He lost his wallet.....


New Member
What do you do? You've been dating him off and on for 5 months. He's the type that's a complete gentleman, takes care of everything, pays for everything, and you're supposed to go out with him today. In fact you were supposed to go out yesterday, but you were tired so you asked him to postphone the date at the last minutes. Today he calls from work, he's lost his wallet.

I told him we could still go out. He doesn't want to unless we go to the park because he can't pay for me.

What should I do?
This is the perfect opportunity to see what he can come up with and how creative he can be with no money to spend. See if he's up to the challenge.
I agree with jdub. If he's super cool and he's paid for a lot of dates I think it's the perfect opprotunity to offer to take him out.
I know that I am a sucker but after 5 months and dude has been doing the right so far I would go in my pocket.
Otherwise it's like kicking a man when he is down.
He found it!!! He refused to go out without it lol. :giggle:. So he took me shopping at the mall to celebrate then out to eat and then to our original plan since he had lost his wallet....the park!

Ohhhhhh I think I like him....
Good for you, SK; you did not freak but encouraged him even without the wallet-he'll appreciate that. He has been treating you right so keep up the dates. I hope he continues to treat you well:yep:, enjoy him.