disgusting, why not semen too? :lol:

Our comfort extends to showers and things like breast examinations. We believe it's how it should be, especially as husband and wife. We look out for and after each other.
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Very comfortable with each other as well. I've seen DH on the toilet seat numerous times and he's seen me as well. Together for 9 years, married for 4.
Been together 27 years and I have no desire to poop in front of him, nor see him poop!
No pooping, no peeing, no farting in front of him. Peeing isn't a huge deal but poop or farting is such a no. I will not fart in front of anyone...not even my mother.
I did pee once when he was in sight before we were married, I had to pee during a 4 hour drive so I peed in some grass :lol:

He on the other hand :nono:, apparently I'm not worthy of such respect.
I hope we never get so comfortable that we're shieting in front of each other. I don't fart in front of anyone out of common courtesy. There's some things we don't ever need to share. We've been together for fifteen years and married for twelve.
Yeah this man has had, or tried to have, full conversations with me if I go to the bathroom and don't close the door. I usually just close the door on him and tell him I need privacy lol. But we're very very comfortable with each other. My parents are that close as well and I'm guessing his are too because he seems to see nothing wrong with it.
We are very comfortable amongst each other. Pooping in the same presence is of no bother to us. If poop is disgusting, why not semen too? :lol:

Our comfort extends to showers and things like breast examinations. We believe it's how it should be, especially as husband and wife. We look out for and after each other.

This is me and DH too
We are very comfortable with each other as well, but bathroom time is private time. We have separate bathrooms so there's really no reason to be in the bathroom together (for non-intimate reasons). We've been together 10 years, married 7 years.
We are very comfortable amongst each other. Pooping in the same presence is of no bother to us. If poop is disgusting, why not semen too? :lol:

Our comfort extends to showers and things like breast examinations. We believe it's how it should be, especially as husband and wife. We look out for and after each other.

This makes no sense at all. Poop is human waste...excrement...filled with toxins, bacteria, dead cells, gastric enzymes, etc. Semen is the fluid that carries sperm to it's destination and is pretty harmless in an STD free man. Where did you even get that analogy???
He does, I dont and never will. It's not just with him. It's just the way I have always been. I dont see that as being comfortable in front of or around my dh, in fact it would make me totally uncomfortable. I close the door when use the bathroom. He on the other hand can hold conversations while doing anything. And Im actually fine with that. It just wont be me.
We are very comfortable around each other. I refuse to go near the bathroom when he's pooping.

But, sometimes he'll pop in, having a conversation like nothing is happening when I'm in there :lol: I'm like... geesh, can I poop in peace?? Geeetoouuut! lol

However, I will admit that I appreciated the fact that he's not grossed out by my bodily functions when I had the stomach flu. He was a huge help and did a great job taking care of me. I'll leave it at that :lol:
We are comfortable enough, but don't feel that comfortable generally. This is why we have two bathrooms and always will.
It does depend on how you view elimination. Some people are clinical and don't see it as an issue because everyone has to do it. I guess if I we are together until we die, we will have to deal with poop and other things down the road so might as well start sometime. :lol:
We are comfortable enough, but don't feel that comfortable generally. This is why we have two bathrooms and always will.

Yes! I cannot wait until we have multiple bathrooms.

Even more than that, I can't wait until we build our forever home. I already told him that I want my own dressing room/live-in closet with an en suite bathroom and he's NOT allowed in there. Yaaasss :grin: :lol:
This makes no sense at all. Poop is human waste...excrement...filled with toxins, bacteria, dead cells, gastric enzymes, etc. Semen is the fluid that carries sperm to it's destination and is pretty harmless in an STD free man. Where did you even get that analogy???

Thank you. And poop is smelly. No thanks.
Yes we are comfortable with each other but prefer to poop in private. If it was necessary, I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue.
that's not an analogous bodily production :lol: :rofl:

I admit I was reaching :lol:, though depending on who you ask sperm can be considered a waste product as well.

Either way, farting/pooping/peeing etc. are all normal bodily functions for a human being. To be disgusted by your SO/DH going about the same functions is just silly to me. To each's own. ;)
SO tells me that I can do BM with him in the bathroom. I would rather not, I can wait. He grew up in a house with 11 folks including himself and one bathroom, it doesn't bother him in the least.
We're really comfortable. I farted on him once because he was tickling me so much I couldn't control it. He looked at me and said, "did you just fart on me" :lol: I was super embarrassed but he handled it well.

He likes to poop while I take showers:nono: and comes in the bathroom while I'm peeing. One time I told him to get out and he said "why? I've already seen everything you have" :lol:

We eat after each other. He's brought me pads in the pass and called to make sure it was the right one.
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not sure how yall hide it for so long. Last year my ex & i did it in front of each other. well he did it in front of me lol. i tried to hide it as long as i could until i got bubble guts right when we were dressed up getting ready to head out for his bday :lol: which is today.. last year ironically. he was like yo whats wrong then daaamn.. waving is then he said let it out lol. he was extremely comfortable. pooping farting etc smh. not me though. lol
This thread :lol:

I hope we never get so comfortable that we're shieting in front of each other. I don't fart in front of anyone out of common courtesy. There's some things we don't ever need to share. We've been together for fifteen years and married for twelve.

I agree with the bold.

Being that open will make a guy look at you differently. :nono: And even if it wasn't a deal breaker, why be crude? :lol:

Some things should be part of your "mystery" as a lady.
Dang I'm not sure how to feel about this because lawd knows iz lays it down! My ex and I both did it in front of each other carrying convos. And *I* was more comfortable doing it then he was. I still haven't expelled gas in from of the new kid on the block. But didn't do that much with ex unless it was silent...which gives itself away with the aroma anyway lmao! My ex's ex used to say "they ain't paying rent so I had to kick'em out" lol! I liked her....

Funny I'm reading this now because just last night, a little one snuck out while we were cat napping and it was loud. It woke me up (because of how relaxed I was) and I stopped it. I hate that feeling. I was embarrassed and wasn't sure if he heard it so I pretended to toss and turn and was like "well there's my first one." An awful feeling.

The sounds made during the passing are embarrassing to me and that's why I don't do it. Imagine it's cold, you all are cuddled up under the blanket and u have to pass gas. Not once, but multiple times. Ugh! I'd rather him block his ears and nose so I can relate, relax and release without having to jump out and in with excuses every time. Do you say why? And what if u go to the bathroom and nothing comes out so you have to keep trying? I don't like this stage :(

HOWEVER, in my attempt to be more of a "lady" I think I'm going to hide my poop :D
not sure how yall hide it for so long. Last year my ex & i did it in front of each other. well he did it in front of me lol. i tried to hide it as long as i could until i got bubble guts right when we were dressed up getting ready to head out for his bday :lol: which is today.. last year ironically. he was like yo whats wrong then daaamn.. waving is then he said let it out lol. he was extremely comfortable. pooping farting etc smh. not me though. lol

I stay bubbling. Maybe I should take care of that lmao! Yes this thread is TMI

Cuffing season=farting/pooping revelation season too.
This thread :lol:

I agree with the bold.

Being that open will make a guy look at you differently. :nono: And even if it wasn't a deal breaker, why be crude? :lol:

Some things should be part of your "mystery" as a lady.

Yeah. I'm not ready for my husband to see me as one of the boys. Of course there are times when he's been exposed to some leftover smells in the bathroom(I can't conceal everything:lol:), but I figure, if I don't "treat" friends to my bodily functions out of courtesy, why would I do that to him?
Together for 5 months and we pee, poo and fart around one another. It's not a big deal. We have dogs whom we clean up after so we are not easily grossed out by those things. Plus the dogs let out the most vicious farts imaginable at any random moment so ours are rose-like in comparison.