SPINNY: You know he's into you when....

Hey ladies! I love this thread. I agree with everything ya'll mentioned....

-he calls you every morning on his way to work and texts you throughout the day just because or just to see how your day is going

-he texts you just to say hi or to tell you to have a good day

-he gets mad/jealous when he sees you talking to other guys

-he admits it when he is catching feelings for you

-he misses you when you haven't been apart that long

-he calls just to hear your voice or to hear your laugh

-he tells you that you're the only girl in the world for him and he means it

-he cares about your feelings and doesn't want you to be mad at him

-when you are mad at him he wants to make it right really fast and he is very sincere about doing so

-he asks you to meet him somewhere just so he can get a hug and a kiss

-he wants to do everything with you

-he wants to go to your favorite rock band's concert with you (he got mad cool points for that one!)
You know he's into you when....

-he stays right beside you after you have passed gas :lol:

-he peeks in the bathroom while you're taking a #2 on the toilet :rofl:

-he eats the rest of your food that you could not finish eating :look:

-he bust a pimple on your face with his fingers for you

-he includes you in his discussion of his future wants and plans

-he checks in with you almost every morning via call or text if your not in his presence

-he listens to your wants and concerns

-he is willing to work out the relationship after an argument, problem, or misunderstanding

-he compliments your appearance fairly often
- He drives 4+ hours round trip to pick you up from the airport

- He lets you control the remote and watch Maury and Jerry at his house

- He holds you even when he's mad at you

- He pays attention to the things you didn't even know you said

- He helps you host a big party even though you just invited him a few hours before
-he can't go a day without complimenting you
-he (for videogame addicts only but can apply to sports too) will put down his controller for you/ stop watching the game for you
-he is pissed off but will still say I love you
-pays attention to little things you didn't think he would ever notice
-he doesn't care if you fart around him lol
-he will rush to your side if he thinks you're sick
-he always puts you before himself
-he wants you to meet his family
-occasionally accidentally will call you wifey
-will kiss and hold you even when you are sick
-Is willing to miss important events to spend time with you, even if you don't make him
-he's willing to go buy tampons for you

at this point, i already know my guy loves me tho. He jokes around when we go to his mom's house and says "hey your son and daughter are here". And his parents seriously already call me their daughter in law even though we aren't close to being married. I love that guy :)
He refers to his mom as your future mother-in-law.

He asks what type of dog food your dog eats, so he can pick some up because he noticed you are running low.

He writes you love letters and leaves them next to the plate of food he fixed for you.

He sends you flowers in the middle of the day for absolutely no reason.

You over hear him telling his boy at work, "nah man I'ma pass, she sounds cool...but I've already met my future wife". *Elizablue tiptoes back away from the door...grinning like hayle*

And the creme de la creme...he gives you scalp massages with Neem Oil and doesn't mind the smell...:grin:. I almost proposed to him on this one...:yep:
He supports your dreams and ambitions.

He loves who you love (and even buys them gifts :grin: )

He teaches other women how to take better care of their hair because his lady's hair is :blah: :lachen:

He kisses away the tears when you cry.

He calls you before a big event just to wish you well!
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Will give up 'being right' on an issue, so that there will be peace between you.

Wants to be with you every free moment he has (literally).

Can't go to sleep without saying good night to you first.

Calls "just to hear your voice". Hangs up and calls right back 15 minutes later!