have anyone states you and ur S/O look related lol


Well-Known Member
Well I had a situation where someone saw a picture of me and my SO on my phone and thought we looked related i was a little bother by it and i look through all my pictures with him and i just don't think we look like alike at all and i don't feel like i look anything like his sister. He is a mixed european man (black and white) and i am not from the islands. So its weird how peeps say things but i have met some couples that i can say otherwise. Anyways Do you believe that when you date someone after awhile you start to adapt to them maybe cause you spend a lot of time with them??
ppl would say that about me and my last SO. it used to irritate me cuz we didn't look alike
lol does it bother you guys i never had that happen to me and im like what the hell but its like when u hanging out with someone 24 7 u do tend to pick up their habits lol
As couples are together longer they start to "look alike"... but it's mostly their mannerisms and facial expressions. As you spend time with the person you sort of adopt those kinda things. I know an old couple that's been together for at least 30 years and they even have the same walk. I read about this somewhere, but I've seen enough examples to believe it myself.
Ya people used to imply all the time that DH was my father, he does not look that old :perplexed. Then, we weren't anything alike, accent, features, nada. Now I find myself stringing sentences together unusually the way he does since English isn't his first language.
No, but strangely enough our dads look very much alike.

I think over time you develop similar facial expressions/reactions to things. Maybe that's what also makes folks think this.

We definitely dont look alike though.
People tell me that my husband and I look like brother and sister all the time. I am guessing it is because we are both tall. We don't look anything alike, but we do say a lot of the same things and it seems as if we are joined at the hip!
No, but my brother and his wife very much look like siblings. They look more alike than my brother and I do because we don't resemble each other much at all.

I have had people who thought that my brother was my SO. It's very awkward.
Perhaps your style and mannerisms have rubbed off on each other. Dh and I have been told that we resemble a few times. Doesn't bother me.