Have you given a chance to a dude who wasn't your "type"?

In the past, yes. I try to go more by personality than looks. I was still attracted to him, but he just wasn't the type I thought I'd be dating.
Yes, and I dumped him because we were NOT compatible.

I've noticed men usually hold out for what they want. What's wrong with women doing the same thing? Now I do think some of us need to work on being what we're looking for :)
Yes, I married him. :yep: Would have never chosen him evah based upon what I considered my type! But I am glad we are together.
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Yes, and I dumped him because we were NOT compatible.

I've noticed men usually hold out for what they want. What's wrong with women doing the same thing? Now I do think some of us need to work on being what we're looking for

Dating someone who's not your "type" doesn't always mean that you're settling or dating someone who's bad for you.
Yes i have and i married him!

When i first laid eyes on my husband, i thought he had probably done 5 to 10 years in the old slammer so i wrote him off with just a glance. Thank God for my cousin being there and talking me into taking his phone number (because ya know a sista wasn't about to give up her's). I called him 3 months later because i was broke and wanted a free meal and a movie (i never said i was perfect either), and he took me out and showed me how to love someone as you love yourself. So, by all means be careful who you date but if you are lucky enough to met someone that doesn't exactly fit the mold that you have created and is still a good person, why the hell not??!!
My frog became a prince and i had to kiss a lot of damn frogs!!:grin:
yep! I gave a 'dusty' man a chance and dated him through college. I wasn't attracted to him at all and ended up falling in love

he cheated on me. It made me SO angry that I lowered my standards and gave him a chance just to be hurt in the end.

So I vowed that I would always be attracted to a guy, and that way I wouldn't be as mad if it didn't work out. LOL. it's hard to describe. I think attraction is a primal surface-level compatability test, and should not be disregarded. Be attracted first, then look within.
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So I vowed that I would always be attracted to a guy, and that way I wouldn't be as mad if it didn't work out. LOL. it's hard to describe. I think attraction is a primal surface-level compatability test, and should not be disregarded. Be attracted first, then look within.

Level of attractiveness is a deal breaker for me. You don't have to be a certain height or have a certain "look" to you, but I DO need to enjoy looking at you. Shallow, but it's da truth :look:
Yep and I married him, He was my type physically, tall and nice build, ect... but he was "too nice" (how stupid does that sound)..I quickly had to check myself and realize that the not so nice a**holes that I had dated in the past were nothing but arrogant, self abosrbed, pretentious idiots, that led to nothing but disappointment and heartache.
My husband was truly a breathe of fresh air that I almost missed because he wasn't my "type".... and I did not settle.
I actually didn't get a chance to find out if he was (physically) my type because we got to know each other through email. All I knew were the broad outlines (ie, brown-skinned, from Bk, went to private school). From what I knew of him, he fulfilled the education and background portions of my '30-pt description for my future husband', but I still didn't know what he looked like. We didn't meet for about a month, but by then, after emailing and talking on the phone, I already knew he was at least gon' get the draw's ONCE*. :blush:

I know, I know, but, in my defense, it was college... and winter... and very, very cold. :lachen:

Anyway, eight, almost 9 years later, we're still together. He stuck with me though quite a bit, like the onset of a disability, and still wants to get married the minute I'm ready. I'd say it worked out okay. :yep:

Oh, and we still laugh at how we met, and how, before I'd even seen his face, I'd already decided to give him some. Oh, the tales we'll have for our grandchildren... :lachen:

*I couldn't commit to more than that because, on the real, I didn't know if I wanted to be seen in public with him, but I was really feeling his personality.
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I been there more than once. Well I guess I spent most my time "hollering at guys" vs. finding Mr. Right because deep down in my soul I knew I wasn't gonna find him because the Word clearly says a MAN who finds a wife finds a good thing so I waited to be picked to be a good thing....after all my worth is far more than rubies, but in the meantime I passed the time wasting my time running around with who I felt was not all that but just...ok...
Yep .. more than once, and it never went anywhere. One guy was like the male version of myself in terms of kindness, intuition, emotions, etc... but we ended up friends. He is one person who I speak extremely highly of and I think he's a beautiful person, but I just can't look at him romantically at all, I've tried when I was much younger, and I tried when I was older, nothing changed in those 6 years about the way I feel towards him. He's really a great and caring person tho.
This is what's been happening to me...
I give guys a chance who aren't my type and their personalities start grating on my nerves...

The one guy who i fell in love with, definitely was not my type to begin with, looks wise or lifestyle... He ended up cheating on me twice during our relationship, and broke it off stating that we were headed different places, I wanted my masters, and he just wanted a child....

Anyway, all that to say, I will always give men who aren't "my type" a chance,
but i'll always listen to my gut instincts...

YES ... its good to give a guy thats not your type a chance BUT you have too also listen to your gut and RUN when it tells you to do so

I wish I could thank you twice on this

I married a man I thought I was totally incompatable ( is that a word:blush:) with ..and Im head over heels in love with him

BUT I was also with a pysho arse crazy that I was def not suppose to be with didnt follow my instincts and ended up with alot of problems
My DH of 20 years was not my type at all but I gave him a chance despite criticism from so called well meaning friends and I'm glad I did.

I think a lot of us are not married because we have a type and don't want to stray from it and more than likely we will never meet that dream man.
Yep I sure have, all of them have been unsucessful, expect for my babe now.. he's NOT my type ..appearance wise and our views about things are opposite, not even along the same lines.... but we work..iono how we working, but we work...lol we'll see
Yep and I married him, He was my type physically, tall and nice build, ect... but he was "too nice" (how stupid does that sound)..I quickly had to check myself and realize that the not so nice a**holes that I had dated in the past were nothing but arrogant, self abosrbed, pretentious idiots, that led to nothing but disappointment and heartache.
My husband was truly a breathe of fresh air that I almost missed because he wasn't my "type".... and I did not settle.

OMG, same thing here:lachen::lachen: