Happy 2 YR Wedding Anniversary!

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:lol: lux10023

This is kinda crazy, I honestly didn't think we'd still be waiting for an update this long after the thread was posted.

Not sure what to think. :spinning:

Yeah I'm kind of :perplexed right now. I didn't know about the back story and took this and her last love story at face value. :ohwell:

OP is totally checking on this thread. Her last updated activity was at 2:05 PM.

OMG I'm like now enrolled in the LHCF police academy!:lol:

Yeah I was coming in here to say this. :lol: She's been around.
Well dang now I feel like we need to keep her thoroughly entertained! :lol:

I would suggest a gif off but I have no gif game.

Anybody got jokes or some other random nonsense to keep it going til Saturday?

Reading is fundamental. That's what I get for only reading the title and ignoring the rest of the post...

Carry on...
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I just want to know...am I supposed to be mad or sad? Are we playing or praying? Do I need to be posting hugs or side eyes? Is the marriage DOA or A-Okay?

OP needs to break the silence and come clean.
She doesn't have to provide further details. This thread is confusing - complaining she provided too much information in the past and asking for more information now.

This is why I would never seek advice about my relationship on here. Even pregnancy or motherhood I will go somewhere else. There are some things too important to me for people to play around with. Everything else they can have at it.
I would invite people to re read the original post. Is that the way you would announce a heartbreaking event like a divorce? As if it is an installment in a serialized novel?

Further once it became clear people were confused wouldn't you break the silence if only to say working some things out will be back, especially since people know you've been in the forum and probably watching the thread?

Nobody wishes ill here if the OP is truly going through something as painful as a divorce, but punking people with a false divorce announcement especially when your rep on the board is all around your love story is odd.

ElizaBlue a lot of people on this board really like you and have been rooting for you. I would suggest you honor that and just be real with people.
At this point I don't think the OP should further address this situation. I see some people are really being messy and mean spirited. Just ask a mod to shut this thread down. :nono:
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