He can't take the baby daddy drama

Yea girl, just talk to him and try to minimize all the drama. Oh my goodness...i just read that your boyfriend's mom lives with him...oh Lord.....that is some baggage. Would the three of you be living together?

Yes, his mom is 78 years old she still drives and gets around good for here age, she is just lonely bc all her family and friends her age are passing away. It seems for the last two months every week she knows someone that died. She is an excellent cook and I did love her. I'm a RN so it's no way on earth I would ever ask him to put his mom in a senior's citizens complex. I was trying to talk him into moving his dad in put his hallaways aren't big enough since his dad got his leg amputated last year which, landed him in a wheel chair. I am going to give my bf some space bc he needs to know that i truly understand where he is coming from and where he's not trying to go.
Yes, his mom is 78 years old she still drives and gets around good for here age, she is just lonely bc all her family and friends her age are passing away. It seems for the last two months every week she knows someone that died. She is an excellent cook and I did love her. I'm a RN so it's no way on earth I would ever ask him to put his mom in a senior's citizens complex. I was trying to talk him into moving his dad in put his hallaways aren't big enough since his dad got his leg amputated last year which, landed him in a wheel chair. I am going to give my bf some space bc he needs to know that i truly understand where he is coming from and where he's not trying to go.

I think this is the best thing to do. Most men that I know don't want to be in a relationship where there are 2 chiefs. You in essence gave your ex power over your relationship, and your fiance saw that.
Gosh, that situation is terrible. And really, your ex is your ex, and that's not something that you can change at this point. As far as not stepping in is concerned, any man who marries you is going to have to figure out how he's going to handle this situation. But asking that of someone is really a whole lot--and maybe too much.

I think that you really need to explore what legal options you have. You really don't have to communicate with your ex if he's violent. Many family courts have programs where you only drop off and pick up at a supervised location. I would also investigate a restraining order. Is moving out of town a possibility that your bf would be open to? That might seem drastic, but this is serious...

I'm filing a PPO in the morning and this all I'll have to do bc he love his kids and he would want to be able to be in my sons life. I wouldn't move away bc that would just kill his grandmother bc she always tell my son with her multiple health issues if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be taking all her medications or going to dialysis. She retired from GM so my son wouldnt have to go to daycare so I wouldn't do that to her. Next am a RN I have been at my job for 11 years and I love it and my bf takes care of his parents so that an option for him and it seems to me he likes commuting to work bc I offered to move to a halfway point for the both of us and he said in this ecomonic he wouldnt get much for his 250,000 house he would be giving it away.

When I use the word violent I was using in the sense of an emotional intensity not forceful physical violence there is a different. I was married to him and he never hit me or the kid. I got a divorce bc I got married bc that's what all my friends was doing out of high school it wasn't bc of love. I have know my ex since jr high and he is 33 now and he has never never been in a fight back then or now and when he was saying the I'll kill over my son he was crying.

I will keep you guys posted until then be safe
I'm filing a PPO in the morning and this all I'll have to do bc he love his kids and he would want to be able to be in my sons life. I wouldn't move away bc that would just kill his grandmother bc she always tell my son with her multiple health issues if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be taking all her medications or going to dialysis. She retired from GM so my son wouldnt have to go to daycare so I wouldn't do that to her. Next am a RN I have been at my job for 11 years and I love it and my bf takes care of his parents so that an option for him and it seems to me he likes commuting to work bc I offered to move to a halfway point for the both of us and he said in this ecomonic he wouldnt get much for his 250,000 house he would be giving it away.

When I use the word violent I was using in the sense of an emotional intensity not forceful physical violence there is a different. I was married to him and he never hit me or the kid. I got a divorce bc I got married bc that's what all my friends was doing out of high school it wasn't bc of love. I have know my ex since jr high and he is 33 now and he has never never been in a fight back then or now and when he was saying the I'll kill over my son he was crying.

I will keep you guys posted until then be safe

I'm filing a PPO in the morning and this all I'll have to do bc he love his kids and he would want to be able to be in my sons life. I wouldn't move away bc that would just kill his grandmother bc she always tell my son with her multiple health issues if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be taking all her medications or going to dialysis. She retired from GM so my son wouldnt have to go to daycare so I wouldn't do that to her. Next am a RN I have been at my job for 11 years and I love it and my bf takes care of his parents so that an option for him and it seems to me he likes commuting to work bc I offered to move to a halfway point for the both of us and he said in this ecomonic he wouldnt get much for his 250,000 house he would be giving it away.

When I use the word violent I was using in the sense of an emotional intensity not forceful physical violence there is a different. I was married to him and he never hit me or the kid. I got a divorce bc I got married bc that's what all my friends was doing out of high school it wasn't bc of love. I have know my ex since jr high and he is 33 now and he has never never been in a fight back then or now and when he was saying the I'll kill over my son he was crying.

I will keep you guys posted until then be safe

Your posts are very confusing. In several posts you said he was a violent man, that you were afraid of him and that he might hurt a new man in your life Now it seems like you're trying to rationalize those statements away. Honestly, I get the sense that you and your ex have some unfinished business and maybe you were enjoying the drama until your BF said he was through

As for your ex crying, sounds to me like he is feeling emotional about his feelings towards his son. Upthread someone suggested the three of you sit down and talk about how you want to co parent your son. A good suggestion. But it will require all of you to show a bit more maturity then what I'm seeing in your previous posts.

Don't mean to be harsh, but there is the potential for some serious harm in this situation if you all don't handle this well.
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I think she meant that he has been violent towards her. Pooosies are typically violent to women, but won't harm a fly. They have strength for their "loved" ones but don't have strength to fight the battles against the real people in life causing their misery.

OP I think there may be hope salvaging this relationship, but you are going to have to make some changes. Perhaps moving outside of the region so you don't bump into him, ever.
Please let the dust settle. I would run for the hills if I had to deal with that even once.

I don't mean this rudely but why haven't you all gotten married already within these 5 years?

I hope for a good outcome for you but your ex bf needs sometime to sort out his thoughts and feelings and make sure you take care of the restraining order and put your ex husband in check!
Your ex sounds emotionally manipulative.

I was in a relationship where the guy did not back me up when someone was being disrespectful. Even though the situation was completely different from yours, I never forgot that and lost a lot of respect for him. I can only imagine how your boyfriend feels. And the both of you were threatened with death? I would have been scared too. He's putting his life, along with his mother's, at risk. I wouldn't want to be in that position at all. I don't blame him for what he did.

OP, I think you need to seek legal help for dealing with your ex. Get a protective order and look into counseling for your child and yourself.
I think she meant that he has been violent towards her. Pooosies are typically violent to women, but won't harm a fly. They have strength for their "loved" ones but don't have strength to fight the battles against the real people in life causing their misery.

OP I think there may be hope salvaging this relationship, but you are going to have to make some changes. Perhaps moving outside of the region so you don't bump into him, ever.

I'm filing a PPO in the morning and this all I'll have to do bc he love his kids and he would want to be able to be in my sons life. I wouldn't move away bc that would just kill his grandmother bc she always tell my son with her multiple health issues if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be taking all her medications or going to dialysis. She retired from GM so my son wouldnt have to go to daycare so I wouldn't do that to her. Next am a RN I have been at my job for 11 years and I love it and my bf takes care of his parents so that an option for him and it seems to me he likes commuting to work bc I offered to move to a halfway point for the both of us and he said in this ecomonic he wouldnt get much for his 250,000 house he would be giving it away.

When I use the word violent I was using in the sense of an emotional intensity not forceful physical violence there is a different. I was married to him and he never hit me or the kid. I got a divorce bc I got married bc that's what all my friends was doing out of high school it wasn't bc of love. I have know my ex since jr high and he is 33 now and he has never never been in a fight back then or now and when he was saying the I'll kill over my son he was crying.

I will keep you guys posted until then be safe

Nope. She's saying he hasn't hit her. Sounds like he has anger management issues. But I also feel like the whole story is not being told.
From the beginning I had the feeling she was exaggerating the ex's violent tendancies. I think the ex is fearful of the OP's bf being abusive. I guess I'm the only one but I don't blame the ex for being upset about her bf playing so roughly and carelessly with his son. Did you all catch where she said the bf hit her son (instead of accidentally scratching him)? Something about this thread is "off" so I'm just going leave the rest of my thoughts to myself. The OP is leaving a lot out and twisting the truth.
My ex is very violent and like i stated if i would've said anything that would've made the situation worst.

I dont know what to do for here

this was my first seriously relationship since him bc I was afraid that he would try and harm the person that I was involved with I'm willing to go to battle for my bf. Thanks


In our own relationship it was only two times where they had a problem and it was about the same thing him hitting my son.

Too many discrepancies...
Your boyfriend is 33 and 10 years older than you. You have been separated from your ex for 9 years. How old were you when you got married? 13 and out of High School?
He doesn't want to deal with the pyscho father issues. That's not hard to understand.

Right! Who wants to tip toe around if his own house if they do get married. Without realizing the consequences, the child could go back and twist stuff around and then yall find yourselves in a body bag like he said. :look: I mean really, who wants to live like that??!!
Your boyfriend is 33 and 10 years older than you. You have been separated from your ex for 9 years. How old were you when you got married? 13 and out of High School?

She said her ex-husband was 33 and that she has known him since junior high or middle school. The funny thing though is that the bf is the one she said got in trouble in the past for being violent. And she says the ex has never even been in a fight. And yet she is so scared of the ex. This is a really weird thread.
She said her ex-husband was 33 and that she has known him since junior high or middle school. The funny thing though is that the bf is the one she said got in trouble in the past for being violent. And she says the ex has never even been in a fight. And yet she is so scared of the ex. This is a really weird thread.
Yes,and if things are the way that I'm picturing them
based off info given,then I'm not mad at the son's father. He might not want to do anything stupid,as he can do way more for his child when he is by his side. I understand though...
He went to jail for back child support. Next time I post I will make sure not miss details because everyone that goes to jail don't= violent crimes or sell drugs.

I think that they will assume this because of his "I been to jail and am not afraid to go back" retort.

I think the relationship with current SO is fixable, but I would first put ex in his damn place.
He went to jail for back child support. Next time I post I will make sure not miss details because everyone that goes to jail don't= violent crimes or sell drugs.

What he went to jail for doesn't make a difference a criminal is a criminal. And being a deadbeat dad might as well be a violent crime (against ones own child). IMO

From what I've read, you get a little kick of of the hoodrat drama. I think your BF is best left out of it.
Does anyone see the "irony" of the ex? He's really into his kids...so much that he will threaten another human being bodily harm but he doesn't pay his damn child support.

What's love got to do with it?
I don't know, OP if I go back and reread the original story and your later posts it's very confusing and off, way off. I'm starting to think that your ex-husband is trying to protect your son from the real violent man, your BF. I think you really need to steer clear of men who have been to jail and violent men all together. Your priority right now is to make sure that your son is safe.
Well... he can't take the baby daddy drama b/c he don't have to and why should he.. Some women feel the same way... I know I do... It's unfortunate but who want to deal with that...
Ionno.....the more I read, the more confused I got. Just start over...with a NEW man...not the thread, LOL.

Too many violent men in here for me. Protect yourself and your son from whomever you all need protecting from and move on.