He's Not That Into You When...

When all or most of your conversations are via text message. A man that is into you will call you just to hear your voice...even if he isn't a phone-person.

When you go out to eat and when its time to pay the tab he says "here's my half of the bill".
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When your at home on saturday by yourself watching scary movies because your not invited to his families get together after 9 months, just because you haven't met his mom, but youve met everyone else.

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In my personal experience, I've found that a guy is just not into me when.....

I'm usually the one initiating contact/dates/get-togethers

If I'm "wondering" whether a guy is into me or not or if I'm expending energy trying to "figure him out", then 9 times out of 10 he's just NOT into me. When it's a guy who's truly into me, I don't even wonder. I don't even have TIME to wonder lol! He's so busy calling me, texting me, trying to get to know me and inviting me places that it's usually pretty obvious that he's interested.

He doesn't expend any effort in the relationship

He barely (if ever) tries to ask me questions or get to know me on a deeper level. Even dorky shy guys will ask some dorky questions just to get to talk to you and know you better!

He shows me disrespect (This is big!). A guy would never dream of doing that to his dream girl.

He only wants to see you in the night owl hours. You two never seem to spend time together out in the daylight :giggle:

He doesn't invite you and introduce you to his mom/friends/family members

He cancels dates at the last minute with weak excuses

Smh.....boy what a fool I was back then! :nono: Thank goodness I know better now!

This thread started making me feel somewhat down and depressed, so I have to counteract the bad with the good. :yep:

[b]Signs that he IS Into You!:

He calls you alllll the time. Not a day goes by where he's not contacting you through phone, text, email, face to face contact, etc.

He gladly invites you to be around his circle of friends and family

He thinks you're "perfect" just the way you are....flaws and all! Even your so called flaws are endearing to him. :)

He's usually the one to initiate contact and dates

He doesn't "dissapear" outbid thin air and then weeks (or months!) later try to "reconnect". :nono2:

You don't feel like you have to "be" anyone else other than yourself, and you don't even feel like you need to "do" anything in order to get and keep his attention. :yep:

He wants to marry you

He's willing to go out of his way in order to impress you or make you happy

You don't "wonder" where you stand with him or how he feels about you. You just "know". You feel very secure in your relationship with him

When you're around , he doesn't even notice other women in the room.

You never ask yourself whether he's "into" you or not.

He doesn't make you cry or give you feelings of torture/anguish/heartbreak causing you to cry yourself to sleep[/B].

Love your post, but makes me realize I've never really had anyone into me and I'm almost 30, which is kind of depressing. :ohwell: At least I know going forward. :yep:
Sad to say I needed to read this thread it confirms some of my suspicions about this dude. Glad I saw the light before anything happened. Thank you Jesus