I'm getting the feeling he's no longer interested..

I wish I had this board when I was twenty something. It would have saved me dating a lot of useless men :lol: Ladies on here share some really useful information that many of us don't get at home.

Girllll I'm telling you, I wish I had it in my teens!
Everyone already said what I was thinking but I will add my cousin travels often for work. He is sometimes away for weeks at a time although his office is closed on weekends. He could and probably does have a girlfriend or two. He's on wife number two and has always been a sly cheater. His Facebook has no trace of his wife or 3 kids. I have no idea what he told her but lots of family members have mentioned it as odd. Back in the black planet days his page had no trace of wife 1 and read single. I only saw it since he messaged me to prove he knew me to a colleague that was looking at my page. Don't presume he's single and available.
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I know a married guy who's facebook page does not have his wife as a friend. If they are creeping, this is not uncommon. And he is definitely cheating.
Sumra, I really wish I had the sense to have done that at time.

It's okay. Most of us have not had the sense, the courage, or the wisdom at some point in our lives. Plus it's usually easier to help others than our own selves. Don't be too hard on yourself. We are all here to help each other. If a situation like this occurs again you will be ready.
Sumra, I really wish I had the sense to have done that at time.

It's not always a question of sense Mocha. This is real life in real time! There will always be regrets.:yep:

The reason I would have sent that text is partially because in my head I'm Sumra, Princess of Zamunda:look:. I consider standing up one of the worst dating offences and Princesses do not get stood up! Fair enough he may have second thoughts about me, but I deserve to be told politely.

Usually when someone obviously values you less than you value yourself you will leave then and there. That's why I would end it immediately. A man standing me up doesn't match with my view of what I deserve and what I'm worth. Its more like reacting to a feeling that the situation is not right than having good sense possibly. Everyone has different trigger points.
It's not always a question of sense Mocha. This is real life in real time! There will always be regrets.:yep:

The reason I would have sent that text is partially because in my head I'm Sumra, Princess of Zamunda:look:. I consider standing up one of the worst dating offences and Princesses do not get stood up! Fair enough he may have second thoughts about me, but I deserve to be told politely.

Usually when someone obviously values you less than you value yourself you will leave then and there. That's why I would end it immediately. A man standing me up doesn't match with my view of what I deserve and what I'm worth. Its more like reacting to a feeling that the situation is not right than having good sense possibly. Everyone has different trigger points.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: We might be family. I tell people who assume I'm from Africa because I have an accent I'm from Zamunda.