Haven't heard from my boyfriend for 3 days now! What would you do?

IMO......The thing with him is, he may very well know that there's no feeling involved on your part, but his concern is the other guy and being a man, he knows the games other men play and what they are capable of.............surely because he himself has probably pulled the same bull with those so called female friends, some men are just plain ole sneaky and he knows this. Your guy friend of 7yrs. most likely has an attration to you and your SO may have picked up on this somehow throughout your 3yr relationship. The 7yr friend just may be waiting his time out before he comes hard just as your SO may be doing with other females. Just my opinion
A movie is a very intimate date and i would never speak to my BF again if he went to the movies with a female "friend".
Since when has a movie been an intimate date? Oh I think I get it, sitting in the dark with a person of the opposite sex that you can't see well or talk to for about 2hrs. Yeah I can see how that is "intimate". Imo a movie is not that serious but I would not like my man doing anything date-like 1-on-1
with another female unless they were platonic friends.
I wouldn't call him anymore. How were things before you two up until this point? If things were rough, do you think that he's using this as an excuse to break up?
But the thing is, he does! All the time! With girls he randomly meets. I have known this guy for about 7 years. It really was innocent, he knows this...he knows i have no feelings for this guy, so why he is acting stupid is beyond me. I trust him, so i have no prob with him having female friends...i guess it's not mutual.

What man in a relationship goes the movies with a woman and random women at that! I know men and women can be friends but I surely am not going ot the movies with my male friend. That's what my husband is for and God forbid if he tried to pull that! Dude sounds like he has gotten to where he wants to be with his "friend" and now wants to test the other side. Some stick in there long enough to feel secure with someone else and then they act a fool. It is all BS to break up!

Oh...and why did you go with your guy friend instead of your guy?
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Since when has a movie been an intimate date? Oh I think I get it, sitting in the dark with a person of the opposite sex that you can't see well or talk to for about 2hrs. Yeah I can see how that is "intimate". Imo a movie is not that serious but I would not like my man doing anything date-like 1-on-1
with another female unless they were platonic friends.

Hmmm, let's see:

1) holding his hand during the movie
2) nestling your head on his shoulder then him putting his hand over your shoulder
3) moving your hand to the top of his thigh
4) moving your hand to his INNER thigh
5) seeing his legs spread a little wider to accommodate your hand...

.... there's more, but I think you get the gist of it.

I'd be pissed if my bf or someone I was serious told me he went to the movies with another female. Keep it to yourself.
What man in a relationship goes the movies with a woman and random women at that! I know men and women can be friends but I surely am not going ot the movies with my male friend. That's what my husband is for and God forbid if he tried to pull that! Dude sounds like he has gotten to where he wants to be with his "friend" and now wants to test the other side. Some stick in there long enough to feel secure with someone else and then they act a fool. It is all BS to break up!

Oh...and why did you go with your guy friend instead of your guy?

I think they live in different states.

I agree about the b.s. breakup. It was wrong of him to make her pay for a ticket he knew had no intention of paying for.

But you live and your learn.
He was looking for an excuse to end things.

I don't understand why you didn't discuss going to a movie with a male friend BEFOREHAND. How did you expect him to react? Were you doing this to "get back at him" for going to movies with random girls? Otherwise why did you even bother to tell him you went to the movies with your guy friend after the fact? I understand honesty and all, but this sounds like a case of "I know it'll upset him, let me see how he reacts". At least now you see his true colors. He can dish it out, but he can't take it. Please keep us updated on the ticket situation. Go out and find a REAL MAN.
But the thing is, he does! All the time! With girls he randomly meets. I have known this guy for about 7 years. It really was innocent, he knows this...he knows i have no feelings for this guy, so why he is acting stupid is beyond me. I trust him, so i have no prob with him having female friends...i guess it's not mutual.

Hmm, IDK man!
The bolded doesn't really make sense. As an outsider, it looks like he's a player! Good friends is one thing, but random chicks... WHEN HE HAS A WOMAN?!? :nono::nono::nono:
You obviously, know him better than I do :look:, so I think you actually know what you should and shouldn't do.
Random women were dating your bf so count the money as a lesson learned.
Usually if a new guy asks a woman to the movies, you consider that a date.

I know it's hard, but don't call & don't let him hold the money over you.
But the thing is, he does! All the time! With girls he randomly meets. I have known this guy for about 7 years. It really was innocent, he knows this...he knows i have no feelings for this guy, so why he is acting stupid is beyond me. I trust him, so i have no prob with him having female friends...i guess it's not mutual.

That's why he got so angry. he knows what he does with the girls he randomly meets and then takes to the movies. i can't believe you are still with him.