Have you ever, or would you ever date a broke man?


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Have you ever dated a broke man, or would you ever date a broke man? Are you currently dating a broke man? What have the experiences been like?
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I have and never again! For what? There is no benefit and if your trying to move forward in life it's best to get with people on your level or above, same goes for friends.
I dated one broke dude. He was super trifling! I paid for everything and he had the audacity to cheat to on me. Never again!!!! I refuse to put up with foolishness and being broke equals foolishness.

ETA: This was right after college, when I was 21. I was trying to work with a brother, but with age comes wisdom. :yep:

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I can't! Sorry. They tell you let's go for a walk through the park for a date because its free and not to call them until after 7. They get annoyed when you order appetizers when you go out to eat and don't like to leave a tip bigger than 3 bucks. This is just a few things but it gets old real quick.
Yes, I have.
I was the type of girl that went for love and love only. As I get older I realize that "Mo' money, mo' problems" is a crock of $hit. The relationship, as in the the love, trust, honesty, sex, and connection was amazing but being with a dude who cannot buy you a birthday present or always stays behind when you travel is not what's up.

I am not expecting anyone to be a millionaire but at least be on my level.
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Absolutely, if he is in school and is really on his way to achievement and security. Michelle Obama dated a broke, in debt man because he was building a foundation gradually, I'd say that worked out pretty well for her. My mom got engaged to my dad when they were both broke engineering students. The brokeness didn't last but their relationship sure did.

I have a guy pursuing me that's in law school and interning at firms in the summers. I'm sure at this second his bank account isn't bursting at the seams and he probably has alot of debt and can't take me to the met or the four seasons for the next three years....should I dismiss him because he's currently broke?

There are a hundred different kinds of "broke" men. They are most definitely not all the same. I'm cool being with a guy like this while I'm in school because I can relate, once I'm out of school I'll probably be less inclined but its really about the man's character and what kinds of moves he's making.
For some reason I don't consider grad students with no money broke.:perplexedMaybe because I'm a grad student but I'm far from broke lol. When I hear broke, I think no education, no goals, no job, no motivation just mooching off others. In which case hayle no.
Yes, I have.
I was the type of girl that went for love and love only. As I get older I realize that "Mo' money, mo' problems" is a crock of $hit. The relationship, as in the the love, trust, honesty, sex, and connection was amazing but being with a dude who cannot buy you a birthday present or always stays behind when you travel is not what's up.

I am not expecting anyone to be a millionaire but at least be on my level.

ITA with your entire post.
I have and it's highly unreccomended. Be broke while you're in college, not en vogue after that.
Yup, I did and was in love with him and eventually married him, now divorced. He was only broke for a short time, but when we fell in love his arse was broke as heck. Crazy thing is he was very creative and I never came out of pocket for ANYTHING.
Yes, once...never ever ever again.

I much prefer on my level or higher...and right now I have higher and I'm very happy with that. There are no complaints when it's time to do ANYthing.
Yep sure have ... and wouldn't do it again. I don't think it's as bad when you are young.. but as I get older and I'm def independent a broke dude would just be dead weight eventually on me. Even if he's nice, and sweet, it can be become draining. I have a friend that dated a dude that is a personal trainer, was broke, but a fairly good dude to her.. she knew from jump street that his lack of $$ would be a problem especially since she has her own, but b/c he was super fine, same religion, upbringing, etc.. she gave him a chance. She left him in the end, it became too draining on her. I feel the same way. At this stage, I can't deal w/ a dude that's looking at me like a come up... Nah :nono:
Absolutely, if he is in school and is really on his way to achievement and security. Michelle Obama dated a broke, in debt man because he was building a foundation gradually, I'd say that worked out pretty well for her. My mom got engaged to my dad when they were both broke engineering students. The brokeness didn't last but their relationship sure did.

I have a guy pursuing me that's in law school and interning at firms in the summers. I'm sure at this second his bank account isn't bursting at the seams and he probably has alot of debt and can't take me to the met or the four seasons for the next three years....should I dismiss him because he's currently broke?

There are a hundred different kinds of "broke" men. They are most definitely not all the same. I'm cool being with a guy like this while I'm in school because I can relate, once I'm out of school I'll probably be less inclined but its really about the man's character and what kinds of moves he's making.

I agree with this. And to answer a the question yes I have both kinds, the kinds that where broke because they were pursuing higher education or at the beginning of a career and the kind that was just trifling. If you are working toward something I can get with that but the latter:nono:.
chile puleez...my puddi don't even get moist for a broke bama. :sad:

he broke and we gonna do what t'getha? g'hed, I'll wait......:perplexed
Only when I was broke and in college and they were in college as well.

But that's a different kind of brokeness, that's (hopefully temporary) brokeness with a purpose.

But chronically broke adult men? Nope. i don't see the point
Yeah I don't think college broke qualifies either.

When I think broke, I'm thinking about a man working a job with no big vision for what he wants to accomplish in life...in fact he might have an ex and some kids he's supporting which is why he is always broke and will always be broke.

And no, I haven't dated him but I know many women who have.
I've never dated a broke guy that I recall not really sure if I'm opposed to it considering what's going on in his life and how I feel about him.

I have been with someone and there was a big financial disparity between the two of us and it was good until it was time to do nice things...I remember inviting him to go with me to visit my sister in LA and he laughed and said “you know I can't afford that”. That was a pivotal moment, didn't know if I was to get mad, encourage the brother or sympathize.
I did and the bastid still owes me $20. I am not rolling in the dough, and don't expect him to be a baller, but after that last guy, imma need him to pay for things. My current guy isn't riche, but he never asks me to come out of pocket for nothing. I pay occasionally, but that is my choice. I can no longer get with men wanting to be THE Man, but needing me to go dutch.
I have and I wouldn't advise it to anyone. He paid for our first date, I paid for our second date and by the third 'date' he was asking me to borrow him money. I did and he disappeared afterwards, I had to keep sending him messages to pay me back. I got so fed up with it that I told him he could keep the money, it's been a year and he still hasn't paid me back but wants to meet me again (he keeps calling):rolleyes:.NOT.IN.THIS.LIFETIME.
I have and I wouldn't advise it to anyone. He paid for our first date, I paid for our second date and by the third 'date' he was asking me to borrow him money. I did and he disappeared afterwards, I had to keep sending him messages to pay me back. I got so fed up with it that I told him he could keep the money, it's been a year and he still hasn't paid me back but wants to meet me again (he keeps calling):rolleyes:.NOT.IN.THIS.LIFETIME.

wow, he sounded like a real catch. lol
I think the measure of a person can't be linked to their bank account or financial status. I'm pursuing a career in medicine and right now I'm broke. Does that mean I'm worthless? I don't think so. But I had a doctor friend who didn't want to date me until I graduated from med school with a job offer. All I can say is everything has twisters and goes both ways
I would if he were a student or in ministry.

No, just no. I look back and realize that I have never been "broke". IN school I taught, tutored, had a job, and was a full time student. Now, I have my full time job and do work (80 hours a week) plus I work some nights and weekends. I have dated men that made less money than me be a broke guy. GTFOOHWTS. If I am working my tail off to get where I want to be in life I don't want some one riding my coat tails.

I quoted you to say, my father was a full time student when I was growing up and supprted us and he is a fill time mister now (has been full time since i was 13, I'm almost 30 now) with a (second) full time job with a F-500 company. I guess I get my work ethic from him. If man man wants to provide he will do just that. If he wants to sit on his tail he will find a meal ticket. Its just not me.
I think the measure of a person can't be linked to their bank account or financial status. I'm pursuing a career in medicine and right now I'm broke. Does that mean I'm worthless? I don't think so. But I had a doctor friend who didn't want to date me until I graduated from med school with a job offer. All I can say is everything has twisters and goes both ways

The difference between your situation and the ones the ladies are posting about is that you are ambitious and are trying to better yourself. Plus, as a student, it's okay to be broke. It seems the ladies are talking about grown men who have no inclination to do anything but mooch/beg money from people....men who are content with staying in their mom's basement rather than working from the bottom up in a company.
I think the measure of a person can't be linked to their bank account or financial status. I'm pursuing a career in medicine and right now I'm broke. Does that mean I'm worthless? I don't think so. But I had a doctor friend who didn't want to date me until I graduated from med school with a job offer. All I can say is everything has twisters and goes both ways

You're not broke, you just think you are. I went to medical school as well, and worked 3 out of the four years I was there. I paid my own bills with my grants and scholarship. I think of broke as I can't pay my bills, living off some one else asking them for money. Heck I say I'm broke now and my parent just stare at me:lachen:.