Happy 2 YR Wedding Anniversary!

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Unpopular opinion alert....

Eliza is a beautiful writer and in reading the love story leading up to her marriage I had questions then about whether what was unfolding was lasting love/marriage or a great romantic story.

To me isn't about whether she was telling the truth about her marriage to us, but whether she herself was seeing the truth of him and their relationship.

Still holding out the best for OP.
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lol I wouldn't tell y'all hens if things were going rough in my marriage either

why? so I could end up on a blog... people dissing me and my husbands looks... wishing ill upon me for no reason :lol:

are we really wondering why people aren't up front on here... really? lol

come on now

I wouldn't tell you all if my relationship was failing either. I wouldn't say anything about it at all. I've never been one for sharing my business with strangers, and I don't need to lie to kick it.

I find the op's situation confusing given her posting history. Obviously, she loves to share stories about her life, but now we see she left some things out. Tis all.

And some of you getting offended that we are discussing this, can have some warm seats. Op, wouldn't have created this thread to dramatically reveal her divorce, if we weren't supposed to talk about it. Who does that?
I really don't care if all the good was shared and the bad was deliberately left out....OP still may be suffering a broken heart. That we all can relate to. Be blessed OP.
Is a relationship failing or having good and bad times make you a bad woman? Coming apart as a couple can be natural...why does it need to be hidden in some dark corner as if only happy days exist?

But anyway, I remember where I am :ohwell: So I know how life's ups and downs arent supposed to exist here.
Is a relationship failing or having good and bad times make you a bad woman? Coming apart as a couple can be natural...why does it need to be hidden in some dark corner as if only happy days exist? But anyway, I remember where I am :ohwell: So I know how life's ups and downs arent supposed to exist here.

Well I don't think it's wrong if someone wishes to keep their business private (both good and bad), Or if someone would prefer to remain private all around. I think it's with the recent generations that people feel the need to shout everything from the rooftops. That's social media for you.

I also think this board isn't conducive to people sharing things bc like the rest of the internet, it is anonymous. There are mean people with hidden agendas or people who will come for you when they don't like your font. The people that are private are private for good reason and know their audience. Let's not act like there arent certain posters who wait in the wings to be annoyed by what you share here or will attack you for sharing your views. I see it all the time.
Is a relationship failing or having good and bad times make you a bad woman? Coming apart as a couple can be natural...why does it need to be hidden in some dark corner as if only happy days exist?

But anyway, I remember where I am :ohwell: So I know how life's ups and downs arent supposed to exist here.

I definitely don't think so. I think bad things happen to everyone, no matter how perfect you are. But I noticed for a lot of women on this forum, when bad things happen in life, or in a relationship, its seen as because of personal flaw (or a flawed "culture" lol). Its really interesting, because I honestly don't see life that way.

But I've seen enough of life to know that bad things can happen to the best of people.
Exactly. It could be something that only happened once that was a deal breaker (i.e. cheating or domestic abuse). Whatever the case, I hope she's ok.

Or, as ambergirl pointed out, it may be finally seeing something that has always been there that you ignored.....or that all the good doesn't make up for some serious issues.
Can someone get me up to speed? I missed the love story.
I yelped with laughter at the OP. They way she put it was just funny.:look:
OP, I'm gonna check your profile to see if I can find your love story. Not fishing for dirt...:lachen:

Eta: did she write a story about it? I couldn't find the thread.

Also, she very recently came here for advice about relationship stuff...I'm not sure where the 'fronting' stuff came from...maybe it was just a general sentiment to start.

Best wishes OP....I do hope you're setting us up for something though :).
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Is a relationship failing or having good and bad times make you a bad woman? Coming apart as a couple can be natural...why does it need to be hidden in some dark corner as if only happy days exist? But anyway, I remember where I am :ohwell: So I know how life's ups and downs arent supposed to exist here.

I don't think it's about that at all. And the following doesn't refer to the OP at all.

There is definitely a relationship status hierarchy around here with married SAHM being at the top of the ladder and single moms and single and childless hovering at the bottom. Can't tell you how many times I've seen and experienced attempts at single shaming and silencing even by some of the people in this very thread.

It's one thing to not share everything about a relationship. It's another thing to put out an imagine that doesn't reflect the truth or to claim some higher knowledge or value because of your relationship status.

Personally I just take it as a given that people don't share the whole story about their relationships and frankly I think that's a good thing. Also I honestly couldn't care less about someone's relationship status when they post here. I don't give extra weight or discount opinions based solely on relationship status.

Again, none of that is directed to the OP.

ETA: I should also mention that the angry woman chorus that screams "leave him!" Behind some of the simplest things don't encourage honesty or a sense of community either.
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There are mean people with hidden agendas or people who will come for you when they don't like your font.

Somebody recently came for me in a thread that I nevah, evah, Evah expected. I just thanked the introvert in me for not sharing every iota of my business and kept it pushing.
Well I don't think it's wrong if someone wishes to keep their business private (both good and bad), Or if someone would prefer to remain private all around. I think it's with the recent generations that people feel the need to shout everything from the rooftops. That's social media for you.

I also think this board isn't conducive to people sharing things bc like the rest of the internet, it is anonymous. There are mean people with hidden agendas or people who will come for you when they don't like your font. The people that are private are private for good reason and know their audience. Let's not act like there arent certain posters who wait in the wings to be annoyed by what you share here or will attack you for sharing your views. I see it all the time.

Actually people should be careful about "coming for" people or trying to harm them in real life. Everyone doesn't go running into the night like a wounded lamb like a certain poster who can't be named. With all the craziness going on in the world, people really need to be careful because they never know who they are messing with...
Actually people should be careful about "coming for" people or trying to harm them in real life. Everyone doesn't go running into the night like a wounded lamb like a certain poster who can't be named. With all the craziness going on in the world, people really need to be careful because they never know who they are messing with...

I don't know if people are actually being harmed in real life except for one person that we all know about.

Yikes I didn't even mean that but yeah...I hope that isn't happening.
Wow this thread is taking a slow turn I see. Welp, I know I've shared more than I should have about my past situation but at this point I really dont care. This is my life and my ish was real and I needed real feedback that came in the form of other anonymous posters who gave some really good advice and helped me through some tough times. Some how this is much easier than sharing things with real live people. If in the future someone wants to elephant me, I'll deal with it. I would take full responsibility for my part in sharing and release the elephanter into the night.
Unpopular opinion alert....

Eliza is a beautiful writer and in reading the love story leading up to her marriage I had questions then about whether what was unfolding was lasting love/marriage or a great romantic story.

To me isn't about whether she was telling the truth about her marriage to us, but whether she herself was seeing the truth of him and their relationship.

Still holding out the best for OP.

i totally get what you are saying. i don't think she left anything out either. she did discuss some of her marital issues. from all of that, i didn't get a picture perfect vibe from her. i believe there was a lot of love there, but there were still problems that just couldn't be resolved. i do wish OP the best. i hope things move forward on a peaceful note. no sadness or bitterness.
i totally get what you are saying. i don't think she left anything out either. she did discuss some of her marital issues. from all of that, i didn't get a picture perfect vibe from her. i believe there was a lot of love there, but there were still problems that just couldn't be resolved. i do wish OP the best. i hope things move forward on a peaceful note. no sadness or bitterness.

Very possible. Honestly I didn't follow her story that closely.
Well, considering the way this tread turned out, I wouldn't be surprised if she decided not to come back with an update. I wouldn't. :ohwell:
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The way the thread is set up it invites reaction so I think she knew what she was doing.

People like Eliza so I think she'll find a lot of support here if she decides to update.
People don't share certain things here because there are many women that love to celebrate in the misery of others. Some posters hardly ever post in any threads except the ones where they can bash someone's relationship or be negative about another woman in general.
Very possible. Honestly I didn't follow her story that closely.

I didn't either and I try not to keep an elephant memory of things on here, but she did talk about those things, over the course of her 2 year marriage. Some days you are just so in love that you want to tell the world. Other days, you may want to punch the person in the face, or crawl in a hole.

But she did just kind of left us hanging! Lol
The way the thread is set up it invites reaction so I think she knew what she was doing. People like Eliza so I think she'll find a lot of support here if she decides to update.

I believe she knew what she was doing setting up this thread. She's been a member long enough to know how LHCF works. I also think she's following the thread.
This thread is to get a buzz , a dramatic cliffhanger, leave y'all in suspense. To have y'all begging for more. All while checking the post daily. Is this a popular poster or something?

Hope all is well tho.....
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