He's Not That Into You When...

when he doesnt reply to your text messages
when you find yourself making excuses for the reasons he hasnt replied to your messages
when you talk really well online but in person he acts like he doesnt know you
when he doesnt give you any attention or is completely distracted when talking to you and doesnt really care to keep the conversation going
when he says hes sooo attracted to you an you are soo pretty blah blah blah but wudnt even keep a convo. goin long enough for you to get to know each other
when conversations are only interesting to him when your are flirting. Anything else about your life/day is not important
when he doesnt care about impressing you

urgh!!!! ive been so dumb!!
...he tells you

i don't know how many times i've seen a man specifically say "i don't feel that way about you" et al. but the woman refuses to believe him or thinks she can change his mind

closely related to:
"i'm not looking/ready for a relationship"
"it's not you, it's me"
when, as he's holding your hand telling you how much he just loves being around you, wants to spend as much time as possible with you over the upcoming months going on all these dates, etc, going on and on... you say: should i stop dating other people?

He hesitates and says: I can't ask you that... you will know what to do...

:lachen: I should have run.
In my personal experience, I've found that a guy is just not into me when.....

I'm usually the one initiating contact/dates/get-togethers

If I'm "wondering" whether a guy is into me or not or if I'm expending energy trying to "figure him out", then 9 times out of 10 he's just NOT into me. When it's a guy who's truly into me, I don't even wonder. I don't even have TIME to wonder lol! He's so busy calling me, texting me, trying to get to know me and inviting me places that it's usually pretty obvious that he's interested.

He doesn't expend any effort in the relationship

He barely (if ever) tries to ask me questions or get to know me on a deeper level. Even dorky shy guys will ask some dorky questions just to get to talk to you and know you better!

He shows me disrespect (This is big!). A guy would never dream of doing that to his dream girl.

He only wants to see you in the night owl hours. You two never seem to spend time together out in the daylight :giggle:

He doesn't invite you and introduce you to his mom/friends/family members

He cancels dates at the last minute with weak excuses

Smh.....boy what a fool I was back then! :nono: Thank goodness I know better now!

This thread started making me feel somewhat down and depressed, so I have to counteract the bad with the good. :yep:

Signs that he IS Into You!:

He calls you alllll the time. Not a day goes by where he's not contacting you through phone, text, email, face to face contact, etc.

He gladly invites you to be around his circle of friends and family

He thinks you're "perfect" just the way you are....flaws and all! Even your so called flaws are endearing to him. :)

He's usually the one to initiate contact and dates

He doesn't "dissapear" outbid thin air and then weeks (or months!) later try to "reconnect". :nono2:

You don't feel like you have to "be" anyone else other than yourself, and you don't even feel like you need to "do" anything in order to get and keep his attention. :yep:

He wants to marry you

He's willing to go out of his way in order to impress you or make you happy

You don't "wonder" where you stand with him or how he feels about you. You just "know". You feel very secure in your relationship with him

When you're around , he doesn't even notice other women in the room.

You never ask yourself whether he's "into" you or not.

He doesn't make you cry or give you feelings of torture/anguish/heartbreak causing you to cry yourself to sleep.
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^^Thanks Crystalicequeen123 --That list of positives was just what I needed to hear!
Also, I'm loving this thread, hopefully it'll inspire us to watch out and wise up w/ future relationships. I know I've gotten so caught up in the past, seeing things through rose-coloured glasses....
When he only asks you out for the same day (ie, calls you at 1pm on Saturday to go out Saturday night).
When you find yourself making excuses to your friends for his behavior (but he was working, he was with his friend and didn't want to be rude, he was drinking, etc).
He's bold on the phone texting and talking about how he's into you but in person... not so much.
You've been with the fool 5,7'9 years and still don't have a ring and firm commitment. He ain't gonna marry you boo. Men are quick to lock you down if they want you and it doesn't take years.
"I'm not looking to get serious"
He had "plans to wife you" after you've moved on
:lol: 11th grade idiocy...
He is not into you when after he is incarcerated he suddenly discovers that he is madly and passionately in love with you and admits to having mistreated you and ignoring you in the past, (He is trying to have a hot and heavy affair with your wallet).
I think it was already said...

He's not in to you if you have to wonder if he's in to you.

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kittikat24;13585835[B said:
]^^Thanks Crystalicequeen123 --That list of positives was just what I needed to hear![/B]Also, I'm loving this thread, hopefully it'll inspire us to watch out and wise up w/ future relationships. I know I've gotten so caught up in the past, seeing things through rose-coloured glasses....

Yea girl... :yep: No problem. You know, sometimes we can get so caught up in the "he's not that into you" / negative mantra, that we almost forget to remember the "signs" that show when a guy truly IS into us!! :lol: :lachen:

But all of this information is definitely good for people who are in a situation (or have ever been in a situation) where the guy wasn't/isn't really into them, but they're still holding out hope or "wondering" what is up with the guy. :nono:

Sometimes the truth hurts. :ohwell:
When you just met him and he's already tombout "you special"...ummm no, how you know I'm special?! That's a pick up line, a cheap one at that.
When the only compliments he gives you are based on your looks.

When he doesn't take the time to get to know you, only says how great you two look together.

^^I was with my cousin and this dj she was talking to, he was so colorstruck and focused on her looks, like how pretty she is, and how she should identify as 'other'...and how great they look together...he wasn't into her, he was into how she would look on his arm...it's funny she said she is a really mean person and he said he would 'learn to deal with it' lmao
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I wish I could link my friend to this thread. Dude doesnt call & has yet to take her on a date (visiting to make out at her place or meeting up at the club is not a date) yet she calls him her boyfriend. I know he's like her first bf in 10 yrs but come on.
When he doesn't say hi to you or acknowledge you when you're both at the same event

When he doesn't seem too interested in hanging out with you

I definitely was one of those girls making up excuses...lol
When in private he treats you one way, but when you're both at the same event/party/venue, etc. and OTHER GIRLS are around, he acts like he doesn't really know you...... :nono: :wallbash:

In my experience, a guy who is truly "INTO" you won't go "hot and cold" on you all the time. He'll ALWAYS greet you and act like he knows you...especially if you two have a "thing" going on together. He won't ignore you or pretend like he doesn't know you when you two happen to be at the same place at the same time. :dizzy:
When all he can do is whisper sweet sweet words in your ear but can't back them up with actions. Actions speak louder than words!

When he refuses to take you out on a real date where y'all have to spend money and insists on house dates because it's cheaper, yes he's really just trying to sleep with you.

When he pretends that he is this 'deep' person but it's not apparent in his behavior.

When he won't shut up about his exes and how she did this or that better.

When he doesn't know your last name but asks you for money.
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Glad to see I'm not the only one who has played the fool for a dog arsed man before. Sometimes on LHCF it seems like every woman on here came out the womb knowing how to manage men perfectly.

eta: I think a decent man can act like a dog when he is just not that into a woman but she IS so into him. A woman is prone to making mistakes like letting a man hit, or even lending him money, if she is totally sprung. A man who isn't that into you can be dangerous for a woman that way, even if he isn't really an awful bastid generally speaking.
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I think a decent man can act like a dog when he is just not that into a woman but she IS so into him. A woman is prone to making mistakes like letting a man hit, or even lending him money, if she is totally sprung. A man who isn't that into you can be dangerous for a woman that way, even if he isn't really an awful bastid generally speaking.

Very very true. The same man will treat another woman like a queen.
When he's always reminding you of your flaws and magnifying them

When he is jealous of you because you can do something he can't
You have to ask... If a man is "into you" there will be NO legitimate doubt in your mind. If there's doubt... :nono: