Have you ever "stolen" someone else's man?

Are you a homewrecker? J/K!!!

  • Yes, I did it and it worked out great!

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • Yes, the relationship crashed and burned!

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • No, I would never!

    Votes: 122 70.5%
  • Other, please explain...

    Votes: 20 11.6%

  • Total voters
I will be women enough to admit it I am a homewrecker. I intentionally have dated men in the past whom were either living with a significant other or married. I didnt care that they were.:ohwell: Have I changed?.....hmm really cant say that I have. Sorry ladies we all cant be angels and do things the right way. :nono:

When you said "intentionally", it implied to me that you set forth towards an involved man.

I just want to know WHY?

What is it about them?
You said you continue, meaning, you haven't had just one for years, why do the leave you?
What about your feelings? Don't you want your own man?
Have you ever been cheated on yourself?

Thanks in advance
I will be women enough to admit it I am a homewrecker. I intentionally have dated men in the past whom were either living with a significant other or married. I didnt care that they were.:ohwell: Have I changed?.....hmm really cant say that I have. Sorry ladies we all cant be angels and do things the right way. :nono:

I appreciate your honesty. It takes a lot to be honest about an unpopular situation. You could have easily said," I've never done anything like that," but you chose to be honest. (knowing the consequences)
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I will be women enough to admit it I am a homewrecker. I intentionally have dated men in the past whom were either living with a significant other or married. I didnt care that they were.:ohwell: Have I changed?.....hmm really cant say that I have. Sorry ladies we all cant be angels and do things the right way. :nono:

I just want to ask a serious question. What do you mean by "we can't all do things the right way?" Just sincerely curious
I will be women enough to admit it I am a homewrecker. I intentionally have dated men in the past whom were either living with a significant other or married. I didnt care that they were.:ohwell: Have I changed?.....hmm really cant say that I have. Sorry ladies we all cant be angels and do things the right way. :nono:

Here you go...


Congratulations on being authentic and "woman enough" on an anonymous messageboard while simultaneously living a covert lifestyle IRL. Hope that works out for you. :rolleyes:
Well, I blame my mother for raising me to have a conscience. I did it once with a man I loved for a long time. He had a girlfriend at the time and I knew her. After the incident I was a mess :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:and I knew there would not be a repeat performance. Karma is a "b***h" and I can't ask the Man upstairs to send me a good man if I ain't behaving right:fairy:. IMHO
I will be women enough to admit it I am a homewrecker. I intentionally have dated men in the past whom were either living with a significant other or married. I didnt care that they were.:ohwell: Have I changed?.....hmm really cant say that I have. Sorry ladies we all cant be angels and do things the right way. :nono:

So how did that man stealing work out for you? You still have that man? Or has he gone back to his wife/SO?

And to the bolded no we can't all be angels, I have admitted to being involved in a relationship with someone else's husband, but I never tried to present it like that's how life is supposed to be, it's not right to seek happiness while causing someone else pain, if you haven't learned your lesson, life will teach you one day.