Have you done something that your SO never lets you live down?


New Member
Have you done anything that your SO will never let you live down? I mean a story that he tells everyone while you hang your head in shame?

Well I do.

When we were first married I was the only one working at the time and I was coming home from work and I was starving. I only had 3 bucks until the next payday so I stopped by Popeyes and got a 2 piece meal. Well I was eating it in the car and didn't finish it before I made it to his parents house, so I sat in the driveway to finish up my meal. My husband is always hungry so I didn't want to walk in the house with an empty box, so I'm in the car eating my last piece of chicken and I look up to see my husband looking at me in the car shaking his head.

Man I was so embarrassed. He went in the house and told his momma, and dad what I had done, and they were laughing at me and saying that's a shame. It was all in jest, but to this day when we meet new friends, he will tell that story. And the worst thing about the whole thing is that when he tells the story he shows how I was eating the chicken and everything. He is a mess!
:lachen: He was mad because you didn't share a 2 piece?! :lachen:

To answer the question, there's nothing I can think of but I know that it will probably be my snoring. He told me a month or so ago that I snore but I didn't believe him. He recorded me last week and let me hear. I snore. :ohwell:
Thankfully, I do enough silly things on a regular basis, that what I'm currently never living down will be replaced by something else, soon enough. :lachen:
A friend of mind was having her 30th birthday party at a club where she ordered bottle service, and I ended up getting completely WASTED. MY SO was out with his friends so I had a friend drive me home. My SO came home about an hour later, opened the garage and found my car with the door open and music blasting. So he was like "What the hell! Where is Mai Tai?"

He entered the house and looked on the 1st floor bathroom. HE found the shower curtain and rod, my jewelry ,my bra and undies, and dress on the floor...so he was like "Awww hell!" He proceeded to the 2nd floor cautiously and looked in that bathroom where he discovered me completely naked...with my heels still on...sprawled out on the floor...mumbling about how I'd only had one drink, and someone must have slipped something into my drink.

Truth was I really did only have one cup of vodka and pineapple...I just kept refilling that same cup as the night went on. I tried to lie to him about someone slipping something in my drink because my intoxicated mind told me that this was a believable excuse for my inebriated state.

Anyone who knows me, know that I am a lightweight drinker. Needless to say, he won't let me live that night down...especially the part when I started crying about Obama winning the election instead of my 7 year old niece...
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A friend of mind was having her 30th birthday party at a club where she ordered bottle service, and I ended up getting completely WASTED. MY SO was out with his friends so I had a friend drive me home. My SO came home about an hour later, opened the garage and found my car with the door open and music blasting. So he was like "What the hell! Where is Mai Tai?"

He entered the house and looked on the 1st floor bathroom. HE found the shower curtain and rod, my jewelry ,my bra and undies, and dress on the floor...so he was like "Awww hell!" He proceeded to the 2nd floor cautiously and looked in that bathroom where he discovered me completely naked...with my heels still on...sprawled out on the floor...mumbling about how I'd only had one drink, and someone must have slipped something into my drink.

Truth was I really did only have one cup of vodka and pineapple...I just kept refilling that same cup as the night went on. I tried to lie to him about someone slipping something in my drink because my intoxicated mind told me that this was a believable excuse for my inebriated state.

Anyone who knows me, know that I am a lightweight drinker. Needless to say, he won't let me live that night down...especially the part when I started crying about Obama winning the election instead of my 7 year old niece...

I tripped down the steps (I am clumsy) and did a face plant in the flower bed. Layed there for several moments before I got up. Sometimes he looks at me and just cracks up and says 'face plant.' I also have composites on my central incisors (when i was 16 fell off a moving vehicle and did a face plant into the street) ...that glow green in black light. He'll look at me and suck his teeth and cracks up. Yea, he thinks I am hilarious. Next time he asks for some ice water ima put a 'lil Shug Avery's pee in it' and see how he likes that. Lol. We have a good time together.
I laughed out loud at that first one.

I don't have one because I'm perfect but I'll share one that my best friend's boyfriend has told me about four/five times. They took the train into the city to watch the ball drop and some old homeless looking guy pulled out a knife to rob somebody. So he turns around to grab my friend and she is GONE. He said he went through all the cars in the train all the way to the first car and found her there. He always stops and shakes his head and says "She never looked back". :lol: