Happy 2 YR Wedding Anniversary!

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At this point I don't think the OP should further address this situation. I see some people are really being messy and mean spirited. Just ask a mod to shut this thread down. :nono:

This thread isn't messy or mean at all. Honestly if this were anyone other then Eliza the thread would have imploded by now.
Hmmmm... This thread is hanging like a barnyard animal :giggle: I hope, because I love love, that she was just making a play on words. It would be very nice if she would update though.
Unpopular opinion alert....

Eliza is a beautiful writer and in reading the love story leading up to her marriage I had questions then about whether what was unfolding was lasting love/marriage or a great romantic story.

To me isn't about whether she was telling the truth about her marriage to us, but whether she herself was seeing the truth of him and their relationship.

Still holding out the best for OP.

I share this sentiment.

call me cynical but everything that glitters ain't gold.

Even still everyone deserves to be happy, hopefully everything works itself out.
between this and Straight plate thread some of you ladies up here aint looking to right .....please tell me yall pmsing or something cause some of you's sound real mad and thirsty
Let me just mark a spot in here in case I want to check this thread in 6 months. Maybe there will be an update by then.
She did say in another thread she'll be single and free in less than 50 days so maybe she's waiting until it's finalised to confirm here but it's a bit odd to keep us hanging.
She did say in another thread she'll be single and free in less than 50 days so maybe she's waiting until it's finalised to confirm here but it's a bit odd to keep us hanging.
Wait. She's posting in other threads yet not responding in her own thread? Naw. That's foul
Lol so this thread can be 200 posts long over 1 op with scant information but someone can come here for help with their struggle hair and barely get 10 responses. Interesting.
Maybe you all should ignore any new threads from her until she comes back to provide an update on this one. Seems silly and childish to me. Not to mention that her marital life isn't exactly of so much interest that people should be sitting around with bated breath. Lol. Don't give her the satisfaction. People showed concern and she ignored it.
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Now… I would have come back sooner and given an update and perhaps shared some things...but first and foremost you don't discuss details of a divorce while it's still being negotiated...I'm really surprised no one thought of that...but maybe more so because some of you ladies are so disappointing, in the way you conduct yourselves...you really are.

Reading truly is fundamental. You took a story from 2008 which was all true, that I did turn into a novel and tried to say what... that somehow because I’m a writer, that my real life wasn't real. For the record my husband (as he will be for the next what...11 days) was and is everything I said he was. But he is not the person I wrote the novel about…and I never said he was perfect, but he did and does still love me very much.

I also never said I was in love, for those of you who think you're so good at digging...go find the post where I said I'm not in love but I love and will always respect him. Sometimes it takes more than love to stay in a marriage.

And yes it was all that, and sometimes all that glitters is gold. But what if gold isn't enough or maybe I just realized I don't want gold. I think for some of you a working black man, who cooks, cleans and throws it down in bed is a...how do we say it here? A unicorn...you don't think it can't exist because you’ve never had one...so you can hardly imagine someone finding one and then not wanting it.

I came here to tell you that yes my husband is a good man, he didn't do anything to me there was no big thing that happened and whomever gets him will hopefully have a level of compatibility that he deserves. It wasn't me. I’m different and I want someone who is different. That's not a crime...it is self-awareness and a blessing to have, no matter how late in the game it comes. I made a mistake in getting married but wasn't going to make another one by staying in it.

For those of you naysayers who have spent time gathering in the fields with your curdled thoughts, congratulating yourselves on the demise of my marriage…gnashing your teeth because I won’t tell you what happened...it's none of your business. So get over it.

Still despite the negativity and thoughtless mumblings you posted, I truly wish that one day you find a love you deserve so that you can stop being so bitter and always wanting to find the worst in other's relationships. You will not find happiness by wishing ill onto others. It just won't happen...what you put out to the universe is all the universe knows to give you back. Being a miserable person only begets misery. Stop doing that.

Lastly, to those of you who wished me well, called me or pm'd me...thank you for that and for being there. You know how much I appreciate the friendship we've made over the years. But as many of you already know I am fine, I am well and all is good. I'm happy and elated with the thought of being able to move on.

This thread is closed as far as I’m concerned.
How fair is it to call people nosey on a public forum? No one asked for an update on your marriage you started the thread. Posters didn't wish for your marriage to fail either; you came in saying you were getting a divorce. I'll chalk all this up to grieving because there is no way you truly believe people were wishing for a chance to be ugly to you.
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