s/o: do you "grow" on men?

What do you Americans say "hustling backwards":lol:

Hanging out regularly, sexing, talking for hours for 5 + months LOL. Thats already a form of relationship even if its an open one. Don't kid yaself:drunk: Of course you grow on them!

This is JMO, but I think when a woman is emotionally detached men are much more likely to go soft in general.
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What do you Americans say "hustling backwards":lol:

Hanging out regularly, sexing, talking for hours for 5 + months LOL. Thats already a form of relationship even if its an open one. Don't kid yaself:drunk: Of course you grow on them!

This is JMO, but I think when a woman is emotionally detached men are much more likely to go soft in general.

i am soooooooooooo glad you said this because i think THIS is the problem. when i was thinking about your question, i was trying to articulate why it bothered me, but i couldnt put my finger on it. this is why.

i dont want to be emotionally detached.... im emotionally detached because i dont like you :look: :lol: why would that make you like me?!?!?! i have to not like you in order for you to like me?


some girls will do that and just be playing it, as a strategy, but for me, when i dont like you that way, i actually dont like you that way :lol:
Yeah I understand. I'm the same.

Well the problem with men... they will complain so much about women getting emo after casual sex.

When they come across a detached woman though lol... They expect this certain reaction and it doesn't come and subsequently bruises their ego on some level . Then some of them will start to work to get you to see them as relationship potential lol.
Op I get what you are saying. I definitely grew on my bf, we were just talking about this two nights ago. Initially he was simply extremely attracted to me and wanted to sleep with me and that's why he pursued me. He just thought that I was a hot black girl wearing a Moter cycle jacket and thus he asked me to study in order to flirt with me. He also was not interested in a relationship like at all.

However once we hung out he realized that I was unique and weird and I kept him interested. So he decided to take it slow and get to know me and over time he fell hard for me. He asked me to be his gf after four months and fell for my quirky personality, love for anime/Japanese music and food, and goofiness.

Even though initially he didn't want a gf , he realized that I was too amazing to pass up and after two years he's as loving as ever. His priorities are completely different and its funny because now he's bringing up a future together after college and marriage.
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Yes, I've grown on men who by the time they figure out they are interested in me, my interest has disappeared and they have been firmly placed in the friendzone.

they make great friends.