Spin off: How I found out he cheated...

I don't mean to be coy but the devil is also full of insight. :perplexed

Not that I think he's the devil...not by a long shot.

I just believe you can be totally aware and STILL do wrong.

I understand what you mean though. :yep:
Oh I completely agree with you on that.....completely
And I will say that my ex may not be the devil..but he most def had some devil in him
They are so similar in those aspects just from reading that email.....so full of perspective and insight but all the while never completely blaming themselves for the problem that they caused.......just b/c you made more didnt give him the right to cheat....you didnt make him feel inadequate.....he did that all on his on....his boys made him do it...ok how old are you? As you can see I have been here before and although I have forgiven my ex for the things that he did to me and I realize that he did me a favor b/c he was only keeping me from my rightful path with a man that loves me genuinely...I still dont understand why he can't stand up and acknowledge that the blame is on him.
Adequate, I really admire the dignity and maturity with which you handled the situation. Thanks for sharing and know that your latter will/is greater than the past.
Be blessed!
Thanks for sharing your story. I really admire how decisive you are. Your fiance is a lucky man.
Wow...thank you for sharing that story. It seems almost surreal and how you maintained your composure and your faith was inspiring. People know when something is up. That is why the thread with your friend I believe his SO must be cheating or setting up to cheat...there is that intuition. You are a calm lady...and I am sure that this time around will be drama free!
Wow, that was a truly unreal stoy! Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry that happened to you but I admire how you handled yourself because I would have been on the news.
I'm sorry this happened to you but I have to say I truly admire your strength. Your fiance is very lucky.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about God does reveal things to us. My 'revelation' came when our in-home day care provider got a new phone number a few days after I prayed about it and I called him from that number. He didn't recognize the number so he thought I was her :nono:

Thanks for sharing.
adequate, i wanna be your friend!

He seemed to have demonstrated very selfish behaviour during the marriage. s sad. may you be blessed and happy 4ever. his loss
Wow...I haven't made it through the entire thread yet, but I admire your strength and tact in dealing with your ex.
Again thanks for your support and all your kind words.

I want to say that after he was gone for almost 1.5 years...it really wasn't as difficult as you might think to file. Physically if not emotionally, we were already separated. I think the physical part can be just as difficult to recover from as the emotional part when there is a divorce.

I'm not saying it made it super easy to do but it made it easier than it would have been if he had been around the 1.5 years prior to me filing.

if that makes sense...
Thank you for sharing. You handle the situation very well. You're very strong.
Hugs to you
You are a strong woman
I checked out your pics and I can see that you are happy
Wishing you all the happiness your heart can hold:yep:
After being married only 4 months I started feeling like my ex was cheating. One night I prayed for guidence, that very night I had a dream that I was at his aunt's and he was there with a girl named Danielle, the next morning I told him about it and the life drained out of his face, I mean he stopped getting dressed and gave me this weird look. Well wouldn't you know it...that next weekend I found out he was cheating with someone named Danielle. God is real and I'll never doubt it. Even now when I'm dating someone I pray for God to reveal the guy's true intentions and I always see it.
After being married only 4 months I started feeling like my ex was cheating. One night I prayed for guidence, that very night I had a dream that I was at his aunt's and he was there with a girl named Danielle, the next morning I told him about it and the life drained out of his face, I mean he stopped getting dressed and gave me this weird look. Well wouldn't you know it...that next weekend I found out he was cheating with someone named Danielle. God is real and I'll never doubt it. Even now when I'm dating someone I pray for God to reveal the guy's true intentions and I always see it.

this reminds me of my sister's situation. i will come back to that later. GOD is real indeed.....if we want to know the truth he will indeed show us!
God I just got chills. I am going to pray to God for Him to reveal to me as well. I don't have a reason to be worried but I do not want to be in the dark either.
After being married only 4 months I started feeling like my ex was cheating. One night I prayed for guidence, that very night I had a dream that I was at his aunt's and he was there with a girl named Danielle, the next morning I told him about it and the life drained out of his face, I mean he stopped getting dressed and gave me this weird look. Well wouldn't you know it...that next weekend I found out he was cheating with someone named Danielle. God is real and I'll never doubt it. Even now when I'm dating someone I pray for God to reveal the guy's true intentions and I always see it.
This is not about my fiance...this is about my ex-husband.

Someone said the truth always comes out and it always does (but some of us want to speed things along by doing a little snooping of our own according to that poll :look: on the check his emails thread).

Anyway, this is how I found out.

My ex and I got married young. We lived in Cali but he hated the cost of living there. He is from the South.

So about 4 years into our marriage he moved us to the Southeast where cost of living was better and in an area where there seemed to be a good economy.

I found work right away but he didn't. :perplexed

I was paying the bills for about 8 months on my own and I never complained. I just told him keep his head up. Something will come up. :yep:

Well, after awhile he got fed up with waiting for a job and decided to go overseas to work. :ohwell:

I begged him not to go. :sad:

But long story short he promised he'd only go for a year and that he'd quit and come back with this next egg that I wouldn't be able to argue with.

Now, let me say we were not hurting really. My job pays me very well and he could have taken his time finding a job but his ego got in the way. He couldn't stand the thought of me making more money than him. *sigh*

So he went overseas - the first 6 months were difficult - but he came back home at the midway point and things were okay.

At the year mark he came back and things were okay.

Except that he wanted to stay another year.

That was the first time I had considered a divorce. :sad: He had changed...was money hungry now...and I was lonely.

But with no real biblical grounds for divorce (I thought), I didn't act then. I just prayed I could make it a little longer and he'd come home.

He went back and for weeks I was having nightmares about him cheating out of the blue. What can you do when he's 7000 miles away to prove it. You can't. There was something in my gut that was telling me something's wrong. But I couldn't prove it. I felt sick. :sad:

I couln't put my finger on it though.

I prayed.

I prayed that if there was something I needed to know that he would reveal it to me.

And I left it in his hands.

This is GOD revealing things to me. It HAD to be because what are the odds.

A few weeks later I got an email.

A friend of mine who was stationed at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait had emailed me. He said he had gone with some buddies to a swinger party. Okay, that's nasty to me
but he says he didn't participate he just went cause he was curious.

Well LOW AND BEHOLD he saw my husband there who was IN FACT participating.

He had taken pictures on his camera phone and emailed them to me as attachments.

I printed them out in color (I drove like a mad woman to office depot to get a color printer because I didn't feel they would have the same impact printed in black and white) all the time crying my eyes out and pulling my hair out and frantic with ....confusion.

After I printed them I sent them to my DH (now ex) certified mail/return receipt/restricted delivery.

and I waited.

Did you know it takes 7 days for mail to get to the middle east?

In the meantime I kept my cool.
I still kept in touch with him. Our conversations were normal. I had a plan.

I know the exact hour he received my package because at 6 o'clock in the morning my cell phone, my instant messenger on the computer, my house phone all blew up simutaneously with ringing, buzzing and that nokia tune.


I picked up my phone and he was crying.


I told him listen. Don't say anything. You do not have a reason to cry. I am the one who should be crying. I told him I need 30 days to think about what I want to do. In those thirty days, do not call, write, email, or contact me unless it is explicitly about our son. If you have anything to say right now you have two minutes to say it. Go.

He said I'm sorry, I love you, I was stupid, I didn't mean it, I don't even know her, I don't even remember her face, I was drinking, I was talked into it by my boys...

You'd be amazed how much a person can say in two minutes...

I said fine, I'll take all that into consideration and I hung up.

He continued to call of course but I didn't answer and after 30 days I wrote him a letter and said, this will be my last letter to you as your wife. I am filing for a divorce. You should be hearing from an attorney shortly.

When I have had some time to recover from this, I will call you and we can talk but I am not going to put myself through this right now.

That was the end of that...

If you read my credit and divorce thread you'll understand now that he was using that situation to make me come back to him. And maybe you'll understand now why I couldn't.

But again, as with most things when I post personal information, I am sharing this to let you know that God does warn us about things. Maybe the answers won't be as clear as mine...and I'm not even saying God encourages divorce, but I do think he'll reveal things to us if we ask him to and if our eyes are open.

I have to applaud you because you handled yourself like a real lady in this case. You didn't cuss him out and or lay into him like most would have done. Very inspiring how you held your head up and continued on with your life....
Thank you so much for sharing this very private and painful part of you. I must agree with everyone else; you are extremely brave and wise for handling your situation with such maturity and grace. I admire you. I also appreciate you for reminding me of something that I've always known but unfortunately, do not always practice: praying to God for guidance, direction, wisdom and understanding.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Adequate! Ohhhhh, I know what you are talking about!! The distance, the money, the DANG Middle East!! I do not want to hijack your thread with my story, however the similarities!! Only this time I was the one in the Middle East and my husband was back home running through our finances that we had saved for three years and chasing after women. I got ahold of his cellphone voicemail passcode, and WOWWWWWWW....the things that I found. I had also prayed for God to reveal and HE sure did. My tactics may have been taboo for some, but I know what I know and I filed for divorce as soon as I hit the United States. Your story is moving, I thank God that you handled yourself with dignity in the face of so much madness.
Wow-I went from shocked, to awed to amazed in rapid succession. I love this story because your strength just shone through. I feel like giving you a high five for how you handled this situation and the others that involve your ex. You sound like a phenomenal woman. Go on gurl!
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Hell nah! Im sorry that this happened to you but this is unbelieveable. Well nowadays anything can happen but I see youve found better things :grin: Ladies definitely listen to the warnings.
I know this is old, but thanks so much for sharing that and for having gumption. I so admire people, especially women, that have gumption.
Wow is all I can say. God DOES warn us.

I remember last year, my ex-friend wrote me the most sweet apologetic email for not doing more calling & not being attentive asking me to give him a second chance. I was at work reading it. I cried at how sweet it was thinking I was going to give him a second chance. :rolleyes: Do u know after work the same day I caught him by pure luck (God of course) at a cafe that I've NEVER been to with another girl. :nono: ???
I was so disappointed and he was busted!!! God was warning me about him and showing me that his intentions weren't good at all. :ohwell:
So, you know I"m glad you got thru it and I"m soooo sorry it happened to you. I don't think we can control what we go thru but we CAN control how we react to it. You did well. :yep:.
Wow is all I can say. God DOES warn us.

I remember last year, my ex-friend wrote me the most sweet apologetic email for not doing more calling & not being attentive asking me to give him a second chance. I was at work reading it. I cried at how sweet it was thinking I was going to give him a second chance. :rolleyes: Do u know after work the same day I caught him by pure luck (God of course) at a cafe that I've NEVER been to with another girl. :nono: ???
I was so disappointed and he was busted!!! God was warning me about him and showing me that his intentions weren't good at all. :ohwell:
So, you know I"m glad you got thru it and I"m soooo sorry it happened to you. I don't think we can control what we go thru but we CAN control how we react to it. You did well. :yep:.

Thank you! We just need to pay attention to our guts and take heed of red flags - even if they aren't as obvious as ours were.
You're right about asking God to reveal things to you and I REALLY love how you handled that. You are truly a phenomenol woman!:yep:
wow, I can't believe the time frame this was originally posted! It was right when I was going thru something and needed to be thankful for God revealing things to me, even though I was hurting.

I am sure it is no coincidence that I just happened to see this thread now after just asking the Lord to show me which way to go and asking him what to believe

Thank you so much adequate for reminding all of us that God really doesn't leave us in the dark, b/c there are always signs!