Has a man told you they prefer natural hair?

My ex used to ask me to get weave put in my hair. He was obsessed with LONG hair though and wanted me to have it long by any means necessary (it stayed at NL the whole time we were together).
Never met a man who "liked" weave, I've met men who didn't care....or could tolerate it, but they just had a low opinion of certain women and their ability to grow hair.
Yes, on several occasions. But one particular story sticks out in my head. A few weeks ago, I was on the bus with my b/f (yes, we take the bus, no point in owning a car in this city) and there was a girl sitting in front of us who had a weave. I don't know how long she'd had it in, but it seemed like a while. It also seemed like she hadn't washed her hair in a while because there was this thick layer of gunky I don't know what mixed with dandruff. BIG nasty dandruff flakes. I couldn't stop staring, so he looked over to see what I was staring at, and then he started staring.

She got up and left before we did, and my b/f sits quietly for a while and says "I wish more women would go natural so they can wash their sh*t" and then he proceeds to go on about how could she expect to be attractive to anyone if she doesn't wash her hair, and that she's probably a dirty person and that she probably smells in other places (I'm editing and paraphrasing to keep this rant G-rated) if she's going to let that kind of dandruff flourish and procreate and about how her dandruff had some all night kegger, called in all their dandruff friends and decided that they might as well move in. Yes, he was talking about squatter dandruff. He continues on with "Natural hair can be beautiful, why can't women realize this? Why spend all that money on fake hair and not bother to pay for shampoo???" and then finishes his rant with the poignant ".... my people :nono:"

We had been drinking that night :look:

edit: He also had some interesting things to say about relaxers....
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Yes, my ex and my bestfriend, both whom are both white and one naturally curly himself and Australian. :/ Never heard it from a non extremely afrocentric "perms are the devil" type man before....
The level of respect and approach changes since I've had my natural hair with "regular" guys...

@ the bolded

This has always been the case

When I wear extensions (with silky human hair) or anything that suggests my hair might be average like everyone else, I get the "What up ma?" "How you doing boo?" "Cant I get it shawty?" type responses. When I wear my hair in a natural style its all about "Peace sister, how are you?" "Hello my queen you're beautiful" and there is a definite change in the way men approach and speak to me. It also attracts a different caliber of men, which is dope.:grin: My hair weeds out losers
I had an ex who preferred natural hair and he was not an enjoyable individual to be around long term because he had a way about him that was negative towards anything not "natural." For him, natural looked unkempt and wild to me...not attractive or styled or appropriate for a work environment.

We broke up.

My husband prefers women to wear their hair how it makes them happy because he feels a happy woman is an attractive woman, natural, texlaxed, or bone straight relaxed.

So...my short answer is, "Yes," I have had some one to tell me he prefers natural hair. I found him to be inflexible and just generally a jerk over time.

I more enjoy people who take you as you come and celebrate you as you are....

Love my chocolate, sweetiepie, DH for this!!

I hear at a lot of men say that but sometimes when men are talking about natural, they mean no weaves. I always ask what they mean by natural to see exactly what they are talking about.

My boyfriend would like for me to transition. He used to have extremely long nearly wsl hair. The only thing is that his view of what transitioning is supposed to be like though is very different from mine. I understand where he view comes from but I don't personally agree.

I agree with the bolded. Can you even tell if someone is natural unless you ask or can see obvious new growth?
The guy im seeing now perfers no weaves, no wigs, no color contacts.....last night i was tellin him i was thinkin about getting a weave and he was like alright then i'll see you in about a month then until u take it out...

I dont think it should matter what we perfer for our hair..its all about the growth and takin care of our heads. But i do perfer my natural hair over weaves at times, but it gets annoyin with being natural trying to figure out styles to do to my hair, and now since its getting thicker and a little longer it takes more time to do then before. That was the only reason why i was considering a weave was for convenience and i wanted something different.

I havent really gotten any comments about my natural hair, because usually i wear it flexi rodded and pushed back by a head band. or either i wear it pressed. I think once i get a little more length to it then i may start getting more comments.

I would have a serious problem with the bolded. I understand that everyone--both males and females--has preferences, but is it really SO deep that he couldn't see you while you're wearing that hairstyle?

I mostly wear wigs, but my husband prefers for me to wear my natural hair. When I started wearing wigs, my husband told me how he felt about it and that was it. He doesn't constantly mention it. I wear wigs (the curly ones) b/c they're convenient. When I wake up in the morning, all I literally have to do is put it on, spray it and fluff it.

I think that you will start getting comments when you get a little more length. Learning more styles and/or improving your styling abilities help too. When I stopped going to the salon & started doing my own hair, my mother NEVER had anything nice to say about my hair. It was always, "when are you going to straighten your hair" and "you need to get your hair done" and "why don't you let me do your hair" and "you look like Buckwheat" (My mother has never or will ever be known for her tact.).

Once my hair started growing & my styling abilities "improved" (whatever that means for me b/c I'm still style-challenged), the compliments came rolling in from her.
yup..from men of all colors of the rainbow

white.. black.. asian

strangers... male family members....bfs...exs
they LOVE it
it's almost always usually the FIRST thing
they will remark on
I get it from everyone men and women
of all colors

and once in a train station these two little girls in matching dresses were cutting up
in the train station awful..I was like..those young misses need a
swat.... one of them..the smallest saw me and stopped misbehavin for
a momnt and pulled on her mother's sleeve
"Mama mama......I want hair like THAT"
the lil so and so..pointed straight at me
"I want HER hair "
she and her sister were wearing braid extensions
with lots of beads

& of course.... a couple of wiseacres have said
bad hair..day?
girl!!! go comb yo hair
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every guy i know say they hate weave and dont care if your hair is relaxed or natural as long as its yours.
Yes I have a coworker who claims to. All the men who have told me that they prefer natural hair meant that they preferred my own hair rather than a weave.
I frequently get complimented on my natural hair. I wear it in small shrunken twists and people LOVE it. Just last night, was at a lounge here in NYC and this Italian dude i was dancing with told me that he loved my hair. Loved it. This happens frequently in a party setting. Also, walking down the street, men will stare me down and say in passing something complimentary about my hair. I have had men outright tell me that, yes, they actually prefer natural (unrelaxed) hair on black women. White dudes AND black dudes. Again, i live in NYC, so that's probably a factor.
I haven't been told by men that they prefer natural hair but, I have received alot of compliments abount my natural hair

I remember I went out with friends and wore my hair in a two strand twist out I received so many compliments from men. They thought my hair looked really nice on me. This one guy asked me was my hair real and asked if he could touch it after I told him no he just stared at me and said how nice it looked on me. I just smiled at him! I couldn't believe the reactions I received that night.
FH i know has a preference for natural. He is dying for me to go natural. That boy cannot keep his hands out my head when I'm 6n months post. My mom and sis are naturals hi mom and sis are natural as well. I may transition. I know I can make a lot more progress natural than I do relaxed.
:yep: My partner loves that I’m transitioning and prefers/loves my natural hair but he could just be saying that to be supportive as he liked my relaxed hair too. I personally love any hair that looks healthy whether it be relaxed or natural.
A male friend of mine would go crazy over natural hair. He has a strong preference. He has dated relaxed girls in the past but would give his arm to date a natural lady.
I've been told that, but it makes me a bit queesy when men get too involved in my appearance. I prefer men who like me the way I am REGARDLESS of whether my hair is flat-ironed, blown out, etc.
yup..from men of all colors of the rainbow

white.. black.. asian

strangers... male family members....bfs...exs
they LOVE it
it's almost always usually the FIRST thing
they will remark on
I get it from everyone men and women
of all colors

and once in a train station these two little girls in matching dresses were cutting up
in the train station awful..I was like..those young misses need a
swat.... one of them..the smallest saw me and stopped misbehavin for
a momnt and pulled on her mother's sleeve
"Mama mama......I want hair like THAT"
the lil so and so..pointed straight at me
"I want HER hair "
she and her sister were wearing braid extensions
with lots of beads

& of course.... a couple of wiseacres have said
bad hair..day?
girl!!! go comb yo hair

Cute story! I enjoy when children give me compliments alot. That's always pretty cool.

When I was younger and natural I got plenty of those why don't you get a perm and go comb your hair comments!!! Never really bothered me. For each person I ran into who wasn't feeling my hair, I'd always would meet about 10 others that gave me plenty of compliments.
@ the bolded

This has always been the case

When I wear extensions (with silky human hair) or anything that suggests my hair might be average like everyone else, I get the "What up ma?" "How you doing boo?" "Cant I get it shawty?" type responses. When I wear my hair in a natural style its all about "Peace sister, how are you?" "Hello my queen you're beautiful" and there is a definite change in the way men approach and speak to me. It also attracts a different caliber of men, which is dope.:grin: My hair weeds out losers

Lol it's true. When the "hood" dudes try to holla it's like calling you beautiful is a requirement, lol.