He hasn't contacted me in days

I went over to the coli thread and it was absolutely awful. I'm still smh at what they were saying about women.

OP, cut your losses.
Yeah it's kinda interesting but a lot of it is some ****** nycca sht. They sound like women, pimps, and abusers. But it kind of makes you aware.
Be nice for what? You're giving him too much airtime. I wouldn't respond. Why would you? Its like you're still holding out HOPING that something will change.

Him texting you when he feels like it and you responding sends out desperate and always available, even though you guys aren't dating. Cut your losses.

You show a man how you want to be treated. You can still be nice, smile at your phone when he text you, and not respond. See what I mean? You were nice enough to look at your phone, read the text, and smiled.

End of story.

Love this! :lol:
i went through something similar, almost exact same situation. lost contact initially then he contacted me again months later. i'd completely forgotten about him, b/c we had only chatted briefly prior. but then he came on strong and seemed really nice and very interested. we went out multiple times and had loads of fun. lunch dates and dinner dates 3-4/week. then he had to help his mother move, and disappeared off the face of the earth. i didnt hear from him for 2-3 weeks, and i texted to make sure he was okay, he said he'd been busy with the move. i wrote him off and deleted his number and moved on with my life. 6 months later, here this joker comes back out the blue asking me "whats up" i busted out laughing b/c i'd deleted his number and had no idea who it was calling and texting me. he told he he'd been out the country helping family with a flooded house. i asked where he went, his answer was alaska. smdh. this fool. i just laughed at the phone as i prepared for my date later that day. i think he probably had a chick the whole time, and he contacted me when they were on the outs. and the whole helping his mom move, was probably him and gf moving in together. anyways, just wanted to share my experience.
back to the op, i used to be the same way. felt guilty dating multiple men, and would put all my focus and attention on the one. NOPE never again. i agree, when you are dating just the 1 person it is a waste of your time. i almost feel like men can sense when you are only dating them, and its not necessarily appealing, please trust and believe he is most likely dating other women, no matter how nice and sweet he seems. dating multiple men makes you more objective, you are more carefree b/c you aren't stressed at making this relationship work. you're not overly clingy b/c you're bored and have nothing else to do, you are out living life.
If you sent him a msg and he doesn't reply--delete his number, block his number, whatever and keep it moving. Sounds like he has other interests aka females that he is busy with. No love lost---you now know his MO.
Never put up with disappearing acts with people you met while internet dating. More often than not, those types are players juggling several women at once.

He ended up texting me Monday then I didn't hear from him until Wednesday. We had a very brief text convo and I haven't heard from him since. I'm going to leave it alone and not even think or worry about it anymore. He isn't interested anymore and I'm ok with it, now lol. My good friend told me its strange for a guy to just lose interest so quick, but I guess it is what is.

I'm definitely no longer interested but ill be nice if he texts or calls.
yea you should have never replied when he texted you on monday

to the bolded: no its not.
I am in the same situation you are in and it is very hard to let go because they treat you soooooooooo well when they are around and then leave your mind going crazy thinking about them when they aren't contacting you. But you have to remember that he is not really interested in you. So why should you be that interested in him? Don't settle for his scraps! You deserve better than that.

I stole this quote from blackgirlsareeay.com and it is the truth.com:

" A man who truly cares always makes time to call his girl, it doesn’t matter if the world is collapsing, his phone’s dead, and his fingers are cut off, he will use his tongue to dial her number on a dirty *** payphone. "
think about it.
Earlier today I realised what I was doing and deleted his number with a quickness.
Power regained and it's not going to happen again either.
Im going through this exact same thing at this moment. I deleted this guy's number and he still keeps texting me and trying to hit me up. He disappeared for over 2 weeks and his excuse was ," Well at least it wasn't a month." Ugh!

I have a male cousin who basically told me the same thing." If I like a girl and she like me, there's nothing that would keep me from talking to her daily, unless I found something better to occupy my time. Don't let this ninja play you. "
This thread is bringing me to the brink of tears at work.

I hate that this ish has happened to me, but not to sound selfish, I'm glad I'm not alone in this and that you ladies understand what I'm going through. I guess I've been broken down so much in the past, it's hard to be strong and brush this off. I've always had self esteem issues and this just feels like another harsh blow. Whatever. :(

Seriously though, you ladies are giving me strength! Thank you.