Four Signs a Guy's into You...from the guy's perspective

No think we get what she's asking, at least I do. I'm just really interested now in Kayte's standard of a man being into her.

^^^ Kayte can you give several examples of what you consider a man being into you that goes above and beyond the standard mature behavior?
** I was being a little sarcastic with the sonnets comment. But I really am interested in hearing your examples and would like to understand what you mean.

a little? :grin:

Yeah...but..I said I prefer not to debate this ..or defend my ideals...any further
~~reached saturatation point! you get it by now,or you don't, I guess
it got kind of contentious,tho..which is puzzling
why would a woman debate a better norm of treatment for herself
anyways ..not my original intent..I'm done~
only poked my head in...

thanks,though Carrie..
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When your hair is in a ponytail and your shirt is torn (without you knowing it) and he still thinks you're beautiful....

Yep, unfortunately, this has happened to me. But we're still together, so...
That was cute.

I have nothing else to add in terms of signs. However, I did want to add that I don't necessarily rule out guys who text because I happen to like texting myself.

ITA. :yep: Me and my new boo don't talk very much on the phone. We pretty much are texting each other unless we are with each other. But it works for us. Neither one of us are really big talkers. We have talked about it and have agreed that it's fine with us. :lol: We are both awkward/shy people and probably wouldn't be able to hold a long conversation over the phone. It would be a waste of minutes. :lachen:

Of course, for me it wouldn't be acceptable if we didn't see each other as much as we do (at least 3 times a week). Texting shouldn't take the place of an actual relationship. :nono:
Hi Kayte,:wave:
I thought that was a fitting question.:scratchch: I decided to ask some of my closest male friends how they would answer the question. While each answered in slightly different ways, overwhelmingly each one said something we all know..."actions speak louder then words". If we want to know if they really care watch their actions/ behaviors. Each basically said when they really care they spend time willingly with their SO. Hope that helps...
He comes to pick you up from the library so you don't have to walk two blocks in the rain.
Is it?:ohwell:

I think a guy can do up...
do all the "right things" and..consistent is dependable
willing to be "bothered" talks call emails plans..follows through
even marries the person...and not be into them..
maybe into being within partnership or into not being alone
which I suspect might be.... with this drummer

I know people in such relationships...:nono:

I'm curious about specific ways.. men....undeniably... go beyond baseline
acceptable dating etiquette/behavior which is all of the above...
to say matter to make a difference ..I'm crazy about
you ...and I cant to wait
to show you how much
9 times out of 10, I believe this happens if the guy is pressured or forced to do that by his woman or his/her family or for some other excuse/reason (money, children, etc.).
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We started texting but the phone calls came quickly therafter. Then the actual dates really replaced the calls. Now, we talk on the phone when we can't see each other (long distance)...but I agree with Lisa. He will find a way to show you, no guesswork involved.
I read something like this in cosmo. I was trippin off the they email and text you between certain hours. I'm sorry but I still perfer the phone.
Re-reading this, I think I'd have to say that day by day and person to person, a lot of the norms fly out the what time he texts, whether he FB messages vs. e-mailing (really, is that a significant distinction anyway?).

I think the only way to know if they're really into you is by the intention they express, verbally and non-verbally to spend time with you and to actually pursue a relationship with you. A lot of the rest, especially regarding ways of communication, varies from individual to individual and from generation to generation.
Ummm wow, so that guy I blew off was really into me after all.:blush: Hmm Maybe I will just give him a call tomorrow to see how he's doing. But I need more than someone who's into me, I need a man who's going to actually care for me and want to protect me and my interests.
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If he's really into you he will want to know more about you. Ask you questions about what you do for a living, your childhood, your family, etc. And he will want to see you, often. It's really not rocket science if you focus on the basics.
Excessive text messages are a no no for me! I'm more of an in person type of girl, but I rather a guy call me instead of excessive, unnecessary texts. It also makes me feel 1) they have something to hide 2) they are not that interesting of a person, therefore can't hold a decent convo 3)childish!
If he's really into you he will want to know more about you. Ask you questions about what you do for a living, your childhood, your family, etc. And he will want to see you, often. It's really not rocket science if you focus on the basics.

I ask these type of questions to many people that I am NOT interested in!!! After a few encounters I'm getting 3 page love letters of men professing their love to me..:ohwell: From my experiences I believe the surest way to know if someone is interested, is if they flat out say it!