Have you encountered this type of dude?


Well-Known Member
I was getting to know this one guy recently, but I cut it real quick, real fast.

For one, this dude refused to listen. Either he would cut me off from what I was saying or he would try to make himself seem insightful, but his attempts were always a fail.

For example, I told him that I was trying to move out of my city. This dude asked me 'it sounds to me you are running away from something. What is it?':ohwell:

Then I told him I was watching what I eat FOR HEALTH REASONS and I had been sick for a while. He said 'are you happy with yourself because you already have a nice shape so you don't have to watch what you're eating.':perplexed

On top of this, he just seemed to make mention of his 'qualities:'
- You know I used to work for the police department
- You've seen my house.
- Hey, let me call you back. I am talking some business with my cousin. Gotta get this business going. It's business.
- I am starting up my own company
- I got a promotion.

...all of this was in a span of 2 weeks.:look:
Uggh! Dude drained me just reading it. Trying to dig into your psychie and make the worst assumptions about everything just to make convo.

Dudes like this think all women have low self esteem or something and maybe he's testing you out to see if you did. Instead of asking why you're moving he goes to the negative.

And all the me, me, me, me stuff would drive me crazy. I knew a guy like that where I felt like he was selling himself on a job interview constantly repeating the work he was doing. It's like I couldn't get a word in. I understand guys are trying to impress us but it's sickening when they come off too strong like bragging. I tried to hang in there with the dude I'm talking about but I just couldn't do it.

You said it just right, he doesn't listen because he's so busy trying to impress you and he doesn't realize it's turning you off by not trying to get to know you. I think the expression is "Laying it on too thick".
OMG he sounded so self-absorbed. I just can't with men like him I have to keep it moving because they act like the world revolves around them.
He's trying to swoon you with his "career related" and "financial success"...which I think is bullsh*t. He be lyinnnnnn :rofl:
I haven't dealt with guys who psychoanalyze me like that, but I am no stranger to dudes who brag nonstop. It's like they go into salesmen mode and cant turn themselves off. Name dropping and going out of their way to tell you how better they are than others...it is so not sexy to me.

They don't seem to realize that showing is far more impressive than telling.
Okay yall, guess who called me today?
Yup dude and what he said about an experience earlier was hilarious.

He asked me have I ever met someone who tried to tell you about yourself, but the problem is they didn't know you and I said, YUP :lol: I wanted to tell him so bad, dude you are that person :lol:
Talk about ego. My girlfriend used to date nothing but cops and they were forever trying to get into her head.
sounds like Mr. Know-It-All Guy. He acts like he knows Everything, including you. Its a personality flaw. Under all of that is a very insecure person.
yes ive met someone like this, always told me i was paranoid and delusional whenever i called him out on his nonsense that other girls who fell for his okey dokey couldn't see. The last straw came when he tried to say i was autistic because i said in casual conversation that i don't like too much change in my environment.
yes ive met someone like this, always told me i was paranoid and delusional whenever i called him out on his nonsense that other girls who fell for his okey dokey couldn't see. The last straw came when he tried to say i was autistic because i said in casual conversation that i don't like too much change in my environment.

da hell?:nono: