He Cheated..Again..This time I moved out

I am sooooo happy that you were strong enough to move on...... that takes superwoman strength..... with every day that passes you WILL get thru this....You might be a little bruised but you're not broken......there is a thread that deals with women who stayed and eventhough they should have left, the stories might help you a little.....I'm not sure what the weather is out there but if you can go an soak up some sun...it helps

It only gets better from here......trust
Been there and have seen friends and relatives thru it. Be prepared for the begging of ALL beggging. He will want counseling now. Be prepared to be offered gifts of reconciliation (jewelry, trips). You may even get asked for your hand in marriage. I can bet the child will be used as a pawn. I mean he will really tear at your heart strings. You have to stand firm and hold your ground. I think men who cheat hate it more when you are the one to break it off. Like the other ladies have said, you are worth so much more. Don't settle for less.

Oh yeah, I'm glad you said that about the child. He will tell you that your stepdaughter misses you so much that now you are gone. He's going to make it like it's YOUR fault that she's in pain. DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!! He's the one that put his child through this by cheating on you and thinking he's going to get away with it. Keep moving girl and don't let him back into your life. He's going to be on your heels now because he saw that you took care of his daughter and he's going to realize that he won't be able to find somebody like you to love her as much as you. But keep in mind, this is NOT your fault! Men need to take responsibilities of their own actions.
Serenity, it took a lot of heart to do what you did. That same inner strength will get you through this. I wish you all the best on your journey.
This deserves to be repeated. Your strength is admirable.
I am extremely sorry to hear that you are going through this. The fact that you moved out is evident that you are ready to cut this poison out of your life, and I am proud of your strength and self-love. You are an intelligent and beautiful young woman.

You are also someone with a big heart to have a relationship with your stepdaughter as well.

You deserve a man who will honor and cherish you, and ONLY you. Pray and open your heart. Purge him out of your system, which may take time esp since he was in your life for so long. Heal. Focus on yourself. God will send you your man in time. In the meantime, DO YOU! Someone with your qualities will find a man who will compliment them and a man who will see you as the woman of his dreams.
Wow, Serenity, you were so brave to make the choice you did. Good for you. I guess once a person has enough and is ready to make the move, nothing can stop them. You are so sweet and beautiful, there are so many future adventures full of happiness waiting for you. Obviously, you feel really bad right now, but that's normal when a relationship ends. Just respect that and know that the bad feelings won't last forever because when they are over, life is going to start getting even better than you could have imagined.:yep:.
I'm glad you had the courage to take a stand and move out. You should never have to settle for less:nono:. I know you will get through it and some months from now you'll be so glad that you made this decision.

I just said a little prayer for you :)

I don't have much to add that the other ladies haven already stated. However, and I mean this in all sincerity...you are one of the most beautiful women on this board and if homeboy couldn't act accordingly then he isn't worthy of you. It really and truly is his loss.

God bless you:heart2:
I like this post, but LOVE the bolded. I had a boyfriend cheat on me years ago with his ex (well, obviously, not the "ex", he just told me she was) and got her pregnant. I was devastated, not to mention highly embarrassed, but I picked up my life and kept it moving. Fast forward to about two weeks ago, and I saw his name in the Department of Corrections database. When I tell you his rap sheet is long and ridiculous, PLEASE believe it. Two years after we broke up, he started going to jail, and hasn't spent more than 6 months to a year out at a time since. He's currently doing 6 years. God don't like ugly. The thing is, I've moved on so well that I didn't feel "vindicated" at all, just very neutral about it, even a tad bit of pity. He will have to pay for the way he treated you, and now that he is out of the way, you'll be in a position to receive the blessings you deserve. Hugs to you!

Your story reminds me of mine. My ex cheated on me and put me through a lot of crap. Fast forward five years later he's in a mental institution. He's out now but everyone keeps talking about how much he lost his mind. I wouldnt wish that on anyone but things happen for a reason. God knew what he was doing when we broke up. OP, I am saying this because sometimes when we go through things like this it's a blessign in disguise. Like the other ladies have said be proud of youself for moving on. Many women find it hard to leave a man and they choose to accept whatever he does. It takes time but you will get through this. :yep:
I have been very close to this same thing and the best thing is to invest in you now. I know it is hard but you need to know in your soul that you didn't do anything wrong.
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A quote I saw..

Look back, thank God
Look forward, trust God
Look around, serve God
Look inside, find God

This is key. Live by this and you will be delivered from you hurt in no time. THIS I CAN GAURANTEED!
I have had my share of bad relationships but I can only imagine what you are going through. You are in my thoughts. Hang in there.
Thank you ladies for all of your kind words and support.

Your words of courage have and will continue to help me during the times when I feel I have no more.

I thank God that I have your support along with my friends and family. I thank God that I did not marry him, have kids, and find out about his lack of honesty 5 years later.

I truly believe all things happen for a reason. God has his plan for me. I will trust in him and leave all in his hands. I am confident he will lead me to what is best for me.

Thanks again for your love and support. I believe your are all angels helping to lift my spirits and help me thru this difficult transition.

God Bless You all
I truly believe all things happen for a reason. God has his plan for me. I will trust in him and leave all in his hands. I am confident he will lead me to what is best for me.

This is the key to it all, right here! Your future is just waiting for you to walk into it! :yep::yep: I've been right where you are, and believe me when I say it gets better. I took some time and just vegged out on my parents sofa, but when it was time to get up...I noticed the sun was shining as bright as ever. It will for you also, I am sure of it!! :yep:





What a loser!! And his daughter (it seems) is going to suffer a lot due to his stupidity. Hang in there, you did the right thing, it will get a little easier as time goes by. I am proud of you.

I am so down right now. I did the right thing, packed my bags and moved out. I did not even cry or beg for an explination. I had hard facts, said what I had to say, and called a mover.

After seven years, raising a stepdaughter since three now nine 1/2, I am trying to start a new life.

Anyone else been there? I could use some cheering up and positive words.


I read this quote on this site somewhere....

Sometimes it's best to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.

It truly is HIS loss even if he doesn't realize it yet. Be strong and keep yourself busy. Pamper yourself exercise...get involved in the community where you can meet people with similar interests.

Stay away from the ice cream. :nono:

Hugs to you!

I am so down right now. I did the right thing, packed my bags and moved out. I did not even cry or beg for an explination. I had hard facts, said what I had to say, and called a mover.

After seven years, raising a stepdaughter since three now nine 1/2, I am trying to start a new life.

Anyone else been there? I could use some cheering up and positive words.


:bighug: I am sorry Serenity. Getting your heart broken is one of the worse feelings in the world. When it happened to me, I never thought I would recover but with time I did. Through out it all just remember that you have people here that you can vent too and that it is his loss not yours. You are too good of a person not to be treated with the upmost respect and love. Keep your head up!!!! and We love you!!!
Been there.

Just surround yourself (or remind yourself) of all your friends who have men in their lives that treat them right. You know the ones.....the friends who never complain about their men (most likely husbands at this point). The ones who you can say for yourself, she got a good one. See how they interact. How her intuition (gut feeling) never raises any suspicions about her man....because if it did, then she would have mentioned a lil sumthin to you by now about him. But she never has to date.

That is what you deserve. Remind yourself that if that friend can get a man who RESPECTS her, then you can too.
Just wanted to say that I've been there and I know it hurts.

Continue to surround yourself with those who love you....:rosebud: