He's Not That Into You When...


Well-Known Member
We've seen the posts about when he cares, when he's into you, when he's ready to take it to the next level. What about those signs when he's not - when its time to cut the chord and move on to the next?

How do you know when he's just not that into you?
He says he's gonna call but doesn't.
Only wants to see you when it suits him.
When he calls you out of your name after being intimate with you.
When he's only after your money.
When he says hes attracted to you and thinks about you all the time. But hasn't spoken/contacted you in over a week.
When he's willing to pick up a bottle of expensive liquor to share but won't stop to bring you fries from mcdonalds (even tho u are paying him when he gets there)

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When you all only go on "house dates."

When he's never around on weekends or holidays.

When he wants sex before knowing your last name.

When he tells you "You would look so much better if you _____ ."
When most of the time he communicates by text and hardly ever calls you
When he's SAID so man things about how he feels about you and what he wants to do for and with you, BUT HAS NEVER DONE ANY OF THEM
When you end communication with him due to his apparent lack of interest and 6 months later he tries to get back with you BY TEXT. wtf
When he has done you wrong and expect you to forgive and forget and get back to HIS way of doing things.
1. when he comes to your house at 10pm and leaves at 4am befo da sun comes up

2. when he doesn't take you out at all

3. when he doesn't bring you around his family/friends

4. when he tells you about other women he is seeing

5. when he tells you that he doesn't want a relationship right now

6. when you see him again (3 mos later) and he tells u he got married after he told you #5

7. when he tells you he is on his way, but never shows up

8. only calls when he needs or wants something

9. when you are in his company and he is constantly texting and it's not you he's texting

i could go on, but yall get da pic...
The problem isn't that women don't know when someone's not into them. We all know it. The problem is all the things women do to make excuses, get him to change his mind, get him to want, need, love them....etc.
When he doesn't call

Doesn't return your call

Texts you as a sole source of communication

Doesn't initiate dates/times to see you.

Mostly, his actions are dismal and lacking. Doesn't matter what he says so much as what he does.
when he doesnt pay any attention to you. when he doesnt go out out of his way for you. when you are confused about his feelings/intentions towards you
When none of his friend heard of you
When you don't know his address nor have you been to his house
when he keeps checking his watch for the time
when he around everything around on you like you are the problem
when he is nice to you in private, but cold and distant around his peers.

Out of all the things, this one, this one hurts the most.

This entire thread needs to be made a sticky. It is a topic that is talked around these parts alot. All of the advice is good.
When he hardly ever takes you out, but talks about the outing he had over the weekend, or already has plans that don't include you.

When you initiates most of the dates.

Cancels dates because something came up.

Sees you when it's convenient for him.

Hardly ever calls, alway texts you.

Mosly passive communicaton.
When you've been talking/emailing daily for a while, you FINALLY spend time together face to face, and you don't hear from him the next day.
That hurts.
When you find yourself making excuses for why he doesn't make contact

When he says "I'm used to women pursuing me" as the reason why he's lazy in the relationship

When he's lazy in the relationship

When he says "any other girl would be happy to be with me" when you try to discuss your feelings

When he says " you'll make some guy a happy husband some day"

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When he shows up extremely late (2 hours) for a date and doesn't call but texts a weak, vague reason on why he's late.

When you offer to pay or go Dutch on the first date and he is more than eager to let you pay.

When he asks you to borrow any money and you just started dating and are not committed at all.

When he stops calling you after you tell him you're a virgin or that you are not going to have sex with him.

When he complains about an aspect of your physical appearance that you can not easily change or don't want to change.
This is a pretty good thread. Don't want to derail it if I have nothing to add.
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he doesn't take/return your calls
he tells you about his "type" (and she sounds nothing like you)
he's too busy to see you
he's too broke to take you out
he only wants to hang at your place
you've been dating two months and have never met his friends
he knows why you're single because you don't let him/guys_______
something or loads of things about your face/body/personality need to be adjusted:rolleyes:
he tells you how perfect his ex girlfriend was....all the time
he starts asking if your friend is single

he doesn't take/return your calls
he tells you about his "type" (and she sounds nothing like you)
he's too busy to see you
he's too broke to take you out
he only wants to hang at your place
you've been dating two months and have never met his friends
he knows why you're single because you don't let him/guys_______
something or loads of things about your face/body/personality need to be adjusted:rolleyes:
he tells you how perfect his ex girlfriend was....all the time
he starts asking if your friend is single


:dighole: .....:lol:.....:sad:...
He's not that not you if HE only wants to see you when he's drunk.

He's not that into you if he's married and any other insance variation of being unavailable.

He just not into you when he immediately refers to you by a pet name such as' baby' or ' boo' while it may seem that he's uber affectionate it's not, the reality of the situation is because he is seeing other woman and it cuts down on the confusion of referring to you by someone else's moniker. It actually saves him from having to put in the effort to actually learn or remember your name. :grin:

He's just not into you if he doesn't want to marry you.
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in private your are his woman, in public your are a friend, maybe a cousin!

He calls you all day on your pay day!!!

He calls when he wants a ride somewhere.

You ask him how was his day/night/well-being but he doesn't bother asking how you are doing.
He disrespects you.

He is inconsiderate of your time.

He takes you for granted.

He convinces you to commit to something against your better judgment and then he defaults.

He does ^^ and doesn't have the good sense or courtesy to notify you in advance or apologize.

He keeps you guessing about his intentions concerning you.
He's not that into you if he can't compromise for you.

A man should not value his pride more than doing something simple that he knows will make you happy.
in private your are his woman, in public your are a friend, maybe a cousin!

He calls you all day on your pay day!!!

He calls when he wants a ride somewhere.

You ask him how was his day/night/well-being but he doesn't bother asking how you are doing.

:nono: These Kangs...